Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Guy in charge looks at this and says 'we got beaches too. the biggest beaches. Some say the best, we can call it many things but some say the best. We have plenty of beaches to dig graves"

“and our numbers. Let me tell you, our numbers are huge. The biggest numbers in the world. Other countries look at our beaches and they want what we have. We can bury ten to FIFTY times more bodies on our beaches than CHIIIINNNNA.”
Makes no sense. This is when you gotta e-mail all your client base and ask who wants a haircut and sign a covid waiver and go to their homes to cut. This shouldn't be so confusing

This. Maybe he was trying to capitalize also and get new clients, and he didnt have enough regulars? Idk.

My homies bro is giving me my first haircut in 3 months tomorro, gonna do it in his backyard. Excited as a muh.
Holy crap, these ppl are nuts! 🤣 Reminds me of Parks and Rec when the crazies show up to town meetings.

Orange County residents speak out against masks.
That's what alot of the dominican barbers are doing uptown, including my barber. A few of them in my area that I know of told me they may operate like this instead of renting a chair beyond the quarantine and it may likely be the new norm for most of them.
That's what alot of the dominican barbers are doing uptown, including my barber. A few of them in my area that I know of told me they may operate like this instead of renting a chair beyond the quarantine and it may likely be the new norm for most of them.

What they doing safety wise? Masks, clean equipment, spray down the cover they put over you?
What they doing safety wise? Masks, clean equipment, spray down the cover they put over you?

For me, All of the above. I ask my barber to take off his shoes before coming in to my place.

I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't practicing what you mentioned. Alot of the Dominican population dont;'t even wear mask anymore.
For me, All of the above. I ask my barber to take off his shoes before coming in to my place.

I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't practicing what you mentioned. Alot of the Dominican population dont;'t even wear mask anymore.

If a barber had a crib with a porch and able to cut outdoors he would make bank. Alcohol to clean equipment after every cut, and tell customers bring their own barber cover.
Holy crap, these ppl are nuts! 🤣 Reminds me of Parks and Rec when the crazies show up to town meetings.

Orange County residents speak out against masks.

Bro, some of things people say out there are simply nuts. You can tell that they've lived there their entire lives.

It seems like a normal area due to the wealth and the suburbs. But there were definite cringe moments I've had with people at the local Ralphs town centers.
NZ isn’t welcoming ANYBODY right now, and I can’t blame them one bit. Still a COVID-free zone?
Nah I mean in the long run. 2020 and we got people in ******* government saying black people can’t wash their hands well so they getting covid at higher rates - I’ve lost hope this is going to get fixed here. And yeah still a covid free zone. My friends back there sending me **** I can’t do daily :lol::lol:


How about some good news? My state is killing it. I’ve been critical of Murphy at times, probably due to my own frustrations, but these numbers are 🔥

I really marvel at that R1 number. I remember experts explaining that it has to be under 1 for it to be the spread is reversing. We’re at 0.66.
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