Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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I might get one.

It’s a good tool for determining potential risk, but if you’re in a crowded indoor environment carrying a co2 monitor it won’t tell you anything you don’t already know. It’s a better tool for demonstrating to teachers, business owners, etc when they NEED to consider opening doors and windows to ventilate indoor spaces to lower the risk. On a plane there’s absolutely nothing you can do with that information other than wear a respirator, which you should already be doing. FWIW, the author’s mask looks ineffective, IMHO.
Thanks fam. Eventually i did get out the bed and just sat on the couch. Helped to sit up. Switched it up and took some nyquil and got sleepy 30 mins later and thankfully thankfully thankfully had really solid sleep from like 1 am to 7 am. That 9 pm to 12 am memory feels like a distant war for now.

We went on a cruise in Europe. Was all good. We flew back on the day they ended testing to return to the US. And half the flight was coughing up a lung and sneezing without any masks on. Never can truly know but assuming from that.
lol no lie i heard literally the exact story (getting affected in a cruise) so many times now

It's like we've completely forgotten how this pandemic really kicked off in 2020... I can't even imagine wanting to be trapped in the middle of the ocean with a boat full of strangers during a global pandemic. Some of my most memorable international vacations (Australia/New Zealand, Greece/Spain/Italy/Croatia) were on cruises, but now we know better than to be crammed onto a floating petri dish.
We went on a cruise in Europe. Was all good. We flew back on the day they ended testing to return to the US. And half the flight was coughing up a lung and sneezing without any masks on. Never can truly know but assuming from that.

I feel like I recall you complaining in this thread about catching COVID right before you left, no? Be honest, were you masked on the ship, plane, airport?
It's like we've completely forgotten how this pandemic really kicked off in 2020... I can't even imagine wanting to be trapped in the middle of the ocean with a boat full of strangers during a global pandemic. Some of my most memorable international vacations (Australia/New Zealand, Greece/Spain/Italy/Croatia) were on cruises, but now we know better than to be crammed onto a floating petri dish.

I feel like I recall you complaining in this thread about catching COVID right before you left, no? Be honest, were you masked on the ship, plane, airport?

Felt safe on the cruise actually because everyone had to test negative before getting on board. But agreed it’s a petri dish as is any group gathering like a club, a concert, a sports game etc.

Yep we masked up the way there, the way back, anytime we were off the cruise. I did it more for my wife honestly.

I don’t remember what I said but I agree with not needing a shut down and vaccines. Catching the covid doesn’t change that. I feel like i caught it because my immune system is so weak from not battling anything for the past 2-3 years and being a guinea pig. Thrilled that once i recover it’s another layer of protection.

To be clear, i’m not in any way anti mask or anti vax. I juz think trying to force people to do stuff never works all that well and education and positive group reinforcement by community leaders works better. The carrot not the stick. I took the jabs and the booster cuz it made sense to me. We’re lucky and blessed in the US to have had access to that stuff.
Felt safe on the cruise actually because everyone had to test negative before getting on board. But agreed it’s a petri dish as is any group gathering like a club, a concert, a sports game etc.

Yep we masked up the way there, the way back, anytime we were off the cruise. I did it more for my wife honestly.

I don’t remember what I said but I agree with not needing a shut down and vaccines. Catching the covid doesn’t change that. I feel like i caught it because my immune system is so weak from not battling anything for the past 2-3 years and being a guinea pig. Thrilled that once i recover it’s another layer of protection.

To be clear, i’m not in any way anti mask or anti vax. I juz think trying to force people to do stuff never works all that well and education and positive group reinforcement by community leaders works better. The carrot not the stick. I took the jabs and the booster cuz it made sense to me. We’re lucky and blessed in the US to have had access to that stuff.

Getting a negative test at some point prior to boarding the cruise is not going to catch many of the cases where people contracted it the day or 2 while traveling TO the cruise. It only works if everyone has to quarantine for 10 days prior to boarding, which obviously isn't happening. The biggest difference between a cruise and any of the other gatherings you mentioned is that you don't live at those places and you can leave at any point if you feel uncomfortable. FWIW, your immune system isn't weak from not being sick the past 2 years. You don't need to get sick to be healthy. I'm sorry, but that's not how immunity works. Perhaps if you were locked in a bubble and NEVER went anywhere, but if you're going anywhere being exposed to air/food/water that isn't perfectly sanitized, your immune system is being tested on a daily basis and can be kept functioning normally if you are taking care of yourself. You don't catch COVID because you haven't caught a cold in 2 years. You catch SARS-CoV-2 because it's the most infectious respiratory virus in human history and you're being exposed to it when you are indoors with large groups of other people, some of whom are certainly infected.
Is the booster still effective with all the variants? I got my first two shots but I lacked on getting a booster. Any help?

It won't dramatically help you prevent infection, but certainly enhances the breadth of your immune response. It reinforces the immunity from the primary series and gives you the memory B/T cells that should help prevent severe disease. Based on the research I've seen, this should be a 3 dose primary series and 2 shots shouldn't be considered "fully vaccinated."

TL;DR: get the booster
It’s been 9 months since my booster and the evidence appears to show the protection waning with time - they’ve done over 75s and immunocompromised people with a second booster (I think if you’re in the right category you could have had 5 doses - initial 2, 3rd, then 2 boosters) but that’s all. I’d like another one before the fall at least.
Coworker went to a wedding in Mexico. One of the guest had a positive test the day they were supposed to leave...bribed the hotel folks conducting the test/paper work and got himself a negative result so he could go home
Probably flew home maskless too.
One of my buddy’s and his wife both have Covid now after they got back from Florida. Both didn’t wear masks and on the flight or airport and she tested positive Monday so you know she was positive on their flight on Sunday. 🤦‍♂️

I told him that they were stupid but whatever. She works in healthcare too which makes it that much more 🤦‍♂️
One of my buddy’s and his wife both have Covid now after they got back from Florida. Both didn’t wear masks and on the flight or airport and she tested positive Monday so you know she was positive on their flight on Sunday. 🤦‍♂️

I told him that they were stupid but whatever. She works in healthcare too which makes it that much more 🤦‍♂️

Its the healthcare workers that you have to watch out for.

They think that working in health care means they have some advanced knowledge and therefore protection against the virus.
Day 3 after testing pozi...

First 2 days were unpleasant... Fully laid up in bed all day. Zero energy (but restless af) no appetite, body aches etc. Very similar to my past experience with flu.

I think the waves of nausea has been the worst thing though so far.

Last night I just stood up after having laid down for a while and my stomach did a kickflip. Almost blacked out en route to the bathroom :sick: Thought it was going to be a double dragon situation but mercifully it wasn't. Just sat their slumped over for 5 mins sweating like crazy.

Feeling somewhat better today so lets see what the weekend brings.
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