Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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What does that last statement even mean? I continue to go to work and adhere to my daily routine with minimal sacrifice. How is that not "living"?

What I DON'T do is leave a state that is finally experiencing a downtrend in the middle of a global pandemic to go somewhere that's seeing spikes because "I need to leave NY."

Like dawg just go upstate if you need to get away. It's a quick trip, beautiful this time of the year, and a total change of pace from the city. Is expecting people to wait to start traveling for pleasure that big of an ask right now?

But you're judging others

Why do you deem your activity as being better? You're no different, you're going out. It's levels? You can go out for work, but not pleasure?

People need to pay attention to all aspects of their health. First it should have been done before this, and next people also have to pay attention to their mental health. Some people might need to get away, be around people.

People need to make their own decisions and stop judging others.

And I see what the right says, because a lot of you are half glass empty people and just read negative articles all day that scare you and leaves you depressed.

They're angry at wearing mask and you're angry at people living.
Isn't Obesity an underlying condition? People like "I AM HEALTHY" mannnn at 6 foot 185lbs i fall into the over weight category. If i get covid and die they would throw me into the underlying condition category.

Wouldn't be surprised if seasonal allergies counts too :lol:
Too many people assume they're not overweight and have never even checked.
But you're judging others

Why do you deem your activity as being better? You're no different, you're going out. It's levels? You can go out for work, but not pleasure?

People need to pay attention to all aspects of their health. First it should have been done before this, and next people also have to pay attention to their mental health. Some people might need to get away, be around people.

People need to make their own decisions and stop judging others.

And I see what the right says, because a lot of you are half glass empty people and just read negative articles all day that scare you and leaves you depressed.

They're angry at wearing mask and you're angry at people living.
Because going to work in an ICU to treat sick people IS far better than traveling from a state experiencing a downtrend in COVID cases to go hang out in the hotel pool in Miami. Surely you understand the difference in necessity and potential consequences?

But, again, you can EASILY "get away" in NY state without actually leaving the state. Want to go to the beach? Take a trip out east. Want to go to the mountains? Go upstate. Sure as **** makes more sense than leaving the state to go somewhere where cases are spiking. That's another garbage argument from you.

Also miss me with this "stop judging others" nonsense. We all judge for a variety of reasons, it's just that some people are self-aware about it and some aren't.

I have no issues with people "living." I have issues with people unnecessarily leaving a densely-populated area that got wrecked by COVID to go to states where COVID cases are finally starting to spike only so they can return to said densely-populated region with a heightened chance that they were exposed to COVID, potentially impacting others. THAT'S my issue.

I live with the philosophy of "do whatever you want as long is it doesn't negatively affect others." If you can't understand that distinction and how traveling to higher-risk states doesn't fit in with that philosophy, then I don't see a need to continue this discussion.
People need to make their own decisions and stop judging others.
no they don't. absolutely not. people have been making their own decisions and here we are
this mentality is dumb as hell especially when there's a pandemic.
let's not listen to the doctors and healthcare personnel who dedicate their lives to this....lets just let these people do what makes them feel safe.
i'm sure that will work out well...

all this soft "dont judge me" bs is a cop out to be dumb and have no responsibility for it
no they don't. absolutely not. people have been making their own decisions and here we are
this mentality is dumb as hell especially when there's a pandemic.

let's not listen to the doctors and healthcare personnel who dedicate their lives to this....lets just let these people do what makes them feel safe.
i'm sure that will work out well...

What's the chance of dying from Covid?
But you're judging others

Why do you deem your activity as being better? You're no different, you're going out. It's levels? You can go out for work, but not pleasure?

People need to pay attention to all aspects of their health. First it should have been done before this, and next people also have to pay attention to their mental health. Some people might need to get away, be around people.

People need to make their own decisions and stop judging others.

And I see what the right says, because a lot of you are half glass empty people and just read negative articles all day that scare you and leaves you depressed.

They're angry at wearing mask and you're angry at people living.

I totally agree with this. While I’m still taking a lot of precautions and have not gone out to eat once (have gotten lots of take out) I’m starting to feel that a lot of what the media and news has portrayed has been meant to incite fear. I was absolutely scared back in March. Now nearly 6 months later since my state shutdown, I’ve finally seen a good friend a few times and it was great for my mental health.

You still won’t find me flying or being in large groups, but I’ve had friends who have flown, who have gone to weddings, bachelor parties, etc. Everyone has been completely fine. I’m not saying covid isn’t serious, as I’m still taking it serious and taking precautions, and I know there are NTers who have had family members seriously effected and some themselves. At the end of the day, do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.

I’m just at the point where I am starting to seriously question the media’s agenda, not just with this but with a lot of things.

Stay safe everyone.
I will say there is something to balance though, looking for verifiably safe things we can do outdoors to break the monotony. Wouldn't be able to live with myself though if my mother caught it just because we wanted to sit on a patio and eat a quesadilla or some ****.
This is why im saying calculated risks. Anything outside of being outside your home is a risk, hell that one dude got it and he hasnt left his crib in a month. Now im not gonna go out and go clubbing or anything, but im def gonna do low risk activities. Plane would probably be the biggest risk im thinking of taking.
What irks me is this pseudo intellectual Nonchalant attitude towards the virus. I understand everyone needs breaks. Lots of people don’t have the willpower or mental/emotional stability to isolate themselves. But don’t try and justify it with Facebook logic. It’s a big risk either way and it’s compromising peoples health either way.

A lot of doctors, nurses, PAs I know went on vacation in the past 2 months. Mentally and physically needed.

Take the proper precautions on the plane and anywhere indoors.
did they all take a 2 week quarantine after coming back?
my hospital People are allowed to drive but if they fly they have to mandatory quarantine for 2 weeks and no one I know can afford that
I spent decades paying attention to my health PRIOR so when I got Covid I didn't have preexisting conditions, to where I wasn't that sick.

Because I already knew there was less than a 1% chance of you actually dying.

And I avoided being around people and told those around me who were high risk to avoid people.

Because I'm intelligent enough to know that there's a chance of dying doing everything. Are you not going to a club? Are you not going to drive? Not going out in thunderstorms? Not going on airplanes?

Because I'm logical with critical thinking skills, and not emotional.

Enjoy your time trapped in the house.
See it’s not about you though...it’s about the spread of the virus. Like I said, you are probably young and void of responsibilities. I can tell cause your scope is so small where you are only thinking of yourself. I can’t even blame you for your point of view but miss me with the “don’t judge me “ nonsense.
Can you imagine if you didn’t have people telling you to not go out like that? Do you see how irresponsible it would be?
did they all take a 2 week quarantine after coming back?

I think everyone is taking advantage of this.

You are required to take a quarantine of 7-10 days upon return, provide negative results, all while still getting paid.
I think everyone is taking advantage of this.

You are required to take a quarantine of 7-10 days upon return, provide negative results, all while still getting paid.
Yeah our hospital will not pay you for knowingly getting quarantined. They got it good.
See it’s not about you though...it’s about the spread of the virus. Like I said, you are probably young and void of responsibilities. I can tell cause your scope is so small where you are only thinking of yourself. I can’t even blame you for your point of view but miss me with the “don’t judge me “ nonsense.
Can you imagine if you didn’t have people telling you to not go out like that? Do you see how irresponsible it would be?

Again, so you don't go outside the house?

and what are you going to do if there's not a vaccine?
This isn't an all-or-none thing.

In March, we didn't really know what was up, so it was unknown if going to the grocery store or opening a package would get you infected.

We have a better grasp on what you can safely do or not. You don't have to stay in the house all day to be safe. There will be times when you do need to take a risk. That's when you take a calculated risk and do your best to avoid making it worse.
Also, nobody's a tough guy or brave or cool for taking a risk. Because the likely victim of the risk-taking won't be you, it'll be somebody else.

(I don't know if anybody's saying that in here, but just wanted to be clear about the fall-out when talking about risk-taking in terms of covid-19)
Also, nobody's a tough guy or brave or cool for taking a risk. Because the likely victim of the risk-taking won't be you, it'll be somebody else.

(I don't know if anybody's saying that in here, but just wanted to be clear about the fall-out when talking about risk-taking in terms of covid-19)

Then that person who is high risk needs to stay in the house, avoid others and protect themselves
What irks me is this pseudo intellectual Nonchalant attitude towards the virus. I understand everyone needs breaks. Lots of people don’t have the willpower or mental/emotional stability to isolate themselves. But don’t try and justify it with Facebook logic. It’s a big risk either way and it’s compromising peoples health either way.

did they all take a 2 week quarantine after coming back?
my hospital People are allowed to drive but if they fly they have to mandatory quarantine for 2 weeks and no one I know can afford that

My nurse friends are the one throwing the big bbq’s, traveling and all that more than anyone. They think they are probably covid experts by now so they can do whatever cause they know what precautions to take. Not that I agree with them but they really be wylin. Big bbq’s, weddings, parties, with parents and grandparents.

I aint doing any of that. I take the risks im willing to take but aint going ham like they are. All im talking about is thinking of taking a flight and look whats happened. :lol:
¨calculated risks¨ is definitely the phrase for 2020.

you stay locked up alone for months at a time and you will lose your monkey *** mind...ask a sociologist.

it´s fair to say that for the sake of your sanity, you´re gonna have to roll the dice on a good time sometimes.

we here for the next 2-5 years...might be damn near 40 by the time this **** shakes out.

on the other hand

ya won´t catch cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 on a plane this year, and even though my job was to review bars and restaurants for the local tourism department, I quit kthxbye...haven´t been around more than 10 folks all year.

so I take a little hike with friends from time to time, have a beach day with a huge bubble every so often.

what I don´t do is act like there´s not a pandemic, hanging out with a bunch of breath at packed house parties.

outdoor venues. low numbers. situational awareness. you gotta choose your friends carefully.

way I see it, it´s about collectively putting enough good decisions in a pile as a society.
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