Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Got my first dose of Pfizer last Thursday, had a sore arm for a few days, but common for me with most shots.

Had mine done at Levi's Stadium, whole process took about 2 hours, but it was also the first day Santa Clara County opened it for everyone who lived or worked in the county. Read somewhere they did 12,000 appointments that day.

Shoutout to all the volunteers, nurses, doctors, etc .. who are working these sites.
Spent the day driving my dad and brother around, dad had a slight cough. No masks in the car. Well he tested positive today after a fever last night. Was with him last night too.

I’m vaccinated but my brother has his second dose next week. Experiment time.
Hope your dad recovers ok. Your brother should still have a decent amount of protection 2-3 weeks out from the first dose, so hopefully both of you don't catch it.
Hope your dad recovers ok. Your brother should still have a decent amount of protection 2-3 weeks out from the first dose, so hopefully both of you don't catch it.

Thanks man. His symptoms are very cold/flu like related right now. Gonna give it a couple of days before I go for a test. If my brother tests positive Pretty sure he still can get his second dose on schedule, gotta re-read the recommendations on a positive test in between doses.
got 2nd does of moderna saturday evening. felt good that entire night with slightly sore arm, much more manageable than what i was feeling from the first does

sunday woke up with entire body sore and wasn't till the afternoon that those fever like symptoms hit. had chills and body sweats while laying low in bed all day. headaches started hitting around night time as well. felt pretty bad all night but woke up monday morning feeling completely fine/normal again with the exception of still having a slight headache.

glad to finally get both doses in ready for that 5G to kick in!
Or someone wearing a mask under their nose! It seriously feels like the majority of people I see in stores only have their mask covering their mouth.

Isn't it those who wear mask under the nose basically not protecting themselves? Can they spread the virus while they exhale through their nose?
Isn't it those who wear mask under the nose basically not protecting themselves? Can they spread the virus while they exhale through their nose?

Yeah, both. Only thing that mask is doing is collecting the spit when they talk, so I guess it's not completely pointless, but still makes no sense.
Says who?
Can't find at the moment but earlier there were articles that suggested there were concerns that efficacy against it would significantly decrease. Latest google seems to show data from Israel (only 8 cases so impossible to tell) saying Pfizer vaccine has at least some efficacy against it. Since this pandemic began I've always taken the most pessimistic view on it and they've mostly turned out to be true. I'll continue to until this thing is really squashed and life ACTUALLY returns to normal.

Folk like me with family in Asia who had to deal with SARS likely ain't taking the optimistic view on this :lol:
Can't find at the moment but earlier there were articles that suggested there were concerns that efficacy against it would significantly decrease. Latest google seems to show data from Israel (only 8 cases so impossible to tell) saying Pfizer vaccine has at least some efficacy against it. Since this pandemic began I've always taken the most pessimistic view on it and they've mostly turned out to be true. I'll continue to until this thing is really squashed and life ACTUALLY returns to normal.

Folk like me with family in Asia who had to deal with SARS likely ain't taking the optimistic view on this :lol:

Thanks for clarifying. I'm of the opinion that any variant identified so far is so closely related to the original strain that vaccines will provide at least some level of protection against serious disease and death. Quality masks, distancing, and hygiene should also go a long way toward providing an added layer of protection, so I'm in no hurry to abandon them. India's vaccination rates are low, so there really isn't any specific evidence we can point to so far that says their variant will escape vaccine induced immunity. We will find out eventually, but until then I'm not freaking out.
Should be - most of the side effects happen in the first 24 hours and should be over by 48. I've heard of a few people having long side effects of 4 or 5 days - but they still started in the first day or so - not a delayed response.
I heard we might be getting to the point already where supply > demand and the ppl that are left are vaccine hesitant ppl

Yes, we are definitely at that point in many areas of the US. I posted about this last week that in my county vaccination centers have extra doses every day with many appointments going unfilled and we actually RETURNED doses (28k IIRC) because so many were going unused.
It's too soon man. I'd like 70 percent of the population to be vaccinated, at least.

I heard they might try incentives like tax breaks, maybe.
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