Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Problem is that you have to have it prescribed right away, so those testing at home would need some logistical way to have it prescribed ASAP. Those testing via PCR might be too late if they wait a few days after symptom onset, then another few days before they get results back. Those showing up to hospital with severe disease would definitely be too late.
Yeah I don't know the whole logistics but that sucks with testing and timing for it. Hopefully we still get to the point it's at least widely available even with our convoluted Healthcare system
Gallaghers had me fall in love with an Asian jawn before. Talkin bout she in med school in Hunter and at the time I was too and I was like oh really I never seen you around. :lol:
A hardworking cougar had me having heart eyes. Thought she looked Asian but said she was Colombian. She showed me what her mouf do and then almost injured me during a dance.

I don’t even know what the point is of pushing for vaccines for those that are still unvaccinated. Even if you have two doses -like myself- and get omicron it will do nothing to protect you. By the time someone’s eligible for a booster it will no longer be the dominant strain and therefore you are vaccinated against a variant that is of minimal threat -to my knowledge unless other variants like delta are still widely transmitting-. I won’t be eligible for a booster for quite some time and by that time another variant will be around so logically how do people still continue to bash the unvaccinated from a logical standpoint?
I don’t even know what the point is of pushing for vaccines for those that are still unvaccinated. Even if you have two doses -like myself- and get omicron it will do nothing to protect you. By the time someone’s eligible for a booster it will no longer be the dominant strain and therefore you are vaccinated against a variant that is of minimal threat -to my knowledge unless other variants like delta are still widely transmitting-. I won’t be eligible for a booster for quite some time and by that time another variant will be around so logically how do people still continue to bash the unvaccinated from a logical standpoint?

But the vax helps from any variant?
But the vax helps from any variant?
Nope. CEO from Pfizer said unless you have the two doses plus the booster the two doses of the vaccine do little to nothing to protect you from Omicron which is the prevailing variant. So, for someone like myself I’ll never catch up to the doses for what they are touting as good protection. This vaccine was made for the earlier variants and provided protection for Delta.

So while I may have protection against some
But the vax helps from any variant?
Nope, only if you have two doses and a booster. If you only have one or two shots you have basically little to no protection against Omicron -this from the Pfizer CEO-. It does protect against earlier variants like Delta but if Omicron is responsible for 95 percent of all Covid infections then I would assume it’s useless to keep pushing for people to get vaccinated unless they are up for a booster and I think this is where the CDC and the companies are losing people. There has to be some type of common sense. Why keep pushing the vaccinated vs unvaccinated statistics when even someone with two shots has little to no protection? If you haven’t received the booster and aren’t eligible for the booster until 7 or 8 months from now then really what’s the point when you will most likely never catch up with the circulating variant?
Nope. CEO from Pfizer said unless you have the two doses plus the booster the two doses of the vaccine do little to nothing to protect you from Omicron which is the prevailing variant. So, for someone like myself I’ll never catch up to the doses for what they are touting as good protection. This vaccine was made for the earlier variants and provided protection for Delta.

So while I may have protection against some

Nope, only if you have two doses and a booster. If you only have one or two shots you have basically little to no protection against Omicron -this from the Pfizer CEO-. It does protect against earlier variants like Delta but if Omicron is responsible for 95 percent of all Covid infections then I would assume it’s useless to keep pushing for people to get vaccinated unless they are up for a booster and I think this is where the CDC and the companies are losing people. There has to be some type of common sense. Why keep pushing the vaccinated vs unvaccinated statistics when even someone with two shots has little to no protection? If you haven’t received the booster and aren’t eligible for the booster until 7 or 8 months from now then really what’s the point when you will most likely never catch up with the circulating variant?


Im taking that 70% protection from hospitalization you wylin.

This is me googling does Pfizer protect against omicron.
I literally just posted it. :lol:

Via healthline posted 1/7/22


No, you didn’t cite your source you cut directly from the article with no source shown and those statistics are outdated this from Bloomberg on FEB8th which shows 57% hospitalization and that still conflicts with the Pfizer CEO stating there is no protection
Doesn’t guarantee you’ll have any protection. And if you are like me by the time you are ready for a booster you don’t even know what variant will be circulating by that point and then there is this

You sound like your mind is already made up, but the data is clear. Unvaccinated are being infected, hospitalized, and dying at higher rates than vaccinated. A booster provides superior protection and is safe and effective. You can try to take what an individual or organization said to fit a certain narrative that may have been taken out of context, but the numbers don’t lie… antivaxers do, until the day they die a preventable death.
You sound like your mind is already made up, but the data is clear. Unvaccinated are being infected, hospitalized, and dying at higher rates than vaccinated. A booster provides superior protection and is safe and effective. You can try to take what an individual or organization said to fit a certain narrative that may have been taken out of context, but the numbers don’t lie… antivaxers do, until the day they die a preventable death.

Don’t even try to put me into any “anti vax” category. What I am “anti” is anti lacking common sense.

And btw What individual and what narrative? I go by the facts and the facts are from the Pfizer CEO NOT Taken out of context , from Harvard, from the CDC and every major news outlet all state that unless you have a booster shot you have minimal protection at best against the Omicron variant so for someone who is unvaccinated -and they now decide to get vaccinated- what exactly is the benefit when they will never catch up based on the scheduling of the doses? And then that brings up the subject of how many boosters can you still pump people full of before they pull the plug?

If you aren’t at all concerned with both of those issues and can’t add any discussion of value then you are a big part of the problem.
boosters have been available for a while and were still very protective against omicron despite not being developed for omicron.
Guess you didn’t read my comment fully.

I’ve repeatedly stated about people like myself that have two doses but aren’t on schedule to get a booster for many months out - most likely into another variant-
I got both shots plus booster and still caught the rona. Vaccine didn’t prevent me from catching it, but I think it prevented it from me getting hospitalized or dying. All I felt was a little sore throat lol. Everyone’s body is different.
Don’t even try to put me into any “anti vax” category. What I am “anti” is anti lacking common sense.

And btw What individual and what narrative? I go by the facts and the facts are from the Pfizer CEO NOT Taken out of context , from Harvard, from the CDC and every major news outlet all state that unless you have a booster shot you have minimal protection at best against the Omicron variant so for someone who is unvaccinated -and they now decide to get vaccinated- what exactly is the benefit when they will never catch up based on the scheduling of the doses? And then that brings up the subject of how many boosters can you still pump people full of before they pull the plug?

If you aren’t at all concerned with both of those issues and can’t add any discussion of value then you are a big part of the problem.
Never catch up? When you’re eligible for a booster, go get it and you’ll be caught up. Nobody’s talking about further boosters yet for anyone other than immunocompromised who likely need additional protection. I never said you were antivax. I said they lie. You don’t seem to be lying, just whining and misinformed.
Pfizer 2nd dose is recommended 21 days after 1st dose

Moderna 2nd dose is recommended 28 days after 1st dose

Then the booster is five months after second dose… So it’ll be six months out from now when you’ll be “protected” against omicron
Pfizer 2nd dose is recommended 21 days after 1st dose

Moderna 2nd dose is recommended 28 days after 1st dose

Then the booster is five months after second dose… So it’ll be six months out from now when you’ll be “protected” against omicron
I think many are over thinking things slightly.
A lot of states aren't testing for variants regularly but they do have vaccine info
My state is showing vaccinated and boosted as having the lowest chance of catching covid, hospitalizations, and death. Vaccinated and not boosted have the second lowest numbers across the board. And then unvaccinated alone is the overwhelming majority in each category. Deaths they're pushing 90% unvaccinated.

A part of me agrees if you aren't boosted and it's been 7 months, you're just as vulnerable as someone who's 100% unvaccinated. But then different data sources state entirely different results. So I'm not even mad some have hesitancy. Is efficiency close to zero if you had a single series of shots over the summer of 2001? I guess that's what many are questioning. There is an element of always catching up but you've got to believe our state governments or cities aren't exclusively seeing that new variant. There's a big delay in all of this by 2-4 weeks
Never catch up? When you’re eligible for a booster, go get it and you’ll be caught up. Nobody’s talking about further boosters yet for anyone other than immunocompromised who likely need additional protection. I never said you were antivax. I said they lie. You don’t seem to be lying, just whining and misinformed.

Whining and misinformed? lol you got the wrong one my friend. Believe me you really do because I can all but guarantee you I am leaps and bounds more informed than you will ever be.

Getting a booster 5-6 months out gets me “caught up “ on vaccination scheduling it doesn’t get me caught up on actual protection to the circulating variant of the time and that is what you are missing or are choosing to overlook because I’ve repeated myself over and over again and you haven’t addressed any of the factual data.

If an unvaccinated person gets their first dose today, they won’t be caught up for protection to any variant that will present itself by the time they are considered fully protected which is two doses and a booster. By then there will have most likely been two more variants of significance that have emerged so what is the point about posting the vaccinated vs unvaccinated data and pushing those individuals to get vaccinated? Answer that question.

Number two, you can’t keep giving people booster shots this is not how vaccines work. You can’t just pump people full of non stop boosters and you are going to see that in the coming year.

So once again, you have to ask yourself why are some people continuously pushing the vaccinated vs unvaccinated agenda? If anything, a properly fitting KN95 and up is your best bet at protection while indoors.
I guess the Corona virus is declining here in NJ which I'm cool with... it just sucks I have to go back to work on Monday instead of working from home lol... I had it good for a month and a half
Whining and misinformed? lol you got the wrong one my friend. Believe me you really do because I can all but guarantee you I am leaps and bounds more informed than you will ever be.

Getting a booster 5-6 months out gets me “caught up “ on vaccination scheduling it doesn’t get me caught up on actual protection to the circulating variant of the time and that is what you are missing or are choosing to overlook because I’ve repeated myself over and over again and you haven’t addressed any of the factual data.

If an unvaccinated person gets their first dose today, they won’t be caught up for protection to any variant that will present itself by the time they are considered fully protected which is two doses and a booster. By then there will have most likely been two more variants of significance that have emerged so what is the point about posting the vaccinated vs unvaccinated data and pushing those individuals to get vaccinated? Answer that question.

Number two, you can’t keep giving people booster shots this is not how vaccines work. You can’t just pump people full of non stop boosters and you are going to see that in the coming year.

So once again, you have to ask yourself why are some people continuously pushing the vaccinated vs unvaccinated agenda? If anything, a properly fitting KN95 and up is your best bet at protection while indoors.
You seem to assume that boosters are targeted toward circulating variants, but they are not. They are the same exact vaccines that have been administered from day 1. The only difference is the Moderns booster is half (50mcg) the original dose (100 mcg). Otherwise it’s all the same recipe targeted against the original Wuhan strain. Tell me again how informed you are and I’ll prove again that you aren’t.
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