Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Right now, the one that I only care about is the number of hospitalization/ICU. I've accepted the fact COVID will be like flu. If you get it and don't require hospitalization, then it's like having bad flu. My friends who've been very careful in the last 2 years, vaxxed and boosted, finally got it. Mild symptoms, recovered within couple days. I guess that's the new normal. Knock on the wood, my family and I haven't got it yet.......I think. My wife and I have stopped wearing mask since March, but not my kiddo (it's her choice though, not force by us). We've been to weddings, pack malls/bounce houses, airport/airplane, and luckily we've been lucky not catching it so far. The only time we still wear mask is if we go to medical/dentist office.
Right now, the one that I only care about is the number of hospitalization/ICU. I've accepted the fact COVID will be like flu. If you get it and don't require hospitalization, then it's like having bad flu. My friends who've been very careful in the last 2 years, vaxxed and boosted, finally got it. Mild symptoms, recovered within couple days. I guess that's the new normal. Knock on the wood, my family and I haven't got it yet.......I think. My wife and I have stopped wearing mask since March, but not my kiddo (it's her choice though, not force by us). We've been to weddings, pack malls/bounce houses, airport/airplane, and luckily we've been lucky not catching it so far. The only time we still wear mask is if we go to medical/dentist office.
Hospitalizations in our area have been rising for several weeks, along with the positivity rate and cases per 100k. It’s really not a time to relax, IMO.
Cool to see some of these Covid charts for the NE. Almost every state had a 60 day ramp up and then an almost immediate drop. NY and NJ are two weeks off their Covid ‘peak’. NJ had a low around March 18th, and by around may18th they hit their peak and have dropped ever since. MA and NY and RI and others are showing identical figures.

Really good news thst isn’t really being talked about.
Hope she has speedy recovery. Is Paxlovid prescribed by her PCP? I am curious if most PCP will start prescribing that.
Wifey works at an office with a few PCP's and says people have been calling in daily for the past 2 weeks with positive test or symptoms and are getting Pax prescribed left and right like nothing.
Your dad should definitely be on Pax, IMHO. FWIW, my 90 y/o diabetic grandma who has had a heart valve transplant is already feeling back to normal within just a few days of being on Paxlovid.
Which Mucinex do you take? The only one I F with is Mucinex DM. That stuff is magic, in my experience. Hopefully you've already been on vitamin D prior to infection because it takes some time for it to really build in your system.
What do we know about Paxlovid interactions or dangers to patients? I only briefly looked into it before it hit the market and read there are interactions with Statins which I'm currently on so I automatically dismissed it as an option.
Cool to see some of these Covid charts for the NE. Almost every state had a 60 day ramp up and then an almost immediate drop. NY and NJ are two weeks off their Covid ‘peak’. NJ had a low around March 18th, and by around may18th they hit their peak and have dropped ever since. MA and NY and RI and others are showing identical figures.

Really good news thst isn’t really being talked about.
Can’t talk about good news too much because stupid MFs will start licking handrails just to prove a point :lol:
The entire usa has seen an overall drop starting 5/17, the same time the entire NE quadrant saw a drop Follow all science
The entire usa has seen an overall drop starting 5/17, the same time the entire NE quadrant saw a drop Follow all science
It’s still very regional (my county is still surging and nowhere near the peak) and infections are vastly underreported due to home testing and people flat out pretending it’s over. I’m sure we can agree that the pandemic comes in waves and we haven’t seen the last wave. Long COVID is still a very real threat and recent studies show that vaccination and prior infection provide little protection against it. Every reinfection only increases the odds of long term effects from this disease. That alone should give everyone a pretty good incentive to avoid infection at all (reasonable) cost, yet the majority of people still don’t seem to understand that taking simple common sense precautions will actually improve their quality of life.
damn bros, Rona finally got me. I feel ok. Felt like I was getting a cold so I decided to check to make sure.

I've been doing a damn good job of protecting myself but got a little loose (for me, at least) the last 10 days (all golf related).

Wife and both sons are negative but its got to be a matter of time before my wife and youngest son get it. They sleep with me. Wife and I were hotboxing in my car yesterday at the beach.

Biggest disappointment is missing my son's 5th grade culmination. Can't get those memories back.

got damn Rona.
damn bros, Rona finally got me. I feel ok. Felt like I was getting a cold so I decided to check to make sure.

I've been doing a damn good job of protecting myself but got a little loose (for me, at least) the last 10 days (all golf related).

Wife and both sons are negative but its got to be a matter of time before my wife and youngest son get it. They sleep with me. Wife and I were hotboxing in my car yesterday at the beach.

Biggest disappointment is missing my son's 5th grade culmination. Can't get those memories back.

got damn Rona.

you got it when you were outside?
idk where numbers are actually dropping but here in hawaii, the count is still high PLUS we are likely getting a ton of unreported positives. i know of at least 10 people that have tested positive in the past week and are under self-quarantine but not reporting to the department of health. this is me rn trying to not catch it...


As reports of ‘Paxlovid rebound’ increase, Covid researchers scramble for answers​


hopefully we get more info on this "rebound" effect

It's the same reason some people (word to Fozz Fozz and his wife) who aren't taking Paxlovid have rebound symptoms after a few days of starting to feel better. If you don't clear the virus completely and it starts multiplying again (perhaps in a different location than just your nasal passages) your immune system will tell you to lay down while it does its thing. It's usually only a few days of rebound symptoms and people aren't winding up in the hospital or dying.
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Why aren’t any news outlets reporting about Walmarts shareholders meeting from last week? Over 14,000 employees from all over the world gathered for a week at razorback stadium and campus in Arkansas for a giant party like atmosphere celebrating their weird cult. First time in person since 2019.

Not a god damn mask on site. We don’t care about super spreader events anymore? Seems pretty important.

Side note: does anybody have any data or research about when a person is most likely to test positive for covid? When symptoms first show, or is there no concrete data on this. THANKS
Why aren’t any news outlets reporting about Walmarts shareholders meeting from last week? Over 14,000 employees from all over the world gathered for a week at razorback stadium and campus in Arkansas for a giant party like atmosphere celebrating their weird cult. First time in person since 2019.

Not a god damn mask on site. We don’t care about super spreader events anymore? Seems pretty important.

Side note: does anybody have any data or research about when a person is most likely to test positive for covid? When symptoms first show, or is there no concrete data on this. THANKS

TBH, there doesn’t seem to be any COVID related news at all anymore. It’s all personal responsibility unless the hospitals and morgues fill up again. God help us if a more virulent strain arrives, which isn’t out of the realm of possibility.
You are most likely to test positive on rapid test by day 3-5 after exposure. You can have symptoms by day 2-3, but it’s day 3-5 where the viral load seems to be high enough to infect others, and get picked up on RAT as well. With so much immunity from vaccine and prior infections, the immune system reacts very quickly to the virus, leading to nasal symptoms before you’re likely to be very infectious. Hope that makes sense.
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**UPDATE** just tested positive for the Rona. Took 2 tests just to be sure. Quarantine time.
Damn. Any idea where you caught it? How are symptoms so far? Hopefully you’re able to kick it quickly and make a full and speedy recovery.
Damn. Any idea where you caught it? How are symptoms so far? Hopefully you’re able to kick it quickly and make a full and speedy recovery.

99% sure it was the Walmart receiving clerk I interacted with the other day. She just HAD to tell me allllll about her trip to that shareholders meeting and what fun it was. Started busting out her phone and showing me pics. She got so close to me I could smell the cigarette smoke on her breath through my mask.

I saw the vids she showed me and said “y’all really didn’t wear masks the whole time? Partied with thousands and you think it’s cool to get this close to me before telling me that?”

She got all butt hurt but I wasn’t even slightly playing around. Walmart employees and people in general are scumbags.
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