Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Cant wait for the day one of these fat turds pushed someone's limits and they get stomped out on video.

this emerging phenomenon new **** is pretty much the exact opposite of satisfying forum debates tho.

I mean, these supermarket folks re already overworked, underpaid, didn´t have great lives before the Great Cluster**** of 2020, standing behind a register breathing your Dorito breath...you think they have LOTS to lose?

I mean, stabbing a customer´s eye out with a bathroom key may be illegal...but that don´t put your eye back.

mfs loved ¨Joker¨ but don´t seem to recall the storyline.

July 4th for LA? COuld they pick a worst target date for re-opening? Can't we go with July 6th instead?

People are going to be way too amped up for the 4th of July.

that´s what´s known as ¨cap¨ in the industry.

they definitely pulled the same stunt here, the very first lockdown announcement for the area came in the form of a ¨5 day period¨ that purported to end on a Wednesday, and I instantly knew that was some 5950.

gotta be a gullible mf to believe some ****.
call him Kevin

Lastly, you're saying that there is a way to let these "low risk" individuals go back to work while also taking precautions. There is but that way isn't perfect and people are violently fighting and protesting it.
The protests are not even the issue. There is a demonstrated process to allow the safe reopening of the economy that is simply not being followed by state and federal authorities: widespread testing, isolation, and tracing. On top of that, there are reports of red state government officials falsifying the number to give the impression that everything is getting better. The fact that the CDC guidelines have been tossed in the proverbial trashcan by those in charge is what folks should have an issue with.
The protests are not even the issue. There is a demonstrated process to allow the safe reopening of the economy that is simply not being followed by state and federal authorities: widespread testing, isolation, and tracing. On top of that, there are reports of red state government officials falsifying the number to give the impression that everything is getting better. The fact that the CDC guidelines have been tossed in the proverbial trashcan by those in charge is what folks should have an issue with.

this is perfectly articulated.

no we can´t just hide our heads for 5 years, but we have to gather and use information to not make this worse.

OF COURSE I want to take my *** back outside and have fun with the normals...but can we do this right tho?

get some testing out, get that MANUAL contract tracing up and running--camera footage, interviews, cell signals, payment method transactions, not just CHECK IN ALL TIME EVERY TIME like 1984 Party members.

THIS is what successful nations are doing, not crawling up our asses with LoJack.

Singapore’s TraceTogether, released on March 20, is a more limited coronavirus tracking app that keeps a record of close contacts between the phones of registered individuals without registering where those interactions occurred. Unlike South Korea’s database, it is optional, and in fact only about 25 percent of the population has signed up. It uses a phone’s Bluetooth function to detect and log every instance when two people (or at least their phones) come close enough to each other for Bluetooth to recognize the signal.

It is Singapore’s app, not the South Korean ones, that has become the model for other countries. This includes Australia’s COVIDSafe, which was rolled out on April 26. Although take-up of Singapore’s TraceTogether has been poor, Australians have flocked to COVIDSafe, with more than 4 million downloads in the first week—even though the underlying government monitoring system is not yet operational. When it is, users who test positive for coronavirus will be asked (not ordered) to let the government warn others that they have encountered someone with the virus, without telling those notified who the infected individual was.

right now the American national reopening plan seems like it was written up by Ivan Drago.

can the United States just act like a civilized modern nation, is that too much to ask?
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Cant wait for the day one of these fat turds pushed someone's limits and they get stomped out on video.

You can feel the insecurity bubbling over when he says, "I'm not a sheep." His crusade in life is to be different by refusing to wear a mask when he shops in line at ******* Costco.

"Grandpa, tell us again about that time you rebelled against the system by not wearing a mask when you were shopping at that giant retail store made for sheep to all buy the same exact thing. Please, grandpa, please! I want to hear about how you were a badass and said '**** the system, I don't care if I jeopardize the life of old people. Oh, you were so cool, grandpa!

"And, to show you I'm like you, we poisoned your dinner! We're tired of your old ***."
"you're not going to have a summer, unless you deal with this problem"

"i think that i am familiar with the fact that you are going to ignore this particular problem until it swims up and bites you in the *** "

"if we make an effort today we might be able to save August"
Bradley Cooper in wedding crashes was a complete **** sandwich

And Brad on home improvement was the white privilege brother
I typed up tanner and this is the 1st tanner to pop up:

Look at him. This one pick says enough. Bradley Cooper does look like he’s either nice as hell or just a douche though.
Thanks man. I‘m trying not to lose my mind entirely over this. Haven’t been able to work since March and 7 weeks after filing I still have nothing from UI and no way of contacting anyway for help. It’s extremely frustrating and not being able to provide for myself it’s taking its toll on me mentally and financially. My situation is probably still preferable to most but it’s still hard.

But the statistics, right now, tell me that I probably won’t end up in the ICU given my age and health status. I’m willing to take that risk to be able to work and make a living especially when I’m getting no help from the government. How is it fair to tell people who are getting no help from the government and can’t go to work that they need to stay home for the sake of other people? That’s ludicrous.

We do risk-benefit analysis all the time and always come up with some level of risk and death that we, as a society, are okay with. We get in our cars and drive everyday despite the 10s of thousands of fatalities from car accidents every year. We get on planes and fly across the world despite the possibility of it crashing. We have sex with strangers despite the chance of contracting an STD. The difference is WE get to choose for ourselves if we want to take these risks, not the government.

I also understand that a virus is different from the above scenarios. Again, I understand quarantine and why it was enacted to begin with and I’ve been in favor of it until recently when I began to look at raw numbers and facts instead of fear mongering MSM narratives and it changed my mind.

People are hurting by staying home but no one talks about that. It’s either you want to stay at home until there’s a vaccine (which isn’t even a guarantee) or you’re selfish and endangering other people because you want to make a living and save your business/family from going under. That narrative needs to stop. (Not saying you’re pushing that narrative, certainly seems you aren’t)

Probably the best post in here.
Could just be the beginning of lawsuits. Newsom already made phase 3 easier. No way counties can slow down reopening if there is legal trouble. Personally I don’t care about churches but I’m all for giving people a choice.


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