Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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A friend of mine that works in a DC bar mention to me that the next phase for DC might be end of July and there is talks of blockn out part of the streets to have fake me out patios for the bars that dont have rooftop ect. Forgot what the name of it was called
A friend of mine that works in a DC bar mention to me that the next phase for DC might be end of July and there is talks of blockn out part of the streets to have fake me out patios for the bars that dont have rooftop ect. Forgot what the name of it was called

its going to have to happened all around the country or how are restaurants going to survive
i believe the same thing is going to happened in nys
A friend of mine that works in a DC bar mention to me that the next phase for DC might be end of July and there is talks of blockn out part of the streets to have fake me out patios for the bars that dont have rooftop ect. Forgot what the name of it was called

the outdoor only phase in California was only a few weeks. most restaurants did that but pretty much everyone can have indoor dining minus the Bay Area.
General consensus unfortunately seems to be nobody giving a damb about this anymore. I saw a girl post a pic of her on a packed beach in New Jersey and her caption was BYE BYE Coronavirus. Oh....and she's a nurse

where was she a nurse in a nursery school lol
sad thing its not even a joke im sure she was serious

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where was she a nurse in a nursery school lol
sad thing its not even a joke im sure she was serious

oh she was 100% serious lol.She was also posting pics of her when the pandemic was at its worst saying how tired she was and Eff COVID etc. Weird how the sun comes out and the shutdowns work and now it's bye bye COVID a few weeks later
I come back here in peace.

My bro had corona about a month and a half ago. He was coughing and felt a bit a crappy and he woudnt of gotten tested until his office said he had to cause someone tested positive (works admissions in a hospital.) Long story short, he tested positive. He just stayed in his room and we disinfected the bathroom whenever he used it, brought food to him and basically thats it. I had a mask everytime I left my room and 2 weeks later he tested negative and I never got sick. Helped he wasnt really coughing all that much, and he was never really that sick. Ive seen his allergies hit him worse.

My aunt, 60 with hbp, a bad heart and diabetes was on a vent but she pulled through thankfully.

I been out almost everyday in NYC, biking mostly and always getting takeout. Mask on always and ive gone through many bottles of sanitizer. Also use my own forks and whatnot, or if the place has the ones sealed in plastic ill take like 6 of em. :lol:

Hope ya’ll are well.
a person like this shouldn't be a nurse in the first place

All my “hero nurse friends” are the ones where one day theyll post “tired of this social distancing, but we have to be responsible”and the next day they throwing a bbq. Not for nothing, if you a nurse and work with covid patients you should be social distancing more than ANYONE else. I had another friend and she was at the beach huggin up on all her friends. Bruh.
All my “hero nurse friends” are the ones where one day theyll post “tired of this social distancing, but we have to be responsible”and the next day they throwing a bbq. Not for nothing, if you a nurse and work with covid patients you should be social distancing more than ANYONE else. I had another friend and she was at the beach huggin up on all her friends. Bruh.

people dont give a damn for some its human nature
All my “hero nurse friends” are the ones where one day theyll post “tired of this social distancing, but we have to be responsible”and the next day they throwing a bbq. Not for nothing, if you a nurse and work with covid patients you should be social distancing more than ANYONE else. I had another friend and she was at the beach huggin up on all her friends. Bruh.

All facts. Another nurse chick I know had COVID with her husband, and they fully recovered and this last weekend they went on a trip with 4 other couples like nothing happened.
All my “hero nurse friends” are the ones where one day theyll post “tired of this social distancing, but we have to be responsible”and the next day they throwing a bbq. Not for nothing, if you a nurse and work with covid patients you should be social distancing more than ANYONE else. I had another friend and she was at the beach huggin up on all her friends. Bruh.
That part is people will gladly accept their word as Gospel because of these reasons:

1) They're a medical professional so their words will be viewed as facts.
2) People are looking for any reason to go out.
3) They will think if the nurse never contracted it, than they're definitely "immune".

It's not even about herd thinking or anything like that, this just comes down to people being antsy and bored.
It's worth nothing that flu season is typically finished in May. We're solidly in June and we're still at ~50% of the peak from two months ago.

There's many ways this could play out. The most pessimistic view is that this virus is weather-dependent and most potent from November through February (but still transmissible enough that it lingers through summer). We got lucky in 2019-2020 that it didn't really arrive until early spring. But we won't be as lucky in 2020-2021 since it will be plentiful coming into the winter.

But maybe it mutates. Maybe wearing masks and a few other precautions is enough to slow it down. Maybe many of us are already magically immune without being exposed. Maybe maybe maybe....
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Thats goin all over IG and dude is nuts if he doesnt think protesting is going to attribute all that much to a potential influx. :lol:

I don’t think that’s what he’s saying though. He’s saying that the rise we have already been witnessing is due to the rushed reopening of states that DJT pushed for and many unmasked people were rallying for several weeks ago. He’s correctly stating that the protests over the past ~week wouldn't have caused a significant increase yet.
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