Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Some of yall gunna be afraid to live your lives for a whole nother year huh? Sad.

Well, when your immunocompromised from having a liver transplant, then yeah, I'm a little scared of catching this thing and the damage it can do to me (which to a transplant patient, is HUGE)! Hell, I'm A LOT scared!! Don't judge me and say it's "sad that I'm not living my life" as you don't know the circumstances one has to take. Welcome to my reality!! If your a healthy person, just thank your lucky stars you don't have to deal with this like myself and others who are classified as high risk. Don't be judgemental as you don't know why people have to do what they have to do to stay safe!
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Typical politicians and people on a sneaker message board question me why I don’t vote especially somebody from out of state like I said you take my vote

Cuomo is starting not to care or not like he cared in the first place
like he said he wouldn’t put his own mother in a nursing home after his screw up

I will never vote for anybody again they can send me all the mail in ballots they want you know where it’s going straight to the garbage

In fact first I was going to dump my mail in ballot in the garbage and I though about it and put it in the mailbox with return the sender written on it you know what the post office did they sent it back to me then I threw it away

If the numbers are small so small of the people dying in New York state they can’t give a second or two To give the public the numbers

so damn Disrespectful to the people that have perished

The number of deaths and the number of new Infections is the most important information that the state Can Delivered to the people
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Not saying it doesn't exist. But uhhhhh
The NBA is a very big entity.
They start late July.
That's not just fans. That's team GM's and etc which I doubt the NBA is willing to put on the frontline of contracting something fatal.
Someone as big as the NBA doesn't restart without clearance from a reliable source.
Well, when your immunocompromised from having a liver transplant, then yeah, I'm a little scared of catching this thing and the damage it can do to me (which to a transplant patient, is HUGE)! Hell, I'm A LOT scared!! Don't judge me and say it's "sad that I'm not living my life" as you don't know the circumstances one has to take. Welcome to my reality!! If your a healthy person, just thank your lucky stars you don't have to deal with this like myself and others who are classified as high risk. Don't me judgemental as you don't know why people have to do what they have to do to stay safe!

you shouldn’t have to explain yourself If people don’t understand Then they don’t Care

take care of your self bro none of us are safe from this
Not saying it doesn't exist. But uhhhhh
The NBA is a very big entity.
They start late July.
That's not just fans. That's team GM's and etc which I doubt the NBA is willing to put on the frontline of contracting something fatal.
Someone as big as the NBA doesn't restart without clearance from a reliable source.

Late July is a long time away. They will not restart the season if the situation is deemed unsafe. IIRC, they suspended the season before any states had even taken action yet...

These look great and made in USA! Not sure I really need any more masks, but I'm tempted.
Is anyone here currently using filters in their cloth masks? I have a few cloth masks that I wear at work and they have a filter pocket, but I'm really not sure about which filters are best. The fact that they add additional layers of filtration is the biggest appeal to me, but I've seen so many opinions on the best ones and that some are actually harmful because of the materials being used that shouldn't be breathed in. Def not buying any that are made in China, but am also skeptical of any "home made" profiteers on etsy.
Some of yall gunna be afraid to live your lives for a whole nother year huh? Sad.
I'm not necessarily afraid to live my life. I'm afraid that I will transmit the virus to a loved one and they will die on my account.

I've adjusted and am still "living life", just differently. More cooking to replace eating out. Meet friends online or in small private gatherings rather than at a bar. Running and biking to replace going to the gym.

I'm prepping myself mentally to do this for another year. Sure, things may change, but it's worth being ready for whatever happens. It's also an opportunity to reassess what means the most to me and how I can preserve those things while cutting out what I don't value as much.

SF is going to allow outdoor dining this week. interesting to see how this plays out. unless they close off streets, not much room for tables given the narrow streets

it's not a matter of if, but when the virus will really hit certain areas
so is this pandemic over or nah?

Question for you guys: Will we see another lockdown if cases spike dramatically - similar to March / April levels? It’s something I’ve been thinking about and I don’t see it happening for a few reasons.

First off, I think the lockdown we just went through was obviously unprecedented but also took a major toll on so many people. Asking people to halt their lives as they knew it, not leave their house unless it’s a grocery store or a target/Walmart or something “essential”, and telling them they can’t interact with other human beings at all. Forcing 40 million people out of work, unemployment benefits not reaching people for weeks and months on end, depression and suicide rates spiking dramatically as people lose a sense of purpose from not working and many who live alone and maybe away from their family suffer from extreme isolation. Then there’s the impact on the local and national economy as over 50% of small businesses don’t expect to be open in 6 months. There there’s the civil and political unrest over George Floyd and subsequently policing. I mean, a large part of the reason the protests exploded so rapidly is because the lockdown exposed so many of this country’s flaws and with no sports or going to bars or out with friends to distract them, many people have been hyper focused on politics.

Plus, you have a lot of people lowering their fear over the virus as we’ve learned more about it and people realize they aren’t going to drop dead when they go to the grocery store. Especially now that the WHO is claiming asymptomatic people rarely spread the virus, however true that actually is. People not gonna take this seriously enough to comply with another lockdown.

Despite how you feel about reopening and the side effects, I don’t think another round of lockdowns is going to sit well with majority of this country nor do I think it’s enforceable without martial law. Unsettling enough, though, we’re already starting to see martial law being put in place in response to these protests and rioting.

Nonetheless, weird times are upon us and on the horizon.
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