Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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It doesn't look reassuring on that JJ vaccine.
It doesn't look reassuring on that JJ vaccine.

Hope they're just being extra cautious and it's nothing serious.
Fainting isn’t really a problem though - that’s not the fault of the vaccine, it’s proper adverse reactions which are worrying.

If you drill down the difference they’re not really like each other - fainters go white, normal breathing, slow pulse, can be sweaty and a few other things and it usually happens instantly whereas anaphylaxis comes on over a few minutes and they get flushed, fast pulse and most importantly have trouble breathing.

Anaphylaxis is a serious reaction which needs urgent attention, fainting is just something that happens like in all medical facilities and isn’t related to the vaccine and doesn’t have any longer effect.

(today’s public health tip is if you think someone is fainting get them on the floor ASAP - not head between the legs or any half measure but flat out - they’ll come round pretty quickly. If you leave them upright the brain can be starved of oxygen and lead to more serious problems).
It doesn't look reassuring on that JJ vaccine.

18 out of 2,300 and 8 out of 1,250 at another site.


You realize it’s never going to be 0, right?
great read on the woman that was intergral in the development of the mRNA vaccine.


Here's another good one, written by Fauci
I know letting the immune system handle the vaccine is best but is there anything wrong with taking vitamins? ie. The Vitamin c , zinc and Vitamin D-3 regime that had been previously reccmmended by Fauci
I know letting the immune system handle the vaccine is best but is there anything wrong with taking vitamins? ie. The Vitamin c , zinc and Vitamin D-3 regime that had been previously reccmmended by Fauci

without reading into it, offhand I would assume there's nothing wrong with vitamin supplements but moreso that there really aren't any proven benefits over their normal use.
I know letting the immune system handle the vaccine is best but is there anything wrong with taking vitamins? ie. The Vitamin c , zinc and Vitamin D-3 regime that had been previously reccmmended by Fauci

There is nothing inherently wrong with taking vitamins that are designed to foster a healthy immune system, but none could be considered a specific treatment. If you are deficient in any crucial nutrient your immune system may not work up to it's full potential, but there is no such thing as "boosting" your immune system beyond what would be considered the optimal point with vitamins and minerals. Quite simply, your body will expel them as waste. Most people who eat a healthy diet get plenty of vitamin c and zinc, but vitamin D is not a regular part of modern diets, so most of us can only get it by being outdoors when the sun is above 45 degrees. Those who work in a normal office environment will be indoors during those hours on weekdays and in the winter there is often not enough sunshine to make measurable amounts of vitamin D. For this reason, I supplement vitamin D year-round.
without reading into it, offhand I would assume there's nothing wrong with vitamin supplements but moreso that there really aren't any proven benefits over their normal use.

so deficiencies of the three can cause poor immune response/immunodeficiency, but not necessarily an added benefit if taken as supplement, and further studies are in progress/needed to make a conclusion either way.
Yep, that’s what the lady told me who gave me the shot.

she was super nice, I figured They’d all be over worked and pissed.
Vaccine requirements in schools have been the norm for decades, including college. I hope some don’t make a thing about this.
And many of the ones administering the tests and vaccines are making bank. $40-$50 an hour. They shouldn’t be complaining.
Glad to see the vaccine works from a personal experience. Group of 6 friends rented a house in the Poconos last weekend. Only two were fully vaccinated (since February). Someone tested positive directly after the trip and all 4 who weren’t vaccinated are positive with slight symptoms.

The two that were vaccinated got tested and were negative. They slept in similar beds, ate together, drove together, etc.
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