Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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But even then still........making it mandatory will at least reduce the number of "fence-sitting" unvaccinated folk significantly. Even amount the people that will try to BS their way with a doctor's excuse note/report that stretches the truth will not be that high in number, since even that is hard to pull off "in mass quantities" on a legal basis.

They really need to quit worrying about the "FREEDUMS" thing and just make it mandatory all-around, especially in workplaces.........any folk that disagrees can lose their job and worry about not having money/ability to pay their bills instead of having to worry about "losing their freedums" to that vaccine or facemask.

we’re too far gone for this. The idiots and their votes are in charge. We in the real idiocracy anti-science and anti-logic rules around here. Anything remotely deemed “mandatory” would get shot down by lawmakers especially in red states. Or get harassed/“canceled” with no sense of irony by the idiots, end up on Twitter/IG/YouTube with some screaming idiot claiming persecution.
If the cdc is now saying vaccinated people carry just as much virus as unvaccinated then there really is no end in sight. More and more evidence is showing that breakthrough infections are not really rare. It almost seems like most vaccinated people do get infected enough to have symptoms. Hopefully we know more how many carry the ability to infect.
That’s not my understanding. Vaccinated people are still far less likely to become symptomatically infected, however they CAN carry a viral load similar to someone who is unvaccinated.
That’s not my understanding. Vaccinated people are still far less likely to become symptomatically infected, however they CAN carry a viral load similar to someone who is unvaccinated.

I don’t think it’s as rare as they were saying before. It seems like there is a good percentage of people with symptoms and entire households
Really makes you think!

I know I'm not supposed to laugh but:

If the cdc is now saying vaccinated people carry just as much virus as unvaccinated then there really is no end in sight. More and more evidence is showing that breakthrough infections are not really rare. It almost seems like most vaccinated people do get infected enough to have symptoms. Hopefully we know more how many carry the ability to infect.

Unless the vaccine companies can keep up with booster, or they can predict how the next variant would be.......*wishful thinking*

Clinic I work for just mandated vaccines for new hires as of next month but not for current employees. I think across all our sites were at 60% fully vaxxed with alot of our clinical staff below that though
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Unless the vaccine companies can keep up with booster, or they can predict how the next variant would be.......*wishful thinking*

SF county is fully vaccinated over 70% yet they are considered high risk for transmission. In fact several more highly vaccinated counties in CA are high risk. Something isn’t adding up with what they been telling us about how well it works. It clearly is spreading from vaccinated people too at a much higher rate then previously told. I don’t think a booster will solve the issue
It clearly is spreading from vaccinated people too at a much higher rate then previously told.
I know it feels like we're being told stuff without proper explanation, but in many or most cases, the data is publicity available and has been discussed and debated extensively (maybe but in here but on Twitter and in many online publications).

it's just difficult to draw conclusions sometimes. for example it's really hard to quantify just how much vaccination reduces transmission. we have to figure that out indirectly.

it's also important to only let strong data revise a well-supported conclusion. for me, there is strong reasons to expect the vaccine to reduce spread significantly. so I'm going to need strong evidence to the contrary to change my view.

I don’t think a booster will solve the issue
the issue is that 30% are unvaccinated, and they will tend to cluster, so it doesn't really matter what the other 70% do. there's no reason why the virus wouldn't spread like wildfire among the unvaccinated cohort, whether the vaccine is 90% effective or 99.999% effective. so no, the booster is not the answer. the answer is to vaccinate those 30%. but that's not happening. so the next best thing may be a booster if we see that the vaccine is not 98% effective with variants.

edit: just to add

edit2: and another thread worth reading for anybody getting worried about vaccine efficacy or variants:

just keep in mind that there's a push to amplify stories that match people's biases, which lately has been a) vaccine isn't as great as promised or b) variants are going to doom us. so we're seeing a disproportionate amount of such headlines but the strong evidence is against both.
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I know it feels like we're being told stuff without proper explanation, but in many or most cases, the data is publicity available and has been discussed and debated extensively (maybe but in here but on Twitter and in many online publications).

it's just difficult to draw conclusions sometimes. for example it's really hard to quantify just how much vaccination reduces transmission. we have to figure that out indirectly.

it's also important to only let strong data revise a well-supported conclusion. for me, there is strong reasons to expect the vaccine to reduce spread significantly. so I'm going to need strong evidence to the contrary to change my view.

the issue is that 30% are unvaccinated, and they will tend to cluster, so it doesn't really matter what the other 70% do. there's no reason why the virus wouldn't spread like wildfire among the unvaccinated cohort, whether the vaccine is 90% effective or 99.999% effective. so no, the booster is not the answer. the answer is to vaccinate those 30%. but that's not happening. so the next best thing may be a booster if we see that the vaccine is not 98% effective with variants.

edit: just to add

edit2: and another thread worth reading for anybody getting worried about vaccine efficacy or variants:

just keep in mind that there's a push to amplify stories that match people's biases, which lately has been a) vaccine isn't as great as promised or b) variants are going to doom us. so we're seeing a disproportionate amount of such headlines but the strong evidence is against both.

That is what I felt all along until now when the cdc is saying vaccinated people can spread just as much. The Bay Area I know is heavily vaccinated. Let’s see what happens here in the next few months.
People are anti-science when it comes to the vaccine but question nothing the hospital gives them when they get sick :lol: If you don’t trust science so much, go mix some cinnamon, sea moss, and ginger and see if that helps your COVID symptoms.

I don’t know how many different ways we can explain this ****. If you get the vaccine, you still may get COVID, but you most likely won’t end up in a hospital or dead. That should be the goal, it’s not a hard concept.
I know it feels like we're being told stuff without proper explanation, but in many or most cases, the data is publicity available and has been discussed and debated extensively (maybe but in here but on Twitter and in many online publications).

it's just difficult to draw conclusions sometimes. for example it's really hard to quantify just how much vaccination reduces transmission. we have to figure that out indirectly.

it's also important to only let strong data revise a well-supported conclusion. for me, there is strong reasons to expect the vaccine to reduce spread significantly. so I'm going to need strong evidence to the contrary to change my view.

the issue is that 30% are unvaccinated, and they will tend to cluster, so it doesn't really matter what the other 70% do. there's no reason why the virus wouldn't spread like wildfire among the unvaccinated cohort, whether the vaccine is 90% effective or 99.999% effective. so no, the booster is not the answer. the answer is to vaccinate those 30%. but that's not happening. so the next best thing may be a booster if we see that the vaccine is not 98% effective with variants.

edit: just to add

edit2: and another thread worth reading for anybody getting worried about vaccine efficacy or variants:

just keep in mind that there's a push to amplify stories that match people's biases, which lately has been a) vaccine isn't as great as promised or b) variants are going to doom us. so we're seeing a disproportionate amount of such headlines but the strong evidence is against both.

There is actually a massive lack of evidence for either case. Breakthrough cases are not being reported, only cases that result in hospitalization/death.

If anyone has this data and also has hard data that compares vaccinated to unvaccinated infections/ hospitalizations please share it.
People are anti-science when it comes to the vaccine but question nothing the hospital gives them when they get sick :lol: If you don’t trust science so much, go mix some cinnamon, sea moss, and ginger and see if that helps your COVID symptoms.

I don’t know how many different ways we can explain this ****. If you get the vaccine, you still may get COVID, but you most likely won’t end up in a hospital or dead. That should be the goal, it’s not a hard concept.

I say the same thing. I have friends who are against science and masks and don’t want their kids wearing it to school. But i could’ve sworn all of them gave birth at a hospital and I’m 99.9% sure they took that epidural. Lol. But science is still fake right? Smh.
Not looking good for NY schools. The mandatory masks for students and faculty will probably stay and back to remote learning if needed. Parents are going to be back at the school board meetings and crying even louder.
It is interesting how people suddenly want to see all the data for some reason. I've said it many times - they need to have a think about what peer reviewed research by registered professionals mean - you can't make stuff up (well, you can, but you get in trouble for it - the ultimate sanction is the guy who made up the autism/MMR stuff who was "struck off" the medical register). And, if they are shown that data they don't know what it means so think it is being done to hide it from them. No, that's why we have experts who understand this stuff - a large part of any science based qualification is understanding trials and what they mean - so even if your doctor isn't an epidemiologist they can read the research and understand the conclusions and then use that info to treat you - and the government science/medical advisers are doing the same. They don't need to do the research as others do that and then they apply it in their sphere.

It's frankly just ridiculous for the hordes of uneducated idiots to think they know better and that the whole of science is some grand scam to keep them down.
It is interesting how people suddenly want to see all the data for some reason. I've said it many times - they need to have a think about what peer reviewed research by registered professionals mean - you can't make stuff up (well, you can, but you get in trouble for it - the ultimate sanction is the guy who made up the autism/MMR stuff who was "struck off" the medical register). And, if they are shown that data they don't know what it means so think it is being done to hide it from them. No, that's why we have experts who understand this stuff - a large part of any science based qualification is understanding trials and what they mean - so even if your doctor isn't an epidemiologist they can read the research and understand the conclusions and then use that info to treat you - and the government science/medical advisers are doing the same. They don't need to do the research as others do that and then they apply it in their sphere.

It's frankly just ridiculous for the hordes of uneducated idiots to think they know better and that the whole of science is some grand scam to keep them down.

It's frustrating that folks act like this is not a fluid situation. They act like they never been wrong in their lives before or had to go to different plans when there is new information to work with.
This part is interesting “The vaccine is best at preventing serious disease, hospitalizations and death, but not infections per se,” said Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease expert with UCSF. “The vaccine was never really great at preventing infection.”
Kind of funny that that’s not what they were saying before including him. They all said the vaccine was the way out of this thing.

There is actually a massive lack of evidence for either case. Breakthrough cases are not being reported, only cases that result in hospitalization/death.

If anyone has this data and also has hard data that compares vaccinated to unvaccinated infections/ hospitalizations please share it.
are you referring specifically to the delta variant? because pre-delta there's mountains of very high quality data showing efficacy approaching 100% for serious illness and death. the data post-covid is still coming in but the picture is emerging that protection is still above 90%.

there are studies looking specifically at breakthrough cases, such as this:

Anytime I see people making letters into “666” it makes me think of way back when some crazy person tried to say that Nas was evil and Nas the name = 666. Man people are CRAZY and easily influenced. Smfh.
I was wondering what that sign meant.
This part is interesting “The vaccine is best at preventing serious disease, hospitalizations and death, but not infections per se,” said Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease expert with UCSF. “The vaccine was never really great at preventing infection.”
Kind of funny that that’s not what they were saying before including him. They all said the vaccine was the way out of this thing.

With the BNT162b2 vaccine, the effectiveness of two doses was 93.7% (95% CI, 91.6 to 95.3) among persons with the alpha variant and 88.0% (95% CI, 85.3 to 90.1) among those with the delta variant. With the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, the effectiveness of two doses was 74.5% (95% CI, 68.4 to 79.4) among persons with the alpha variant and 67.0% (95% CI, 61.3 to 71.8) among those with the delta variant.

Only modest differences in vaccine effectiveness were noted with the delta variant as compared with the alpha variant after the receipt of two vaccine doses.
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