Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Nearly half of all adults in the US have had at least one shot, with almost 30% being fully vaccinated. However numbers seem to remain the same or increasing overall, and in some states surging despite claims that the vaccine prevents the spread of infections.

Are the vaccines really protecting against new strains?
Nearly half of all adults in the US have had at least one shot, with almost 30% being fully vaccinated. However numbers seem to remain the same or increasing overall, and in some states surging despite claims that the vaccine prevents the spread of infections.

Are the vaccines really protecting against new strains?
Look at the data of who is testing positive and it’s mostly the younger age groups who haven’t yet been vaccinated.
Nearly half of all adults in the US have had at least one shot, with almost 30% being fully vaccinated. However numbers seem to remain the same or increasing overall, and in some states surging despite claims that the vaccine prevents the spread of infections.

Are the vaccines really protecting against new strains?

Takes about 2 weeks for your body to get immunity after getting the COVID vaccination. Better data to look at would be what % vaccinated 2 weeks ago, that's your "immune/resistant" people today.
It also seems there is evidence that new strains are breaking through.

Chile has had the second best vaccination rollout in the world after Israel, and is now having a massive surge. They are blaming it on new variants:

Look at the data of who is testing positive and it’s mostly the younger age groups who haven’t yet been vaccinated.

Any stats to share around that? While there has been an increase in younger cases I haven't seen anything that shows that the cases are MOSTLY young age groups.
South Africa variant seems to be the most immune to the mRNA vaccines. I havent heard of many cases in the US though.
It also seems there is evidence that new strains are breaking through.

Chile has had the second best vaccination rollout in the world after Israel, and is now having a massive surge. They are blaming it on new variants:

Any stats to share around that? While there has been an increase in younger cases I haven't seen anything that shows that the cases are MOSTLY young age groups.
I’ll try to pull some stats later, but it’s been a steady decline in older age groups that follows vaccination rates, and an increase in younger age groups as schools have reopened and mobility (spring break as a driver?) has increased.
FYI- Chile is using the (~50%) Chinese Sinovac vaccine.
Anecdotally I’ve been hearing more “I’ve had 2 shots I’m not wearing a mask anymore” and that can’t be helping.

I think the bigger factor is younger people getting casual with restrictions - I’d like to see the stats broken down by vaccinated/non-vaccinated.
We could soon have vaccines for cancer and HIV thanks to COVID-19 vaccine discovery: report

  • The COVID-19 vaccine uses first-of-its-kind mRNA technology to protect a person from infection.
  • Scientists are now applying that technology to other difficult-to-treat diseases like cancer and HIV.
  • Clinical trials are currently underway and have promising initial results.

Vaccine is effective against South Africa variant. There just isn't enough data yet to know how effective.

And yes, the vaccine is crushing it. Just look at this data:

Overall US population, of which over half are not vaccinated:


Nursing home residents, of which almost all have been vaccinated since February:


If the majority of American adults get the vaccine by the end of May, we'll see a similar decrease in overall cases towards zero over the summer. This stubborn "bump" in cases right now would likely be 50-100% higher if nobody was vaccinated.

Another line of evidence, cases by age range at the peak and now:


For the younger age groups, cases are ~1/3rd of what they were at the peak. But for the oldest age groups, which are mostly vaccinated now, it's 1/5th of what they were. There's a lot of variables at play here, but it's good evidence that the vaccine is having an effect. Also, presumably immunity from vaccination will be stronger in younger people, so we should see these numbers start to decline even faster.
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I’ll try to pull some stats later, but it’s been a steady decline in older age groups that follows vaccination rates, and an increase in younger age groups as schools have reopened and mobility (spring break as a driver?) has increased.
FYI- Chile is using the (~50%) Chinese Sinovac vaccine.
It does appear that the Sinovac vaccine isn't very effective, even at both doses compared to Pfizer.
Vaccine is effective against South Africa variant. There just isn't enough data yet to know how effective.

And yes, the vaccine is crushing it. Just look at this data:

Overall US population, of which over half are not vaccinated:


Nursing home residents, of which almost all have been vaccinated since February:


If the majority of American adults get the vaccine by the end of May, we'll see a similar decrease in overall cases towards zero over the summer. This stubborn "bump" in cases right now would likely be 50-100% higher if nobody was vaccinated.

Another line of evidence, cases by age range at the peak and now:


For the younger age groups, cases are ~1/3rd of what they were at the peak. But for the oldest age groups, which are mostly vaccinated now, it's 1/5th of what they were. There's a lot of variables at play here, but it's good evidence that the vaccine is having an effect. Also, presumably immunity from vaccination will be stronger in younger people, so we should see these numbers start to decline even faster.
We had a massive decline after the first wave last year as well with no vaccine. This is with restaurants and George Floyd massive assemblies during the summer. The steep decline in late December/January began even before mass vaccinations took effect. Only 300K people were vaccinated fully in NY at the start of February. Yet the chart shows cases were cut in HALF by that time.
I think it's too soon to determine the vaccine is crushing it when it comes to transmission, especially as cases are increasing despite a approaching a 50% threshold.

What seems promising is the reduction of fatal/severe cases. We'll see in the coming weeks.
Pfizer shots complete. Had my second on Friday at noon.

My first gave me a sore arm for 3 days and that was all.

My second gave me a sore arm for a day. Friday night I felt warm but had no fever. I also didn’t sleep well. I had a very slight headache Saturday that went away that day. Was a little achey Saturday but that went away too. No side effects today.
We had a massive decline after the first wave last year as well with no vaccine. This is with restaurants and George Floyd massive assemblies during the summer. The steep decline in late December/January began even before mass vaccinations took effect. Only 300K people were vaccinated fully in NY at the start of February. Yet the chart shows cases were cut in HALF by that time.
I think it's too soon to determine the vaccine is crushing it when it comes to transmission, especially as cases are increasing despite a approaching a 50% threshold.

What seems promising is the reduction of fatal/severe cases. We'll see in the coming weeks.
That's why I posted the stratification by age and for nursing home residents. I agree we don't know exactly how it'll play out with the variants and on a large-population scale, especially with people relaxing their behavior, but most of the evidence so far indicates we should see a drop in cases as we vaccinate more.

UK, Israel, and US are doing pretty good but Chile is not. It could be the variants. Or it could be that only 1 in 4 have been vaccinated so far and, like Blake P Blake P pointed out, they are using sinovac. And, most importantly, they had loosened restrictions too early. Without restrictions, covid-19 spreads to 3x people every 5 days. With restrictions, that number is between 0.7 to 1.3x people. So if you vaccinate 25% but also loosen restrictions fully, you're going to go to a 2-2.5x transmission rate right away. That's why we shouldn't relax restrictions here for another month or so.
After the two weeks of getting the second shot, how would you know that the vaccine was effective and your body has antibodies?
After the two weeks of getting the second shot, how would you know that the vaccine was effective and your body has antibodies?
They can do a blood test to look for circulating antibodies. I don't know how easy it is to get though and insurance may not pay unless you have a medical reason for it. And that isn't even conclusive since it's possible to not have antibodies but still have protection through other means.

But in general at least 90% are fully protected a week after the second dose. It's unclear why it's not 100% but to be fair it's almost never 100% in medicine or for vaccines.
Got my J&J vaccine yesterday at 3pm and felt fine just a lil more tired than usual for the rest of Sunday. No alcohol and stay hydrated by drinking water and sipped on Powerade the whole day. Went to bed around midnight, woke up in the middle of the night to go pee pee and had some back soreness. Popped 2 tylenol extra strengths and went back to bed.

Feeling pretty normal right now like any other Monday morning.
Got J&J scheduled for tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.

Got the shot Saturday. No real side effects initially except a slightly sore arm.

About 11 hours later started to get chills. They were mild at first but as time passed I started shivering like crazy :wow: . This lasted for a few hours then I ended up hot af, probably because I had on 3 blankets lol. Ended up sweating through everything, woke up with a massive headache which also lasted a few hours, had to pop some Tylenol.

After that tho I felt fine lol.
Got my J&J vaccine yesterday at 3pm and felt fine just a lil more tired than usual for the rest of Sunday. No alcohol and stay hydrated by drinking water and sipped on Powerade the whole day. Went to bed around midnight, woke up in the middle of the night to go pee pee and had some back soreness. Popped 2 tylenol extra strengths and went back to bed.

Feeling pretty normal right now like any other Monday morning.

Update: Starting to feel really tired and back/neck is pretty sore like the day after doing deadlifts.
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