Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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can someone tell me why 2 psychic storefronts in my area are open ?

i called 311 and my local precinct for the past 2 weeks and nothing has been done and they remain open

before anyone calls me a snitch about these non essential business remaining open
i just found out today I had a distance older relative who i haven't seen in years pass away from coronavirus

she was in a vegetative state for years but its still an unnecessary loss

brings back memories when i worked in the downtown area. always came through when i needed lunch
their cookies :frown:

people are so selfish

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Karen Gets Upset Because She’s Not Allowed To Shop Without A Mask, Despite Being Given Other Safe Options! -

Bruh this lady was forcing the **** out of this scenario.

"There's private stuff I need that I don't want you to see"
As opposed to other times when you buy tampons that disappear in your cart and no men can see?

"I have a health condition that makes it hard to breathe when I have a mask"
Sounds like a respiratory condition. The type of condition that makes you vulnerable to COVID...

"I'm just gonna give you my bank information? How Do I know I can trust you?"
Go to an ATM and take some cash out for the groceries. Problem solved
Karen Gets Upset Because She’s Not Allowed To Shop Without A Mask, Despite Being Given Other Safe Options! -

The employee and the manager did a great job at handling that. I don't think I would have the patience to deal with that. :lol:

Also would love to know this "condition" she has where she can't wear a mask.

Her condition is called "BS-atitis"! Super proud of the two employees in the video. She wanted massive confrontation and got ZERO! Just polite people.

The thing that bothers me the most, is when she says "how am I gonna pay for that?" "Just give you my private credit card"? Welcome to the world of internet grocery shopping lady! Everyone has been doing it and it works fine! Entitled brat!!
Bruh this lady was forcing the **** out of this scenario.

"There's private stuff I need that I don't want you to see"
As opposed to other times when you buy tampons that disappear in your cart and no men can see?

"I have a health condition that makes it hard to breathe when I have a mask"
Sounds like a respiratory condition. The type of condition that makes you vulnerable to COVID...

"I'm just gonna give you my bank information? How Do I know I can trust you?"
Go to an ATM and take some cash out for the groceries. Problem solved

We all know damn well she wasn’t there to do any actual shopping :lol:
Was reading about the story on Reddit. She is a flat-earther! She honestly believes the works is flat? How does one get through life with that kind of mentality. You know she isn't going to call corporate. She's gonna just leave it go after no one pushed any angst back at her and didn't get the reaction she was looking for. Hope she sees how bad this makes her look.
Arent' these same protestors the same ****s who think if they don't like what a store is doing, they should shop somewhere else? competition and free market right? This dumb broad will turn around and support a shop to kick black and gay people out and let the free market decide things. But dumb **** can't **** off and shop somewhere else
Was reading about the story on Reddit. She is a flat-earther! She honestly believes the works is flat? How does one get through life with that kind of mentality. You know she isn't going to call corporate. She's gonna just leave it go after no one pushed any angst back at her and didn't get the reaction she was looking for. Hope she sees how bad this makes her look.

read that thread too...shes head executive flat earth, anti-vaxx, 5G tower conspiracy theorist, list goes on.

we all know damn well Karen came out to the upscale market in south OC to pick a fight that day and record it and show how #bossbabe she was, but dancing cart homie was not having it today
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