Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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What’s not sitting well with me is how many colleges in the south are still planning on opening this fall.

My little sister is supposed to move in to her dorm next weekend and I’m still appalled. Cases rising every day but they are going to get that paper at any cost.

we’re going to need some outlets to summarize this

niketalk called it months ago before the info was official

Btw I been up 15 hours straight with no sleep
I can’t take this anymore
There’s a NYC hotline for people dealing with mental health effects resulting for the pandemic my G. Don’t be afraid to hit them up.
we’re going to need some outlets to summarize this

There’s a NYC hotline for people dealing with mental health effects resulting for the pandemic my G. Don’t be afraid to hit them up.

I might be crazy but I just need a little Natural sleep not sleeping pills lol

15 hours straight, isn’t that what everyone does every day, except more like 16-18 hours lol

not the people I know everyone else gets sleep
at this point I’m past 18 hours up


Had to tell our daughter that she wouldn't be going to school this fall and it broke her heart.

I told her that me and her mom would be her teachers this school year and that made her feel a little better. My wife is designating me as the "field trip/science/history" teacher.

Hoping cases begin to decrease so I could take her on nature walks. Already thinking of doing a drive to Muir Woods.

But we'll see.

Be safe everyone.
Had to tell our daughter that she wouldn't be going to school this fall and it broke her heart.

I told her that me and her mom would be her teachers this school year and that made her feel a little better. My wife is designating me as the "field trip/science/history" teacher.

Hoping cases begin to decrease so I could take her on nature walks. Already thinking of doing a drive to Muir Woods.

But we'll see.

Be safe everyone.

they don’t have online classes for her where your at?
My son was supposed to start pre school in the fall and I think we are going to pull him. He’s only two so he won’t even really know, makes me sad that he can’t really be around other kids his age though - I hope it doesn’t have an impact on his development. We were excited to get him into school, around other kids, and learning; however it looks like that’s gonna have to wait now.
My son was supposed to start pre school in the fall and I think we are going to pull him. He’s only two so he won’t even really know, makes me sad that he can’t really be around other kids his age though - I hope it doesn’t have an impact on his development. We were excited to get him into school, around other kids, and learning; however it looks like that’s gonna have to wait now.
Kindergarten for my little one. Ain't looking likely at this point.
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