Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Interestingly I saw the first black and white admission that things are bad. England removed mask wear from most health facilities not too long ago and last week I saw a letter that basically said “the numbers are so bad that we are going back to compulsory mask wearing for all staff”.

That’s the first tacit admission like that I’ve seen - everything else has been head in the sand political decisions ignoring any of the information.
test positivity has shot up, from a low of ~2% to 18% now. good news is that cases and hospitalizations are not climbing, so I wonder if this is maybe some reporting/testing anomaly.

deaths and ICU numbers have stayed pretty steady these couple months. given we're almost back to pre-pandemic levels of gatherings, that's reassuring.
It’s clearly positive that people aren’t dying so frequently - but unfortunately some take that as it being okay to be infected over and over - there’s mounting evidence that that can cause long term multi organ issues.
Experts say it has further immune escape (can reinfect at will), more contagious, more virulent (better at infecting lung tissue) compared to prior Omicron variants. Not good.
To elaborate, here’s a very good explanation of everything we know so far: https://erictopol.substack.com/p/ba5-chapter-2

And an incredibly informative video that starts off pretty basic, but gets more in depth and theoretical later on.
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Here in Los Angeles it’s taking in the sun and playing in the sand with you.

My district removed everything. It’s just honor system now.

Second time getting it last week, both times by kids brought it home. This time it was my 1 year old and she spread it to the house. She had a fever and bounced back quick. I had aches and chills again. Mild compared to the first. Wife coughing up a lung still. My son, patient 0, in the house again with no symptoms.

Politicizing it was the worst thing to happen.

If Covid is “over” then don’t make my kids stay home for 5 days. Y’all don’t want to pay Covid leave, want pcrs one day, at home the next. 🤦‍♂️
Here in Los Angeles it’s taking in the sun and playing in the sand with you.

My district removed everything. It’s just honor system now.

Second time getting it last week, both times by kids brought it home. This time it was my 1 year old and she spread it to the house. She had a fever and bounced back quick. I had aches and chills again. Mild compared to the first. Wife coughing up a lung still. My son, patient 0, in the house again with no symptoms.

Politicizing it was the worst thing to happen.

If Covid is “over” then don’t make my kids stay home for 5 days. Y’all don’t want to pay Covid leave, want pcrs one day, at home the next. 🤦‍♂️

FYI-COVID sick pay is mandatory for most businesses in CA
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We get 40 hours but they make you jump thru hoops to claim it. I have 2 kids so if they overlap I’m still having to use my KIN care

If your employer falls under that law, you are entitled to 80 hours - 40 for you, and 40 for family. I'm not sure what "hoops" they are requiring, but they aren't legally allowed to require anything other than oral or written request.
If your employer falls under that law, you are entitled to 80 hours - 40 for you, and 40 for family. I'm not sure what "hoops" they are requiring, but they aren't legally allowed to require anything other than oral or written request.

Lausd leaves up to the admin so I probably should reword it and say my site makes you jump thru hoops. They literally told teachers that tested positive and felt “ok” to come to work 😂.

You turn in the paperwork and don’t get your time corrected for months here
We get 40 hours but they make you jump thru hoops to claim it. I have 2 kids so if they overlap I’m still having to use my KIN care

This one hit hard at my site. A lot of my colleagues got boosted, had negative reactions and had to get a doctors notes because they were out for a week. They got paid off cycle months later

I'm assume that's specifically meant to prevent people from taking advantage, since most people experience side effects that last 1-3 days (8-24 hours). I don't know of anyone who was out a week after vaccination, though I'm sure that it happens. I felt like crap the day after dose #2, but took 2 extra strength Tylenol and went to work because I had work to do, though I don't blame anyone for taking a few days off to rest and recover.
We're starting to see cases at my job, but none have amounted to much more than a moderate head cold in terms of symptom severity. We had to hospitalize one person but it was due to cohorting issues and lack of availability of private rooms, otherwise we would have kept them.

Seeing it from a management/leadership perspective has been...interesting, to say the least. Between having to play musical chairs to isolate the positive cases, making sure the staff is in compliance with zoning and their respective precautions, and dealing with the staff's (very vocal) opinions on COVID and the NY state guidelines that are out of our control, it's quite the headache.
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