Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I hope everyone is checking on the elderly family/friends they have in their life. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for them to get around and fight the madness at stores. I'm able bodied and I'm having a hard time making the rounds.

Feel for the less fortunate who don't have the means to stock up on supplies.

And to the folks in here in the medical field helping others, salute. God Bless. :nthat:

Be safe ya'll.

So what's the word on the Corona virus spreading from animals more specifically dogs and cats to human and vice?

Coronavirus: China’s first confirmed Covid-19 case traced back to November 17
  • Government records suggest first person infected with new disease may have been a Hubei resident aged 55, but ‘patient zero’ has yet to be confirmed
  • Documents seen by the Post could help scientists track the spread of the disease and perhaps determine its source
I don’t practice that shower thing so I don’t know what the steps are. However, I will attempt it if **** gets drastic :lol:
hold up.... in this scenario you don’t wipe at all?:stoneface:
I already answered this. Read my quote above yours.

They’re talking about shutting down my mosque :lol:

this is a little overly excessive.
They shut down the Vatican so why wouldn’t they shut down mosques and churches here if they can prevent the spread.
This is the 2nd or 3rd visit in 2 days I made to my local Walgreens and supermarket. Shelves are empty where the lysol and clorox wipes and sprays used to be :smh: Hype! Fools are acting like resellers not reselling but hoarding. We don't even know if the wipes or sprays kill covid19, but it can kill other strains. There is other stuff it can kill. Just a month ago these joints would sit. Now at retail price theyre selling out, usually they would sell out on sale price, obviously.
All those experiences from patients who have recovered from the virus seem pretty grueling, especially the way they describe the pneumonia stage. Strangely enough I've had pneumonia twice and I felt pretty decent both times. Must've been lucky.
All those experiences from patients who have recovered from the virus seem pretty grueling, especially the way they describe the pneumonia stage. Strangely enough I've had pneumonia twice and I felt pretty decent both times. Must've been lucky.

yea my pneumonia Experiences was just coughing up phlegm and some shortbreathing. But I mean I was even playing basketball with it for a while before I got a z pack.
Drove to 3 stores and visited various online stores and couldn’t get no ******* water

Had to do some extra **** online to finally get my order through 😒. I ******* hate people
I already answered this. Read my quote above yours.

They shut down the Vatican so why wouldn’t they shut down mosques and churches here if they can prevent the spread.

Because the Vatican is in Italy. Not only that the Pope is not well - he’s the last person that needs to be there...

This is different.
I hope everyone is checking on the elderly family/friends they have in their life. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for them to get around and fight the madness at stores. I'm able bodied and I'm having a hard time making the rounds.

Feel for the less fortunate who don't have the means to stock up on supplies.

And to the folks in here in the medical field helping others, salute. God Bless. :nthat:

Be safe ya'll.
yeah my pops is 75 with leukemia and has to take chemo pills so his immune system is on E. he has no wiggle room in this fight
i got him a box of N-95 masks and told mans not to leave the house.
today he hit me with, "aren't you going to check on your kinfolk and see if we're ok?"
he was joking but that **** hit me in the chest.
i had to explain to him im around potential covid patients all day long... i could be a carrier and get him sick.
shouldn't risk it.
it's sad that if i do go to see him i have to at least wear a mask
yea my pneumonia Experiences was just coughing up phlegm and some shortbreathing. But I mean I was even playing basketball with it for a while before I got a z pack.
It just felt like a nasty cold to me. Only reason I went to the hospital was because I was coughing up substantial amounts of blood clots both times, otherwise I would've assumed it was a cold.
The feds trying to save the market by injecting money buying treasury bonds is only going to hold off the panic selling by so much. Cutting g interest rates only holds off the panic selling for a bit longer. A few more days like this yesterday/today and people will panic sell like crazy.

Cant time the bottom or the top but I gotta be on the right side of the swing.
yeah my pops is 75 with leukemia and has to take chemo pills so his immune system is on E. he has no wiggle room in this fight
i got him a box of N-95 masks and told mans not to leave the house.
today he hit me with, "aren't you going to check on your kinfolk and see if we're ok?"
he was joking but that **** hit me in the chest.
i had to explain to him im around potential covid patients all day long... i could be a carrier and get him sick.
shouldn't risk it.
it's sad that if i do go to see him i have to at least wear a mask
Be strong for pops.
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