Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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That and if you wanna do democrat **** you gotta have democrat money. We all know that isn’t happening. No stimulus is coming for these places so what business do you have shutting them down?

we’re already #1 with COVID here and it got worse after you shut down the restaurants.

by process of elimination it should tell you it came from thanksgiving, not going out to eat.

I used to laugh at people demanding to open up but now I get it. No one is coming to help them, they are losing everything and it’s not even stopping the spread. Even if they get a stimulus it doesn’t matter when you already are out of business.
Which is funny how people just down dogs without question

The IARC/WHO classified processed meat as a Group 1 carcinogen, the same category as tobacco smoking and asbestos.
We've now passed the April peak for deaths (averaged over 7 days). And it's not going down anytime soon. Cases are still going up, which means deaths will likely still be increasing throughout most of December. The peak was 55,000 deaths in April. We're going to surpass that, and it's not outside the realm of possibility that 100,000 Americans will die from covid-19 this December.

Welp, my region is officially back under stay at home orders starting Monday.
Doubt it will be enforced though.

Nope just like last time. Our local officials, with the exception of local health officials, never been the champion on this. People will still do whatever they want.
I feel like it gets brought up a lot. It’s just ppl don’t care unfortunately.

It’s as if this was all “inevitable“ regardless to half the country

due to our country's culture?

i know Japan and South Korea have different cultures but wouldn't those be somewhat good benchmarks for democratic countries?
due to our country's culture?

i know Japan and South Korea have different cultures but wouldn't those be somewhat good benchmarks for democratic countries?
Yeah definitely part the individualism and hyper partisan political culture doomed us from the jump.

I’m not 100% sure but Japan and SK may be more of a collectivism culture when it came to approaching the pandemic
Even if we were together as a culture we still wouldn’t get any help unless we decided to burn down Washington as a bi partisan group.

Obviously this is the republican’s fault but they didn’t get here fairly. There is way more democrats then republicans in this country but those old zombies are the ones holding everything up. Until that’s not possible we will continue to be trash.
Even if we were together as a culture we still wouldn’t get any help unless we decided to burn down Washington as a bi partisan group.

Obviously this is the republican’s fault but they didn’t get here fairly. There is way more democrats then republicans in this country but those old zombies are the ones holding everything up. Until that’s not possible we will continue to be trash.

I feel like in a better imaginary world if we were more collectivism in our approach to alot of things either we would have burned down **** already or the public servants would be more accurate representations of us as whole but here are 🤷🏿‍♂️
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why has the FDA been dragging its feet as front line workers and nursing homes contract Covid at stunning rates? they were so quick to give EUAs for HCQ, remdesevir, Regeneron, and convalescent plasma. those treatments were crap but pushed by Trump

meanwhile the FDA continues to slow walk a treatment that is proven to be very safe and clinical trials show it is more effective in reducing mortality

i know a pharmacist working in research, including on the Moderna trial and he and his colleagues (including MDs, PhDs) came to the conclusion both vaccines should be approved ASAP after reading the studies

the vaccines are literally the first with good data, because the trials weren’t conducted by people with their heads up their asses. I don’t understand why more people aren't demanding answers from the FDA

Big difference between vaccinating healthy people and trying whatever they can to treat someone dying of COVID-19. Different hurdles to pass for approval. It just isn't the same.
I feel like in a better imaginary world if we were more collectivism in our approach to alot of things either things would have burned down already or the public servants would be more accurate representations of us as whole but here are 🤷🏿‍♂️

pretty much, they got us divided pretty good now.
That and if you wanna do democrat **** you gotta have democrat money. We all know that isn’t happening. No stimulus is coming for these places so what business do you have shutting them down?

we’re already #1 with COVID here and it got worse after you shut down the restaurants.

by process of elimination it should tell you it came from thanksgiving, not going out to eat.

I used to laugh at people demanding to open up but now I get it. No one is coming to help them, they are losing everything and it’s not even stopping the spread. Even if they get a stimulus it doesn’t matter when you already are out of business.

All of this. Realistically I think McConnell cuts a deal next week on some type of short term aid. Not because he wants to. But because if they don’t pass anything next week, no matter how he tries to twist it that it’s the Dems fault, It’s going to greatly increase the Dems chances of winning those senate seats in Georgia in a few weeks and he knows it.

If nothing gets passed the Dems can pretty much hammer home the talking point that the GOP controlled the White House and the Senate and had months to get something passed and failed to do so.

They can pretty much say that if they take the senate and Mitch McConnell can’t obstruct things the way he has anymore that they’ll pass an extensive relief package with aid for small businesses, stimulus checks, eviction moratorium related stuff and extending disaster unemployment and hammer these things home, especially in Georgia.
You aren’t wrong, but the stakes are much higher with the vaccines than those other “treatments.” It’s been stated that the process to approve the vaccines is so crucial that they wanted time to properly review the data and have a thorough discussion with heads of those companies to have them answer all questions and clarify data that may either be missing or incomplete. This is also to help assure the public that the approval process was not rushed, because it’s all for nothing if enough people don’t get vaccinated.

I get it, we need to build public confidence. but UAEs could’ve already been approved for health care workers by now. if you want to take time before a full scale rollout, sure

it shouldn’t take the FDA 2 weeks to run rigorous statistical analyses on raw data sets of those sizes. that could have been done within hours, redone and analyzed within a day or 3. call an emergency meeting via Zoom or whatever and start saving lives

that is my lay person understanding at least, from those much more knowledgeable of the specifics
we gotta get them out the paint. I’ll wait on a stimmy if it gets them an L in the senate.

im democrat all the way but this locking down without payment isn’t the move. You can only do that if you got money on deck. We’re better off with no government at this point.
Big difference between vaccinating healthy people and trying whatever they can to treat someone dying of COVID-19. Different hurdles to pass for approval. It just isn't the same.

I understand. from what I gather the data is clear and there aren’t specific concerns in terms of safety or efficacy at this stage of it
My only reason I hope something gets passed next week is because I’m on disaster unemployment and it’s a wrap for that on the 26th if nothing gets passed. Now if nothing gets passed next week and when it eventually does, and I can just reapply for disaster unemployment, then **** it. I’d rather wait it out in hopes of something better with potential backpay.
Damn, yeah that’s garbage if they let it run out. My sister in law is on that too.

Hopefully something real gets passed but I doubt it. It will probably just be some wack deal with a bunch of fine print.
Damn, yeah that’s garbage if they let it run out. My sister in law is on that too.

Hopefully something real gets passed but I doubt it. It will probably just be some wack deal with a bunch of fine print.

I hope the Dems play hardball if that’s the case. No deal hurts the GOP and their chances of controlling the senate with the January runoffs if the Dems do a good job of framing things. No deal is almost better than a crap deal imo, if they can turn no deal into taking those senate seats in Georgia.
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