Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Reminds me of all the fake outrage with people I knew saying they’d leave America if Trump won and not a single one moved a muscle...

Had multiple job offers throughout East/Southeast Asia in 2016 that I was choosing from until my dad happened to get lung cancer at the same time and needed my help *shrugs* no empty words on my end.
This **** not going to last forever.

As soon as experts indicate it's safe to do so I'm on the move again.

The so-called experts don’t know what to do with this virus you think they don’t know when it’s going to be safe I highly doubt it
it’s all a guessing game my friend

I almost agree with you here, but that seems like a hill people would die on.

The unfortunate thing the people that will die on the hill to travel Are gonna take people that are not on the hill that don’t want to die

that once again people bing selfish And harming others in the process
The WHO are just puppets of these countries that fund them. I mean money talks, every single person would act the same way.
But as an Institute it completely defeats the point. I almost think it'll be more effectively if global private organizations created partnerships during these times

as much as I agree with that private organizations but individuals will become more wealthy than they ever have been before and certainly don’t deserve to be
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Was driving on the highway yesterday and a truck had a big *** sticker that said "Fck China'. Now I don't give a **** if people hate on the CCP, but as an Asian dude the fact people are comfortable enough to be out driving around with that is unsettling. I've never been to China nor do I have the desire to, but I know damn well people don't exactly sit and ponder if I'm Chinese or not, they assume I am.

This, along with a few other not-so-subtle incidents have got me feeling like I'm not safe when I go out alone no more. Not to be dramatic, but I am super on edge in public and always ready to defend myself verbally or physically. I have photos and video of the truck but it's grainy but I thought about trying to send the story to media, and add to the list of Asian-American racism.
I live in a pretty conservative area of CA and honestly never heard a single person say they’d move over Obama. In my experience, Republicans are live/die Americans regardless of who’s in office.

I heard/saw it moreso from the blatantly racist folks out in the deep South, but come to think of it you're right they weren't moving they were talking about outright violence/revolution.

edit: those south OC folks would never move, even if they hate Newsom and the immigrants and sanctuary cities. those rich folks are sheltered/too far removed from any bad stuff lol. And if anything comes their way, NIMBY. Throw a giant collective Karen tantrum.
why any american would want to travel out the country or any non american would want to come to the states is beyond me

i don't want anyone to take offence to this but where all better off staying where we're at

arguing about it on here helps no one

world travel is what got us here in the first place and now 5 going into 6 months of this virus it's only getting worse around the world expect for a number of countries that should stop people from traveling to their countries if they want to keep their citizens safe

world travel even domestic travel needs to end RIGHT NOW
I consider some travel to be legit right now -- going to see loved ones, especially immediate family, or returning home if for some reason you got stranded the past couple months. And any essential travel, like CDC-related stuff. Let Fauci fly wherever he needs to go.

Any leisure travel or business travel to have a meeting? Hell no.

Having a 2-week quarantine is one way to help deal with this. That way you only fly if you really need to go and if you need to be there for an extended period.
I consider some travel to be legit right now -- going to see loved ones, especially immediate family, or returning home if for some reason you got stranded the past couple months. And any essential travel, like CDC-related stuff. Let Fauci fly wherever he needs to go.

Any leisure travel or business travel to have a meeting? Hell no.

Having a 2-week quarantine is one way to help deal with this. That way you only fly if you really need to go and if you need to be there for an extended period.

your right i agree with you on seeing loved ones if its an important reason but there is so much to risk doing so but i definitely understand what you mean

the airlines don't care about people's health thats why they're packed in like sardines
i personally think it's too much of a chance of getting sick even for coming home or seeing family but some travel needs to happen
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your right i agree with you on seeing loved ones if its an important reason but there is so much to risk doing so but i definitely understand what you mean

the airlines don't care about people's health thats why they're packed in like sardines
i personally think it's too much of a chance of getting sick even for coming home or seeing family but some travel needs to happen
You're absolutely right. I want to see some family but the last thing I want to do is risk bringing an infection with me. If I had the flexibility I would fly there and self-quarantine for a couple weeks first. We'll see where we're at in the winter but that may be what we have to do for the holidays.
If the US can get its head out of its *** during the summer we might be able to have some type of workable routine throughout the fall and winter months.

That's a big IF though.
If the US can get its head out of its *** during the summer we might be able to have some type of workable routine throughout the fall and winter months.

That's a big IF though.

My neighborhood sounded like parties were going on everywhere last night. Fire works, yelling, people being wild.... smh
Seeing crowded areas all over the Bay Area this weekend. Dolores Park, beaches, etc were all crowded. I'm getting nervous because people seem to just be fed up or are "easing" up. A lot of people I know are starting to go back to "normal." I'm the paranoid one, but I don't mind being that with this on our hands. Drink, BBQ, chill in the sun at your house is my state of mind but I guess people think differently.
Marina district yesterday in sf.
At what point does the owners take on responsibility for allowing this to happen?

What does it matter that people are getting tested and negative on a holiday weekend?

Don't symptoms show up 2-3 weeks later? I'm guessing the asymptomatic people are not getting testing until symptoms start showing up, at which point you could have gotten the virus 2 weeks ago.

Am I missing something?
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