Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Wynn Resorts will temporarily cancel all large entertainment gatherings and close all buffets, nightclubs and theaters in Las Vegas/Boston, - FOX5

I don’t practice that shower thing so I don’t know what the steps are. However, I will attempt it if **** gets drastic :lol:

Filipino’s laugh at toilet paper problems.

Wynn Resorts will temporarily cancel all large entertainment gatherings and close all buffets, nightclubs and theaters in Las Vegas/Boston, - FOX5
welp....a little over a week to go and my mom still wants to go to vegas. unless vegas completely shuts down, i'm thinking she'll still go.
my kids schools finally decided to close tomorrow and Monday. They better shut it down for a couple of weeks minimum
Pretty much every Massachusetts school is closed tomorrow. Everett (north of Boston) closed until April 27th.
It looks like we're headed for some kind of economic crisis. To what level? Idk. Depending on how long these institutions are shut down due to people self quarantined, we could see some dark days ahead. The unprepared will get hungry and ppl gotta feed their families.

So with that in mind, what are some essentials for a Walking Dead type change in society?
You gotta go shopping in areas with older population. Because they've been the highest risk population, they've already been keeping their *** in the house. Or they're hard headed idiots who think they'll be fine and haven't been preparing.

stores in my area were packed out with people freaking out and buying everything and my girl asked her grandma how her area is and she said when she went to the store it was fine and everything was fully stocked
For healthy, under age 50....Starts with slight sore throat, dry cough, slight fatigue (common trait was Slight symptoms), slight fever, Headaches was vastly prevalent...Then, Chest/Lung pain which varied on pain level.

Vast majority said it felt like a Cold to strong Flu.

Legit worry ... been feeling some of these the last couple of days.
Have these people talking about “Not a big deal; only 2-3% mortality rate” EVER taken an elementary level math class? And they do know how many people are on this planet, right? Or at the very least, how many people are in a large metro area?

let’s assume 8 million for the typical metro area. If 50% get infected and 2% of those people die, that’s 80,000 people. These dudes are trying to say that 80K people dying in their area (on top of the usual number of deaths per year) is not a big deal? Wow.

“98% of people have recovered, but you don’t hear the media talk about that” Bruh that’s not something to celebrate. Every year, the percentage of people who recover from cancer with modern medicine increases , but are you ever gonna say people dying from cancer is not a big deal?
I said this many times before ... dudes still come up with BS logic.

lord I cant stand this piece of ****.

My city bout to help save the world

They should spread the word around to the entire nation.
My wife has a telework agreement but has not been told to stay home yet. She works home 2 days out the week. She said, she ain't going in starting monday. Not sure how shes going to break the news to her manager without being fired. We will see.
They’re talking about shutting down my mosque :lol:

this is a little overly excessive.
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