Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Indoor mask mandate coming soon to LA county.


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I’m really sorry to see this. Were you ever able to get Evusheld?

My hospital is doing it via a lottery system and I have to put my name in for it if I feel a lot worse. I feel so-so, so I don't think I'll need it but it's very limited hence the lottery.
My hospital is doing it via a lottery system and I have to put my name in for it if I feel a lot worse. I feel so-so, so I don't think I'll need it but it's very limited hence the lottery.
I know they were trialing it as post-exposure/early infectious similar to a regular monoclonal antibody, but for now Evusheld has only been approved as pre-exposure prophylaxis for high risk immunosuppressed individuals, AFAIK. Maybe you're thinking of Bebtelovimab or another new gen monoclonal? Admittedly, I haven't kept up on the literature of which monoclonals are still effective against currently circulating variants as much as I should.
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1000 pct confident that my boss got covid but he comes into work sick this week. Coughing, sneezing, etc. He decides to not test nor mask up. He just got back from a trip and conference, so I expect that us where he caught it.
One of our coworkers just tested positive and probably caught it from him as well.
Never got my booster but looks like it’s time. Especially since this is supposed to be really contagious.

Clear your schedule and take a couple days off if you can. I was in the same boat until a few weeks ago. Booster had me down bad for about a week. Fever, fatigue, lymph node under my armpit swollen the size of a strawberry. **** was awful.
1000 pct confident that my boss got covid but he comes into work sick this week. Coughing, sneezing, etc. He decides to not test nor mask up. He just got back from a trip and conference, so I expect that us where he caught it.
One of our coworkers just tested positive and probably caught it from him as well.

A few weeks ago my mom was coughing and looked unwell - she didn’t test or do anything different though as she “didn’t want to know she had it”.

“Are the kids still coming this week?”

Heard from a friend & former coworker last week about a salesman at the dealership out of nowhere starting to wear a mask…he asked what the deal was an dude told him he has COVID…Why TF do you go into work?!? IDGAF if he was wearing a mask, dude shouldn’t have been allowed to work…Glad I’m not there anymore.
I tested positive on July 4th. Started feeling crappy July 2nd but attributed it to drinking on an empty stomach the night before. I came back to work on the 11th and still felt pretty crappy, I was “cleared” based on protocols of when I first felt symptoms to come back the 8th… which seemed way too soon.

On Tuesday the 12th I started feeling quite a bit better, and can say that I went to the gym last night and feel 100 now.

I had a SMALL cough, wasn't congested at all, just felt very fluish and tired , and wanted to lay down/sleep all the time. I have definitely been more sick in my life. Team Pfizer and boosted btw.
Heard from a friend & former coworker last week about a salesman at the dealership out of nowhere starting to wear a mask…he asked what the deal was an dude told him he has COVID…Why TF do you go into work?!? IDGAF if he was wearing a mask, dude shouldn’t have been allowed to work…Glad I’m not there anymore.

People are scums. Simply ridiculous that this clown thought it was cool to show up with COVID-19 mask or not. 🤡 probably wanted kudos for wearing a 😷.
We once wiped out smallpox and now we're letting a lesser virus take hold. Our public health agencies have become jokes. State and federal governments are overrun with people who have no interest in actual governing
We are a weak, entitled, dumb and lazy society. Smallpox would've ended society if they had our society. I'm convinced that most of this nonsense is because of people and their selfishness and weakness.
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