Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Got the shot Saturday. No real side effects initially except a slightly sore arm.

About 11 hours later started to get chills. They were mild at first but as time passed I started shivering like crazy :wow: . This lasted for a few hours then I ended up hot af, probably because I had on 3 blankets lol. Ended up sweating through everything, woke up with a massive headache which also lasted a few hours, had to pop some Tylenol.

After that tho I felt fine lol.

same exact for me. That j&j hits kinda hard man. :lol:

**** suuuuucks.

I see restaurant parking lots completely full on the regular in West Michigan. Supposed to be 50%

People don't care anymore.

Thank you for that tweet. I've been seeing a lot of people (ones I normally respect) talking about how we need to send more vaccines to Michigan. Fine, that's great, but it'll take months before we see a big impact. The fastest and surest way to defeat a surge is with a new lockdown, even for just a couple weeks.

But once again people want the easy way out. It's like how we rely on pills rather than diet/exercise/therapy.
It only takes 2 weeks to stop the spread. (maybe longer)
somebody would need to sit down and do the modeling to get more precise numbers, but slowing the spread for a couple weeks would give them enough time to vaccinate enough people and greatly reduce the number of deaths and hospitalizations.

this is the issue with reopening too early. it's hard to go back to more restrictions, especially with how toxic the politics of restrictions have become.

Got the shot Saturday. No real side effects initially except a slightly sore arm.

About 11 hours later started to get chills. They were mild at first but as time passed I started shivering like crazy :wow: . This lasted for a few hours then I ended up hot af, probably because I had on 3 blankets lol. Ended up sweating through everything, woke up with a massive headache which also lasted a few hours, had to pop some Tylenol.

After that tho I felt fine lol.
same exact for me. That j&j hits kinda hard man. :lol:

Same exact same thing here with the J&J
It hits you so sudden too lol. Like I’m fine one minute and 1 hr later im in my bed shivering with a massive headache.
Im just glad to get it over with and it doesn’t last too long.
Also, my mom also got the J&J and she felt absolutely nothing. My dad got COVID last summer and my mom took care of him the entire time and slept next to him and she never tested positive. I always wonder if there’s some people who just have some natural immunity to COVID cause none of that makes sense.
Also, my mom also got the J&J and she felt absolutely nothing. My dad got COVID last summer and my mom took care of him the entire time and slept next to him and she never tested positive. I always wonder if there’s some people who just have some natural immunity to COVID cause none of that makes sense.

bruh I fell asleep standing up from that vaccine like I was hammered drunk. :rofl:

but yeah I think some people do, my daughter who lives with me part time had a whole covid outbreak at her mom's wasn't much she could do to avoid it but everyone got it except her. her brother and sister had it but they also never actually had symptoms.

**** suuuuucks.

I see restaurant parking lots completely full on the regular in West Michigan. Supposed to be 50%

People don't care anymore.

You live in West Michigan? Had no idea. But yeah, people keep commented that stretch won’t shut things down again because of the backlash.
Also, my mom also got the J&J and she felt absolutely nothing. My dad got COVID last summer and my mom took care of him the entire time and slept next to him and she never tested positive. I always wonder if there’s some people who just have some natural immunity to COVID cause none of that makes sense.

I can se some truths to this. I def feeling like if your immune system historically has been appreciated and taken care of by you, it will do it’s best to take care of you during these strange times.

it’s funny to see people who neglected their health on purpose shove vitamins and Emergen-C gummies down their throat as they did fast food.

"Six cases of a rare type of blood clot called a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) were reported; in all cases, the clots were seen in combination with low levels of blood platelets, a condition known as thrombocytopenia. All occurred among women between the ages of 18 and 48, the statement said, and symptoms occurred between six and 13 days after vaccination"

(this is out of 6.8 million doses)
"Six cases of a rare type of blood clot called a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) were reported; in all cases, the clots were seen in combination with low levels of blood platelets, a condition known as thrombocytopenia. All occurred among women between the ages of 18 and 48, the statement said, and symptoms occurred between six and 13 days after vaccination"

(this is out of 6.8 million doses)

Some perspective: Assuming those stats are accurate, 6 out of 6.8 million is actually less than the 5 in 1 million cases of CVST that generally occur in the population. Does that mean the vaccine actually reduces your chances of clotting?

We are a knee jerk reaction society. Not to mention a society that is growing more and more hesitant to believe anything from the government / big corporations. The damage has already been done. No one who was hesitant before about getting vaccinated is going to do the simple math and realize that in all realities you have a very, and I mean very rare chance of getting CVST.
IMO, the FDA should come and and publicly state that in a small size you have the rare chance of getting CVST. If you don't feel comfortable with that chance then there will be more doses of the Pfizer or Moderna available.
Further more you try and vaccinate as many as people as possible, make it as readily available as possible for those on the fence and for those who don't want to get vaccinated that is their choice.
Some perspective: Assuming those stats are accurate, 6 out of 6.8 million is actually less than the 5 in 1 million cases of CVST that generally occur in the population. Does that mean the vaccine actually reduces your chances of clotting?

The overall incidence is very low, but if you account for the timing (occurring within 2 weeks of the vaccine), it is an elevated rate for those two weeks. Still, a very low risk, rare side effect.

The FDA move is not an overreaction (if it's really limited to a specific subpopulation, then it's worth investigating properly because then this is easy to avoid in the future) but the public hysteria is going to be an overreaction.
Had a feeling the J&J vaccine was funny style. One dose is questionable :smh:

the single dose has nothing to do with the clots. They occur from the immune response the vaccine creates for some. I wonder if these individuals would have clots if they were actually infected by Covid
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