Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I dont believe any of the half assed measures we've takem and continue to take are sufficient to do anything but concentrate wealth. Certaintly not protect lives. Were way passed that
I would like to believe we’re doing something to say safe but besides that I agree with 100%

Seems its more important to protect wealth then lives and you’re right we’re way past that unfortunately
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I’m all for this quarantine to continue on/throw away a summer in order to preserve winter and beyond. Let’s say everything opens full tilt, and this virus comes back ragin’ in the fall/winter. Parents my abroad already getting tired of looking at their kids, the colder climate, plus the holidays, another shut down would not be good. Even if it’s a season where many are indoors.

my mother works for the board of ed, and they had parents calling teachers crying asking if the school can take in their kids for a few hours.
Sadly, herd immunity and vaccine are years away according to most epidemiologists
We really are defying science and gambling with our lives
Im pretty certain they won't shut **** down again - whihc means the time elderly and at risk people have to stay in will be even longer. Devastating for old people who are already more socially isolated than younger people
Im pretty certain they won't shut **** down again - whihc means the time elderly and at risk people have to stay in will be even longer. Devastating for old people who are already more socially isolated than younger people
my parents were suppose to start traveling after retiring. i can tell SIP really getting to them since they are the type that hate to be cooped up indoors. at the same time, we're definitely not letting them go on any trips/cruises anytime soon even as restrictions are lifted.

how are most of ya older parents/grandparents handling this?
Im pretty certain they won't shut **** down again - whihc means the time elderly and at risk people have to stay in will be even longer. Devastating for old people who are already more socially isolated than younger people

The only problem with high risk people staying in longer is the lack of income. I am a transplant patient. The highest risk as I am totally immunocompromised with no immune system that is functional (I take medication to turn it off so it doesn't attack my new liver). I am terrified to go back to work as I don't know who's coming in to the showroom (I'm in auto sales). I know the CDC and others say high risk should stay home. I'd love to but without money coming in (I'm using my ST disability I pay for, as I was out for severe Crohn's disease since February and got it extended past the 3 months due to being a transplant patient), I cant. But once August comes, it's over and I can't stay home anymore.

I never asked for anything in my life, worked hard for everything I got, worked through my liver failure and GI surgery, and never took time off except for surgery & the appropriate recovery period. Hell, I was working through my severe Crohn's disease at the end of last year when I was going to the restroom up to 30 times plus a day! But I never took time off. I dealt with it. But it would be nice if the government would set up something for those who are at such high risk, to get SSI disability.

Have it documented by the doctor who is monitoring the patient, that way, only true high risk people would qualify and no fraud would happen. But I know they won't but it would be nice to know that someone cares. But I'm living in a fantasy world.
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my parents were suppose to start traveling after retiring. i can tell SIP really getting to them since they are the type that hate to be cooped up indoors. at the same time, we're definitely not letting them go on any trips/cruises anytime soon even as restrictions are lifted.

how are most of ya older parents/grandparents handling this?

My parents (68 & 66) were much the same, always on the go and traveling constantly. For the first couple months they were mostly staying home, having groceries delivered, etc but lately they've been grocery shopping, ordering takeout, getting together with friends and supposedly social distancing, but I've seen otherwise on my mom's IG. My dad has been golfing with friends, but he says he's taking his own cart and keeping his distance. Bottom line, I think they're starting to let their guard down and I keep reminding them that the cases have been increasing in our area and things are definitely not getting any better anytime soon. They are smart people and should know better, but like so many others, they're tired of being isolated and are taking calculated risks that I don't agree with.
Houston may re-impose stay-at-home order
The initial Harris County (Houston and surrounding suburbs) stay-at-home order expired overnight.

Here's what Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said today: "We may be approaching the precipice of a disaster ... It’s out of hand right now. The good news is it’s not severe out of hand." Houston, says Hidalgo, continues to have rising COVID-19 numbers.

The city and county have a new "public level threat system," and it's currently at Level 2/orange. Level 2 means significant threat (Level 1 is worst, Level 4 is lowest threat).
Houston may re-impose stay-at-home order
The initial Harris County (Houston and surrounding suburbs) stay-at-home order expired overnight.

Here's what Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said today: "We may be approaching the precipice of a disaster ... It’s out of hand right now. The good news is it’s not severe out of hand." Houston, says Hidalgo, continues to have rising COVID-19 numbers.

The city and county have a new "public level threat system," and it's currently at Level 2/orange. Level 2 means significant threat (Level 1 is worst, Level 4 is lowest threat).

Should of never opened up in the first place and it should be shut down yesterday. Lives were lost just off this. Its sad man.
Houston may re-impose stay-at-home order
The initial Harris County (Houston and surrounding suburbs) stay-at-home order expired overnight.

Here's what Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo said today: "We may be approaching the precipice of a disaster ... It’s out of hand right now. The good news is it’s not severe out of hand." Houston, says Hidalgo, continues to have rising COVID-19 numbers.

The city and county have a new "public level threat system," and it's currently at Level 2/orange. Level 2 means significant threat (Level 1 is worst, Level 4 is lowest threat).

"Its out of hand, but not severe out of hand"

Wow. These people. :smh:

I don't feel like this is accurate. Arizona is starting to break out right now and they reopened about a month ago? So these protest would not really really hit until the end of the month?

I just feel like this whole thinking were going to have a massive outbreak within 2 weeks or were fine logic is not correct, it takes a little longer.
I don't feel like this is accurate. Arizona is starting to break out right now and they reopened about a month ago? So these protest would not really really hit until the end of the month?

I just feel like this whole thinking were going to have a massive outbreak within 2 weeks or were fine logic is not correct, it takes a little longer.
100% this.
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