Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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80 percent and up, I believe -and don’t quote me - that it was around that for the delta variant
look at my post a couple above yours. 80%+ is what's been reported

some of these look at omicron alone, others combine it with delta, but given omicron was 90%+ of cases since December, it wouldn't change the picture much. most of the data claiming reduced efficacy against omicron are looking at the risk of infection, not of hospitalization or death. I haven't seen any studies refute the strong protection against serious illness from omicron. I'll post some if I come across them in the coming days.
Yea, you obviously don’t know me and that’s fine because of course I’m going to come on a message board I’ve been a member of for 19 years and start fabricating lies to impress a twenty something year old on the Internet. Maybe I should pull up my credit report, show you the deed to my house and hand you over my social security number to then maybe this guy will believe me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Most users on this site are pushing 30 including me. But of course good credit, got money, Porsche and a Benz, yacht in Miami. Doctor and lawyer friends yeah yeah. :lol:

look at my post a couple above yours. 80%+ is what's been reported

some of these look at omicron alone, others combine it with delta, but given omicron was 90%+ of cases since December, it wouldn't change the picture much. most of the data claiming reduced efficacy against omicron are looking at the risk of infection, not of hospitalization or death. I haven't seen any studies refute the strong protection against serious illness from omicron. I'll post some if I come across them in the coming days.

No need to post anything hes talked to the best doctors in the city.
Are these top doctors you talk to also under 30?

He PM’ed me, this the top friend cousin doctor he had a convo wit. I dont doubt him now.

Are these top doctors you talk to also under 30?
It’s also confirmation bias - just because they are doctors doesn’t mean they know everything (and good ones know that). You can’t pick and choose the data that fits your opinion or even their experience - that’s not how science works.

Sure sometimes specialists have to use their best educated “guess” to treat novel diseases or unusual presentations - but that’s not what we’re dealing with here and immunology is such a specialist field that any other specialist needs to keep quiet about. Nutjobs recommending unproven treatments is only a small step from there.
look at my post a couple above yours. 80%+ is what's been reported

some of these look at omicron alone, others combine it with delta, but given omicron was 90%+ of cases since December, it wouldn't change the picture much. most of the data claiming reduced efficacy against omicron are looking at the risk of infection, not of hospitalization or death. I haven't seen any studies refute the strong protection against serious illness from omicron. I'll post some if I come across them in the coming days.

Two doses won’t protect me 80 percent, I’ve already posted it’s been reported 56 percent hospitalization and death
It’s also confirmation bias - just because they are doctors doesn’t mean they know everything (and good ones know that). You can’t pick and choose the data that fits your opinion or even their experience - that’s not how science works.

Sure sometimes specialists have to use their best educated “guess” to treat novel diseases or unusual presentations - but that’s not what we’re dealing with here and immunology is such a specialist field that any other specialist needs to keep quiet about. Nutjobs recommending unproven treatments is only a small step from there.
yeah it's good to stay humble and try to filter out those with an agenda. it requires knowing not just immunology and medicine but virology, epidemiology, etc.

Two doses won’t protect me 80 percent, I’ve already posted it’s been reported 56 percent hospitalization and death
yeah that looks like the data out of the UK, correct? i know it doesn't sound great, but even 56% is pretty good for someone of your age (I think I misread, you're not under 30 but closer to 40 if you're been on here for 19 years?). either way, your chance of death from covid is already fairly low. with a 56% reduction it is very low.

different studies have shown higher levels of protection. there's so many confounds and different ways of slicing the data that I wouldn't put all my stock into any single study. the ~50% seems to be a lower bound. if your vaccination was recent (within 4 months), it is likely much higher.
It’s also confirmation bias - just because they are doctors doesn’t mean they know everything (and good ones know that). You can’t pick and choose the data that fits your opinion or even their experience - that’s not how science works.

Sure sometimes specialists have to use their best educated “guess” to treat novel diseases or unusual presentations - but that’s not what we’re dealing with here and immunology is such a specialist field that any other specialist needs to keep quiet about. Nutjobs recommending unproven treatments is only a small step from there.
Most sensible reply yet.

You may have been the only person that actually read what I’ve been posting the past two pages. These are indeed some of the top in the world -and some the area- but all agreed the data is continuing to change CONSTANTLY and what we are learning is a continuously evolving and that real-time data isn’t always caught up with these companies or these government run agencies. If you call Pfizer today and ask to speak to a nurse or the CDC you will get that same answer
yeah it's good to stay humble and try to filter out those with an agenda. it requires knowing not just immunology and medicine but virology, epidemiology, etc.

yeah that looks like the data out of the UK, correct? i know it doesn't sound great, but even 56% is pretty good for someone of your age (I think I misread, you're not under 30 but closer to 40 if you're been on here for 19 years?). either way, your chance of death from covid is already fairly low. with a 56% reduction it is very low.

different studies have shown higher levels of protection. there's so many confounds and different ways of slicing the data that I wouldn't put all my stock into any single study. the ~50% seems to be a lower bound. if your vaccination was recent (within 4 months), it is likely much higher.
Yes I’m 40. 56 percent is better odds than nothing.

There seems to be so many varying factors in who gets hospitalized and is dying whether vaccinated or not. I’ve seen the damage and death on both sides. I can’t fully speak to the regard of severity in the unvaccinated since most people I know are fully vaccinated -about an 80/20 ratio- but what I’ve seen is that the monoclonal treatments -if given no later than about 6 days after onset of symptoms- has made a significant impact.
Yes I’m 40. 56 percent is better odds than nothing.

There seems to be so many varying factors in who gets hospitalized and is dying whether vaccinated or not. I’ve seen the damage and death on both sides. I can’t fully speak to the regard of severity in the unvaccinated since most people I know are fully vaccinated -about an 80/20 ratio- but what I’ve seen is that the monoclonal treatments -if given no later than about 6 days after onset of symptoms- has made a significant impact.
And since you have a good credit score and own a house you obviously know that effective monoclonals against Omicron are not readily available, especially BA.2. But I’m sure the best doctors in NY have already told you this.
There seems to be so many varying factors in who gets hospitalized and is dying whether vaccinated or not. I’ve seen the damage and death on both sides.

This is true, to an extent. Yes, a majority have some other underlying condition, and you rarely rarely get a younger healthy person in there (regardless of vaccination status). Im still convinced other genetic factors are involved.

But in my experience still, 80% who are admitted are unvaccinated.

We're at a point where we actually have an idea what we're doing (compared to April 2020) so they'd push steroids/antiviral/antibiotics etc before it even gets to a monoclonal antibody.

Still, I rather take my chances with the vaccine and AVOID all that.
That’s really unfortunate - and another side effect of the terrible testing in the US. Your whole issue is the well known fact that a PCR test will detect fragments of the virus for months after your symptoms have passed. It’s pretty clear that you HAD the virus but don’t now but they’re doing the only thing they can and have a sensible protocol.

At least the 2 month delay shouldn’t be significant in your treatment - just an inconvenience.

It's totally understandable and I'm not upset at the hospital and my doctor at all. They are all angels and saints as far as I'm concerned (for everything they've done for me the past 30 years) It is just an inconvenience. Being on disability since I left work due to Crohn's, and finally feeling the best I've felt in years, the scope was going to confirm with proof that everything I've done to remedy my condition (and at it's worst, it's god awful, 30 trips to the men's room daily), has worked and I could finally start looking for a new job (NOT selling cars) and move onto another chapter in my life. I'd just hate to get hired, start and have to ask for a day off so soon after starting. I'm sure they would understand, but makes me feel bad to ask.

They told me since I tested positive I won't need a test in April being it's less than 90 days. But again, like you said, it's just an inconvenience. Just glad I got the test results back BEFORE I had to drink the stuff to clean my insides out. 🙏
There's probably about 900K + Americans alone who probably wished they'd taken a chance with the vaccine than Covid. Of course some of those people died before we had a vaccine, but I bet they wished they had at least listened to the guidelines from the majority of health experts.

Finally able to to get boosted. Gonna do it as soon as possible. Hopefully we'll be at a place where Covid is just a mild annoyance later on in the year.
It's totally understandable and I'm not upset at the hospital and my doctor at all. They are all angels and saints as far as I'm concerned (for everything they've done for me the past 30 years) It is just an inconvenience. Being on disability since I left work due to Crohn's, and finally feeling the best I've felt in years, the scope was going to confirm with proof that everything I've done to remedy my condition (and at it's worst, it's god awful, 30 trips to the men's room daily), has worked and I could finally start looking for a new job (NOT selling cars) and move onto another chapter in my life. I'd just hate to get hired, start and have to ask for a day off so soon after starting. I'm sure they would understand, but makes me feel bad to ask.

They told me since I tested positive I won't need a test in April being it's less than 90 days. But again, like you said, it's just an inconvenience. Just glad I got the test results back BEFORE I had to drink the stuff to clean my insides out. 🙏

No symptoms while having basically no immune system is insane (in a good way). Theres plenty of stories ive heard of people feeling it, not bad but feeling it nonetheless, and they are relatively normal health wise. My friend down in the 305 had it a few weeks ago, he felt crappy but nothing too bad and he probably has a good IS cause I havent recalled him ever been sick in the 15+ years ive known him. So for you to have no IS and not feeling ****, crazy.
And since you have a good credit score and own a house you obviously know that effective monoclonals against Omicron are not readily available, especially BA.2. But I’m sure the best doctors in NY have already told you this.
If you have a condition that qualifies for it, it is available, Several of my family members have already had the infusions the past two months and there was a line out the door at the ER at ST Francis hospital in Port Washington administering them so don’t tell me they aren’t available. Not available in your parents basement, definitely available

You can best doctor
No symptoms while having basically no immune system is insane (in a good way). Theres plenty of stories ive heard of people feeling it, not bad but feeling it nonetheless, and they are relatively normal health wise. My friend down in the 305 had it a few weeks ago, he felt crappy but nothing too bad and he probably has a good IS cause I havent recalled him ever been sick in the 15+ years ive known him. So for you to have no IS and not feeling ****, crazy.

I don't have any symptoms when I tested positive but it was from having virtually all the symptoms back the last week of the year. J truly felt like hell for a full week. It's why I knew when they sent me the results I didn't have it last week, due to no feeling bad. I, of all people, would have symptoms so easily. Even boosted being so immunocompromised from my transplant, I would get something. I'm very thankful for these vaccines.
If you have a condition that qualifies for it, it is available, Several of my family members have already had the infusions the past two months and there was a line out the door at the ER at ST Francis hospital in Port Washington administering them so don’t tell me they aren’t available. Not available in your parents basement, definitely available
My point exactly, they are only available for a select group of patients who qualify, not a substitute for vaccination that is available for everyone. One can keep you from requiring the other. I’ll let the best doctors tell you which is which.
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