Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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¨calculated risks¨ is definitely the phrase for 2020.

you stay locked up alone for months at a time and you will lose your monkey *** mind...ask a sociologist.

it´s fair to say that for the sake of your sanity, you´re gonna have to roll the dice on a good time sometimes.

we here for the next 2-5 years...might be damn near 40 by the time this **** shakes out.

on the other hand

ya won´t catch @cosmiccoffee9 on a plane this year, and even though my job was to review bars and restaurants for the local tourism department, I quit kthxbye...haven´t been around more than 10 folks all year.

so I take a little hike with friends from time to time, have a beach day with a huge bubble every so often.

what I don´t do is act like there´s not a pandemic, hanging out with a bunch of breath at packed house parties.

outdoor venues. low numbers. situational awareness. you gotta choose your friends carefully.

way I see it, it´s about collectively putting enough good decisions in a pile as a society.

let's all stop arguing and name calling it leads to nothing
its a bad time for all of us
all our lives have changed one way or another and not for the better

none of us have the freedom we had a year ago and we all have worry from just doing everyday things
the bank grocery shopping getting around your city town or state
taking public transportation in your big or small city
hell going into a store & buying a pair of sneakers your talking a risk

forget about going on an airplane thats the biggest risk
your not just risking yourself doing any of these things your taking a risk with anyone you know or don't know

as i said many times before the way we all lived our lives before february of this year is just a dream at this point

one guy on here has been sick just from receiving groceries at home

we should all be happy that we're breathing and not in the hospital or worse dead
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I consider myself an introvert and thought I’d be fine with staying indoors during lockdown. I was cool for 3-4 months but not being able to see any of my family members started to take a toll on my well being. I’m super close to my family so a couple weeks back, decided to drive to Sacramento from SD so i can see them. Man, it was such a great feeling to hug my parents and for them to spend time with their grandkids. They haven’t seen them since February.

Anyways, being on lockdown did some good for me and my family as well. As much as i wanted to stay inside and be safe, theres no way my 6 yr old could handle staying indoors. So we started going to beach more and parks. Basically anything outdoors with open space. Taught my son how to ride a bike w/ no training wheels and we’ve been riding our bikes around the neighborhood which is a blast. We Are super cautious, wear masks, wash hands, social distance, etc... i don’t bring my Kids to the grocery store, target, etc... with a lot of people.

SD opened up yesterday And i drove thru neighborhoods cuz i wanted coffee and places were super busy and packed so i decided against it. If i feel
uncomfortable about a situation and feel there’s too many people, i leave no questions asked. Especially with my health, im not willing to risk it. I won’t be flying anywhere soon so I’m thinking of renting an RV for the family next summer and just drive around and explore California.
While we are making fun of conspiracy theories... anyone know about the crazy Q conspiracy theories that the Democrats are all Satan worshipping pedophiles? And there is a LARGE number of people who completely believe it.

2020 is a mess.
Famb, this whole Q thing is one of the most delusional, disturbing and dangerous things I have ever seen in awhile
NIH releases statement on Trump's miracle cure of convalescent "plahsmah":

  • There are insufficient data to recommend either for or against the use of convalescent plasma for the treatment of COVID-19.
  • Convalescent plasma should not be considered standard of care for the treatment of patients with COVID-19.

I have few separate plastic food containers that I use as "clean/dirty" stuffs in my laundry room.
Each of my car has a container to store mask.
I only get mails from the mailbox on Saturday, unless I am expecting something important. Then I store them in a bin for 3 days before I open them. Same thing if I get a package.
Any clothes and masks that I've used outside, I wash them with laundry sanitizer.
I only use Lysol spray to spray my car seats if I physically sit/lay down in a place outside my house, like dentist/doctors office, car dealership during service.

Crazy knowing I never been so paranoid like this before.
I have few separate plastic food containers that I use as "clean/dirty" stuffs in my laundry room.
Each of my car has a container to store mask.
I only get mails from the mailbox on Saturday, unless I am expecting something important. Then I store them in a bin for 3 days before I open them. Same thing if I get a package.
Any clothes and masks that I've used outside, I wash them with laundry sanitizer.
I only use Lysol spray to spray my car seats if I physically sit/lay down in a place outside my house, like dentist/doctors office, car dealership during service.

Crazy knowing I never been so paranoid like this before.
Do similar stuff.

In these times it's not easy to tell, what's reasonable practices and what's paranoia, but it helps me relax, when I'm back indoors.
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