Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I’m not getting it anytime soon. :lol:
I have made it a point over the last few months to ask people I’ve come into conversation with about COVID if they are wanting to take/skip the VACCINE. I’d be interested in seeing a poll, what do you think kingkoopa kingkoopa
Poll worthy question for your thread?

I do the same thing, and I´m really surprised to see the level of apprehension...I have very few committed antivaxx friends (partially by design) and I´d say maybe 3 out of 10 would take their scheduled turn with it.

actually inspired me to write something explaining why I´d be happy to jump the line.

way I see it, If I can convince one person I´ll have done a service to my species.

Find your place in the COVID vaccine line with this interactive questionnaire by NY Times...

essential workers get an earlier slot, eh?

...might be a good time to pick up a few hours over at the Dollar General or start driving Uber.
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It's interesting how that interactive quiz goes by where I live instead of where I work. Bet I move up earlier in the line if I put Manhattan
why has the FDA been dragging its feet as front line workers and nursing homes contract Covid at stunning rates? they were so quick to give EUAs for HCQ, remdesevir, Regeneron, and convalescent plasma. those treatments were crap but pushed by Trump

meanwhile the FDA continues to slow walk a treatment that is proven to be very safe and clinical trials show it is more effective in reducing mortality

i know a pharmacist working in research, including on the Moderna trial and he and his colleagues (including MDs, PhDs) came to the conclusion both vaccines should be approved ASAP after reading the studies

the vaccines are literally the first with good data, because the trials weren’t conducted by people with their heads up their asses. I don’t understand why more people aren't demanding answers from the FDA
Regarding vaccines, does one need to be generally non exposed to covid? Or can you take it while battling it?
Regarding vaccines, does one need to be generally non exposed to covid? Or can you take it while battling it?

Better to wait until you clear the virus/infection before getting any vaccine. Shingles, pneumonia, flu, etc. Especially if you're symptomaptic.

Which falls in line with those who have antibodies getting vaccinated. Wonder if there is any research on that.
I wonder when DiBlasio and Cuomo gonna stop playing and start up another real lockdown cause they no gym no indoor dining thing ain't cutting it.

hell, if I asked what was in every drug I´d ever been administered, parties would have been a lot less fun.

I wonder when DiBlasio and Cuomo gonna stop playing and start up another real lockdown cause they no gym no indoor dining thing ain't cutting it.

I´m strongly in favor of limiting transmission as well, but we should start asking when the cash is coming.

I totally empathize with anyone who is not #saferathome because their living is outside.
My thinking has changed a bit. Early on, I think a lot of transmission was in public areas, whether public transport, restaurants, or bars. It made sense to shut them down then, but now with masks and social distancing they are not the primary drivers of transmission.

Instead, it's people's attitude that have changed, and now we are probably getting most transmission from people congregating privately in homes. There's not really much we can do about that, at least not directly.

That said, with covid-19 out of control in the community, it now means that public spaces are riskier than they were before, even with the same level of social distancing and usage of masks. So while I don't think closing things down is as impactful as it was in the spring, it should still be considered as a short-term tool to help slow the spread. It also sends a message that things are serious, which will hopefully discourage people from congregating privately, but it could also have the opposite effect and drive people to meet up at home rather than at the mall with masks on.

Either way, a stimulus package and economic support for businesses and individuals is crucial and should've been implemented weeks or months ago.
Our governor straight up said here it isn’t spreading from dining out because the capacity was reduced so much and it’s from houses.

then he shut down restaurants anyways and left everything else wide open :lol:

This clown activity is gonna have small business owners voting GOP if he doesn’t figure it out. Dude has people PISSED.
why has the FDA been dragging its feet as front line workers and nursing homes contract Covid at stunning rates? they were so quick to give EUAs for HCQ, remdesevir, Regeneron, and convalescent plasma. those treatments were crap but pushed by Trump

meanwhile the FDA continues to slow walk a treatment that is proven to be very safe and clinical trials show it is more effective in reducing mortality

i know a pharmacist working in research, including on the Moderna trial and he and his colleagues (including MDs, PhDs) came to the conclusion both vaccines should be approved ASAP after reading the studies

the vaccines are literally the first with good data, because the trials weren’t conducted by people with their heads up their asses. I don’t understand why more people aren't demanding answers from the FDA
You aren’t wrong, but the stakes are much higher with the vaccines than those other “treatments.” It’s been stated that the process to approve the vaccines is so crucial that they wanted time to properly review the data and have a thorough discussion with heads of those companies to have them answer all questions and clarify data that may either be missing or incomplete. This is also to help assure the public that the approval process was not rushed, because it’s all for nothing if enough people don’t get vaccinated.
Our governor straight up said here it isn’t spreading from dining out because the capacity was reduced so much and it’s from houses.

then he shut down restaurants anyways and left everything else wide open :lol:

This clown activity is gonna have small business owners voting GOP if he doesn’t figure it out. Dude has people PISSED.

I think this is what pisses people off like the mayor of Denver. He said not to travel for thanksgiving and to close stuff down then he goes and travels for thanksgiving. Just stop being so damn hypocritical. Follow the same rules you want of your constituents to follow.
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