Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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bruh. I read "hospital" thinking, ok she's sick but she'll be ok and this guy is trash. but his 9 year old child is in damn PALLIATIVE care. without knowing why, best case scenario is she's gonna be there for long time. worst case scenario....yeah. my god this guy's priorities are wild garbage. hope his little baby girl hates her parents.

edit: I looked up this place, it's for kids with developmental disabilities/autism to transition them to live outside. dropped her off to go fight for this trash. garbage parents.
A whole bunch (100+) of parents at my kids' K-8 school got together and organized a "mask-out" protest where they sent their kids to school today without masks and told them not to put one on when requested. As expected, these students are not being allowed in classrooms (thankfully) and instead are sitting outside complaining about how cold it is, while their parents refuse to pick them up, presumably sitting in their warm offices/houses thinking they're proving a point. Child abuse, if you ask me. The school is rightfully following the state mandate, so if these parents really have a problem they should take their protest to Sacramento.
Also, when do yall think mandates should go away?
When vaccines and/or cures are available to everyone. Alternatively, vaccine mandates should replace mask mandates.

No vaccines are available to kids younger than 5, and Pfizer has indicated that the two-dose regimen is not as effective for that age range (as of a week ago).

All of this is extremely rushed IMO. All these clowns who are celebrating the lifting of the mandates shouldn't really be talking about "caring for children," but this is the country that chose to protect unchecked gun ownership after the murder of school children, so why are we even acting surprised?
When vaccines and/or cures are available to everyone. Alternatively, vaccine mandates should replace mask mandates.

No vaccines are available to kids younger than 5, and Pfizer has indicated that the two-dose regimen is not as effective for that age range (as of a week ago).

All of this is extremely rushed IMO. All these clowns who are celebrating the lifting of the mandates shouldn't really be talking about "caring for children," but this is the country that chose to protect unchecked gun ownership after the murder of school children, so why are we even acting surprised?

Im for the vaccine for sure but theres nongetting through to everyone. People like to go against the grain just cause. Freedom is a poor excuse, the worst excuse actually. Not wanting to get it cause youre skeptical (although you really shoudnt be at this point) I can understand more.
When vaccines and/or cures are available to everyone. Alternatively, vaccine mandates should replace mask mandates.

No vaccines are available to kids younger than 5, and Pfizer has indicated that the two-dose regimen is not as effective for that age range (as of a week ago).

All of this is extremely rushed IMO. All these clowns who are celebrating the lifting of the mandates shouldn't really be talking about "caring for children," but this is the country that chose to protect unchecked gun ownership after the murder of school children, so why are we even acting surprised?
the risk of dying from an accident (gun or car or abuse) for a child is much higher than their risk of dying from covid, vaccine or no vaccine.
i'm not saying to just let covid rip, but if we wanted to make a dent in childhood mortality, we would aggressively go after cars and guns. those ridiculous giant EV trucks should be banned.

every adult in America has had access to the vaccine for nearly a year and access to a booster for a few months now. I don't know if it's time now to remove restrictions, but a big factor is that we got hit hard with omicron despite restrictions (and imposing harsher restrictions just isn't happening) and we saw very little serious illness among the vaccinated. it would've been a little worse but not a lot worse without restrictions. hospitals getting full wouldn't have been an issue if every adult was vaccinated and boosted.

my only worry is that if and when we get another variant and it is serious, it's going to be really hard to convince people to wear masks again, but I also imagine it could be easier to make the case to wear masks for 4 months for next winter's covid wave if we haven't had to wear them for these next 8 months. wishful thinking, yes...
the risk of dying from an accident (gun or car or abuse) for a child is much higher than their risk of dying from covid, vaccine or no vaccine.
i'm not saying to just let covid rip, but if we wanted to make a dent in childhood mortality, we would aggressively go after cars and guns. those ridiculous giant EV trucks should be banned.

I’m not sure I completely understand the point you’re trying to make regarding children, but they do suffer other serious outcomes, including MIS-C and long COVID. The 1K+ child deaths are IN ADDITION TO those from accidents, guns, etc. I simply cannot comprehend how any responsible parent wouldn’t want to do everything in their power to protect their children, within reason. That includes vaccination and quality masks indoors. It just doesn’t make sense to me. I’ve experienced first hand what it’s like to almost lose a child and there is no worse feeling in the world, IMO.
I’m not sure I completely understand the point you’re trying to make regarding children, but they do suffer other serious outcomes, including MIS-C and long COVID. The 1K+ child deaths are IN ADDITION TO those from accidents, guns, etc. I simply cannot comprehend how any responsible parent wouldn’t want to do everything in their power to protect their children, within reason. That includes vaccination and quality masks indoors. It just doesn’t make sense to me. I’ve experienced first hand what it’s like to almost lose a child and there is no worse feeling in the world, IMO.
I'm sorry to hear that you went through that.

I don't have an exact answer here. There are many risks, especially in the first year of life, and most parents do a lot to reduce those risks. Like not letting friends and extended family visit for the first few weeks, for one, or not traveling at all, etc. Sometimes it's out of proportion to the actual risk, but I'll never fault a parent for that.

From a public health perspective, the absolute risk of covid is very low for children (mis-c risk is on par with risk of things like kawasaki disease):


I don't know the right way to handle children under 5, like in a daycare or pre-k setting. But I'm looking at this from the perspective of what to do on college campuses or other workplaces or social settings where it's all adults and in many cases fully vaccinated populations. To me it's not unreasonable to relax masking restrictions in those settings with the understanding that it'll be reversed if there's another surge (and of course there will be).
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So happy for all the people that have suffered for so long

And by suffering. Asking them to accept a minor inconvenience for less people could die. Including potentially themselves.

Imagine celebrating not having to do that anymore.
and it's not like these folks haven't been skating these mandates already anyways

Folks who haven't worn a mask since 2020 probably talking about "YES!"

the same mandates that allowed them to enter bars/restaurants with negative test results that ppl barely checked to begin with.

They are finally FREE
So happy for all the people that have suffered for so long

And by suffering. Asking them to accept a minor inconvenience for less people could die. Including potentially themselves.

Imagine celebrating not having to do that anymore.

Thank you for your well wishes. Asking me to wear a mask 😷 as a Black Man is asking me to live in Slavery again. FREE AT LAST FREE AT LAST THANK GOD ALMIGHTY WE FREE AT LAST LFG.
...effective monoclonals against Omicron are not readily available, especially BA.2...

Tried to warn 'em, but didn't wanna hear it.

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