Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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This isolation, quarantine stuff lasting another year and a half is crazy to think about. I’m very anti-social but even found myself texting my friends after not communicating with them in 7-8 months. I currently have no videogames, gonna buy a console soon so I can play some rpg’s that will keep me busy for the next year.

Sailors on sidelined carrier get virus for second time
WASHINGTON (AP) — Five sailors on the U.S. aircraft carrier sidelined in Guam due to a COVID-19 outbreak have tested positive for the virus for the second time and have been taken off the ship, according to the Navy.

The resurgence of the virus in the five sailors on the USS Theodore Roosevelt underscores the befuddling behavior of the highly contagious virus and raises questions about how troops that test positive can be reintegrated into the military, particularly on ships.

All five sailors had previously tested positive and had gone through at least two weeks of isolation. As part of the process, they all had to test negative twice in a row, with the tests separated by at least a day or two before they were allowed to go back to the ship.
Homie got some 'splainin to do 🤔
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Homie got some 'splainin to do 🤔
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whenever somebody starts with that ¨ humans are the disease¨ bs, I think ¨your solution starts at home then.¨

This isolation, quarantine stuff lasting another year and a half is crazy to think about. I’m very anti-social but even found myself texting my friends after not communicating with them in 7-8 months. I currently have no videogames, gonna buy a console soon so I can play some rpg’s that will keep me busy for the next year.

yeah, we´re going to have plenty of free time in 2020. so getting a hobby this year is a damn good idea.
I used to come in here daily for updates, but I’ve switched it to every few days, for a few minutes. **** is depressing man.
Gyms are reopening on Monday in FL. Some of my boys are ready, but I’m not going. All I want to do is hoop and I have no idea when that’ll happen again.
I guess tennis will be my new thing.
Yo just a heads up my work(work in CA) they’ve started limiting the amount of meat you can buy now due to the outbreaks at meat plants. They’re only allowing the purchase of 2 packs each of beef,chicken, and pork. You may start seeing this more at your local spots so just a heads up.
Yo just a heads up my work(work in CA) they’ve started limiting the amount of meat you can buy now due to the outbreaks at meat plants. They’re only allowing the purchase of 2 packs each of beef,chicken, and pork. You may start seeing this more at your local spots so just a heads up.

Costco said it would temporarily limit fresh beef, pork and poultry purchases to a total of 3 items per Costco member, following Kroger Co

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Just regarding that Take Denmark back demo, I guess, it's more of a "return Denmark to normal" demo. It's a high school graduation tradition, where the graduates hire these drivers to driven them around visiting every classmate's home, while drinking and honking. Because of the lockdown and uncertainty of final exams, this guy took it upon himself to demonstrate on the most windy and rainy day of 2020.

So Sweden has 10,2 million people and 3646 deaths.
Denmark's 5.6 and 543.
Norway's 5.3 and 232.

It's kind of tiny social experiment, where Scandinavians are pitted again each other and almost rooting against each other. I guess, because we're hoping our respective leaders are making the best decisions, it's a little unnerving to see our neighbors chose different strategies. But no matter boarders and state lines, we're all interconnected and as just demonstrate in Seoul, it just takes one person to go clubbing to challenge even the best response to COVID.
yeah, we´re going to have plenty of free time in 2020. so getting a hobby this year is a damn good idea.

...you know, a hobby like running a semi-regular, mostly serious news report on a sneaker website:

Good Saturday morning lady and gentlemen of NT and welcome to the Channel 9 CCNN newsroom!

Once again, NT Mexican crisis correspondent cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 here with views from the Pacific Coast.

[dramatic head whip to camera 3]

The first half of May is in the books for this sunny city by the sea, with Puerto Vallarta having been under quarantine for nearly 2 months...but the latest developments introduce sweeping changes to life in town.

With the national economy relying heavily on American spending, officials in vacation destinations across Mexico are scrambling to collect any tourism dollars possible from north of the border and around the world.

Indeed, not only is the city planning a nearly full-scale reopening starting Monday 18 May, local travel and hospitality firms have banded together in an attempt to garner a global designation known as ¨COVID-Zero,¨ positioning the city to be presented as a safe and relaxing worldwide travel destination this year.

...because Zero COVIDs Whatsoever is Totally A Thing That Can Happen in 2020.


[local Q Patrols make their final runs this weekend.]

For further reading on this topic, we turn to our colleagues at PVDN:

They can open hair salons by appointment, hotels, and motels, but without using common areas, as well as nurseries, hardware stores, neighborhood stores, furniture stores, craft workshops, and shops that do not generate crowds. There should be one customer in establishments for every seven square meters.

Aeromexíco has already announced plans to resume offering international flights, and Carnival Cruise Lines has pledged to begin visiting the port again starting August 1 using ¨a measured approach.¨


Contributing to the confidence of local government in the reopening scheme are Puerto Vallarta´s remarkably low numbers for infection and fatalities when compared with pretty much anywhere on the planet.

The city of 250,000 residents claims just over 100 cases and under 10 deaths from the pandemic so far.

This estimated figure includes the over 40 nurses confirmed to be infected at a single area hospital as well as 5 city council members who tested positive after recently falling ill in the city´s municipal chambers.

...and so, we have infectious disease evaluator James Butler here to assess the validity of these official figures.


Sixers video: Jimmy Butler hilariously makes a paper airplane on bench

Heh, classic Buckets...thanks for taking the time, Jimmy.

Elsewhere in Mexico, the true toll of COVID-19 has become impossible to hide due to its sheer scale.

While federal government has done their best to minimize the percieved impact of COVID-19, details are beginning to emerge showing devastation in the nation´s capital as CDMX is overtaken by the pandemic.

The death toll, at least in Mexico City, is believed to be undercounted by at least a factor of 5...as a result, there are currently ¨no plans¨ to reopen the economy in North America´s largest city (pop. 25-30 million)

Even more disheartening are the reports that there appears to be no mass testing initiative in the works, as Mexico´s chief executive AMLO has been notably mum about such plans...this, of course, follows the recommendation of the Untied States´ leader Dr. President, who believes ¨testing make country look bad.¨

History will doubtless look back kindly on this decision.


[¨Heroes Also Cry¨, a new mural in Acapulco]

Obviously, everything is fine where I live because reasons, and so we turn back to local news because shut up.

With an entire town full of functioning alcoholics advised to shelter in place for over 7 weeks now, alcohol shortages are beginning to grip the city. Kwik-E-Marts around Vallarta are beginning to run out of classic cooler beers like Corona and Modelo, leaving only **** nobody drinks like nasty *** Sol and Michelob Ultra.


[a local considers his limited options.]

In a directly related story, over 60 poisonings have been reported statewide as drinkers looking for their fix turn to bathtub hooch. These tainted spirits can cause blindness and even death, as they have in 35 cases.

A black market also developed around safely produced alcohol as well. 24-packs can fetch up to 3000 pesos (approx. $130 USD) on the street, as profiteers search for any possible revenue stream in these strange times.

Fortunately, shortfalls in beer production have been offset by great investments in the local community thanks to one committed taphouse in town. Monzón Brewing has begun to serve hot Sunday breakfast free of charge to hungry locals, in what is imagined as a crowdfunded pilot program for other area establishments.


[the brew crew serves the community like never before]

In a tremendous, beautiful piece on affiliate news outlet welovepv.com, the owner of the brewery basically says ¨these moneygrubbing gringoes better step it tf up with this philanthropy ****, because you do NOT want to live where the streets are starving. that´s big word.¨...or something like that, I´m paraphrasing here.

Either way, check out the article to learn more about how you can help.

Finally, in our human interest segment, a popular series of live musical performances to raise donations to local bar bands put out of gigs by the municipal shutdown rolls on tonight with the debut of a new blues trio with one of the most 2020-relevant names Channel 9 has yet heard this weird year: Landlord Fugitives.

[down with the sound? bless the tip jar here!]

The show starts at 9pm ET, and this reporter already has the best seat in the house: the one under his *** rn.

For Channel 9 CCNN, this is cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 reminding you to stay safe, mask up, and wash your hands.
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