Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Man fatigue is still kickin our as. Ive never been a nap taker because i end up staying up late at night but on the weekends now its definitely needed.

During work it comes and goes certain days. Its some mornings at like 10 i can barely keep my eyes open, or around like 4 just before time to go home and its a struggle.
Here’s a question that keeps popping up in my head:
What do you do with a surface Or item that was exposed to the virus After it’s been long enough for the virus to die (ie. a couple of weeks)? Is it safe to just rinse with water or would you still have to disinfect it with a wipe or soap?
If this item was a food utensil for example Would using it still introduce the virus in through your mouth?
if so what exactly happens when a dead virus is introduced into your system?

:lol: this city is cooked. Hate this tier ****. Inject me already :smh:
dawg LA is a crap show its why I am so dissapointed with our "leadership"
people have any problem and they are instantly blaming the vaccine. homie talking about the bubble guts and it’s the vaccine’s fault. :lol:
Is there even a correlation?
bruh drank a 4 loko. and killed a gordita crunch 5 dollar box and blamed pfizer smh
Here’s a question that keeps popping up in my head:
What do you do with a surface Or item that was exposed to the virus After it’s been long enough for the virus to die (ie. a couple of weeks)? Is it safe to just rinse with water or would you still have to disinfect it with a wipe or soap?
If this item was a food utensil for example Would using it still introduce the virus in through your mouth?
if so what exactly happens when a dead virus is introduced into your system?

I would wipe it down with Clorox wipes or something, probably wash your hands if you touch anything exposed, but it should be okay, covid is mostly spread via aerosols not on surfaces from what I know

I just want to put out there that viruses are very very delicate, a lot of these experiments that the media talks about how covid last on surfaces for a specific duration is when they test covid virus in an ideal situation, most of the time once the virus is out its going to degrade unless it finds a host quickly (our cells) because viruses are obligate parasites, what I'm saying don't think so much about covid being spread via surfaces its mostly being in contact with someone that has covid where both people don't have proper protection on

I'm pretty sure ingesting a "dead" virus will not do anything, a virus needs its own machinery to function and replicate by infecting host cells so that they can use the host cellular machinery to continue to live if the virus isn't functioning/doesn't have the ability I don't think much would happen? Maybe your immune cells will just get rid of it since its a foreign cell body
sheesh got word of a coworker passing due to covid (in LA)

stay safe papis
My condolences.
I’ve got a 50 y/o coworker who has been hospitalized for a month. His family says he feels better, but they are keeping him under observation “for a lung issue” that they didn’t know the specifics about. Atrophy is so severe that he needs physical therapy to learn to walk again. But my 90 y/o grandmother thankfully only had mild symptoms (fever, headache, fatigue) and made a full recovery with no apparent lingering effects.
watching chiefs/browns gm and stadium looks packed
super bowl weekend going to be a super spreader event
wonder what would happen if teams have positive test. do they push it back?
some slight optimism -- it looks like things have peaked, for now. if we keep up the trend, then in a month we'll see cases cut in half (~100k per day) and in 2 months we'll see deaths cut in half (~1500 per day). if we get vaccinations up to 1+ million per day, that'll start to cut into transmission as well. just hold tight these next couple months.

that still means another 100k+ will die in the next 6-8 weeks, which will sadly probably get us to 500k total deaths.

We're creeping back to first-wave status at my hospital again. ICU and CCU are completely full and critically ill patients are now spilling over onto units that aren't equipped to deal with them.

Today was a total dumpster fire. No breaks or food. I had time to slam one bottle of water and pee once over the course of 13 hours. Exhausted on every front right now.
I would wipe it down with Clorox wipes or something, probably wash your hands if you touch anything exposed, but it should be okay, covid is mostly spread via aerosols not on surfaces from what I know

I just want to put out there that viruses are very very delicate, a lot of these experiments that the media talks about how covid last on surfaces for a specific duration is when they test covid virus in an ideal situation, most of the time once the virus is out its going to degrade unless it finds a host quickly (our cells) because viruses are obligate parasites, what I'm saying don't think so much about covid being spread via surfaces its mostly being in contact with someone that has covid where both people don't have proper protection on

I'm pretty sure ingesting a "dead" virus will not do anything, a virus needs its own machinery to function and replicate by infecting host cells so that they can use the host cellular machinery to continue to live if the virus isn't functioning/doesn't have the ability I don't think much would happen? Maybe your immune cells will just get rid of it since its a foreign cell body

you’re correct about dead viruses. “Dead”/inactivated viruses are the basis of the majority of vaccines: our immune system can recognize/“read” the virus details and create a lasting immune response but without having to worry about the virus actually causing an infection and killing us lol. Dead viruses are mostly harmless.

theoretically a non-living surface would be clear after a few hours. My friend actually asked me about this way back in February because he got a package from wuhan :lol:

if it helps your peace of mind, a once over with a disinfectant wipe is fine.

Also sent him this gif back in february :lol:

also, username checks out :nerd:
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you’re correct about dead viruses. “Dead”/inactivated viruses are the basis of the majority of vaccines: our immune system can recognize/“read” the virus details and create a lasting immune response but without having to worry about the virus actually causing an infection and killing us lol. Dead viruses are mostly harmless.

theoretically a non-living surface would be clear after a few hours. My friend actually asked me about this way back in February because he got a package from wuhan :lol:

if it helps your peace of mind, a once over with a disinfectant wipe is fine.

Also sent him this gif back in february :lol:

also, username checks out :nerd:

When I got Covid (around August) I remember receiving a package from China and I couldn't picture myself other than that gif , haha

In reality, I was careless , I had been quarantining fine since March, mostly working remotely, and following all the protocols, but I was tired, I had spent June and July taking care of my Mother, she lives out of the city and comes visit and to work only for a couple of days every month or so, then she felt sick so she told me if she could come over, she took me by surprise, the week that followed she was diagnosed with some skin cancer, so I had to take care of her, two months were I literally saw no one, in August she was ready to leave, she doesn't like much the city, and I was ready to see some people ... first time going out -> Covid
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