Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Reasonably safe space is going to be determined by the person doing the actions. I doubt they see their actions as unreasonable. And, imo, we're at a point in this thing where judging the actions or inactions of others really only leads to division.

Short of someone violating your personal space, I think the best approach for this is going to be live and let live.
We can see how well that approach is going… it’s exactly why we needed mandates to begin with, because so many people didn’t willingly make good choices to prevent the spread of disease. Those who aren’t protecting themselves are also making it more difficult for the rest of us, especially those who are already more vulnerable due to circumstances outside of their control. More infections = more mutations = more infectious variants. The cycle has been undefeated so far.
Need some opinions…going to an outdoor concert next Friday, and it’s GA, but I’ll be chillin in the back for two reasons…
I hate being in any sort of tight space with people, & I am short, and can’t stand being blocked by those taller than me, hahaha.

So question is, should I mask up? Going with a friend, and I know he won’t be, but his actions don’t dictate mine.
Need some opinions…going to an outdoor concert next Friday, and it’s GA, but I’ll be chillin in the back for two reasons…
I hate being in any sort of tight space with people, & I am short, and can’t stand being blocked by those taller than me, hahaha.

So question is, should I mask up? Going with a friend, and I know he won’t be, but his actions don’t dictate mine.

I would.

For nearly the past year when I have been going to the gym, I've been masked up. I have family members who didn't and they just went back to the gym a few weeks ago and they caught the rona immediately.
Need some opinions…going to an outdoor concert next Friday, and it’s GA, but I’ll be chillin in the back for two reasons…
I hate being in any sort of tight space with people, & I am short, and can’t stand being blocked by those taller than me, hahaha.

So question is, should I mask up? Going with a friend, and I know he won’t be, but his actions don’t dictate mine.
Concerts get all kinds of weirdos so wearing a mask shouldn't make you stand out.
You can even wear a halloween mask or some sort of bandana over your face with a cowboy hat or something....turn some band merch into a face covering.....
Or best bet don't even go at all...With Monkeypox going around I would not want to be crammed somewhere with a bunch of sweaty people rubbing up on you making skin to skin contact
Need some opinions…going to an outdoor concert next Friday, and it’s GA, but I’ll be chillin in the back for two reasons…
I hate being in any sort of tight space with people, & I am short, and can’t stand being blocked by those taller than me, hahaha.

So question is, should I mask up? Going with a friend, and I know he won’t be, but his actions don’t dictate mine.
Definitely have a mask in case you aren’t able to distance. If there’s plenty of room, you can take it off to eat/drink off to the side away from others.
Curious if he was ever really neg
Rebound is real. My theory is that Paxlovid got his viral load down low enough where it wasn’t detected in his nose (been known to hide in GI and soft tissue) but his immune system wasn’t strong enough to fully wipe it out once the 5 day treatment was done, so it’s currently multiplying again.
Although Biden is pretty fit and has the best healthcare possible it’s easy to forget that he’s a (nearly) 80 year old man.

That will make recovery much more difficult than someone half his age. I can’t imagine the job makes it any easier either. Even R&R won’t be - it’s not like he takes a week off and let’s Kamala do the job for a bit, even on vacation he’ll be working.
Went to my sister in law's baby shower yesterday. It was outside but I was masked up and didn't eat anything. My unvaccinated Mother Law that also has cancer was there and unmasked of course smh.
Maybe she just wants to die on her own terms?
Not as much concerned about what she wants and more concerned about others that she was sittinf next to that might not know she is anti vaxxx. Really selfish. At least in the past she had the decency to wear a mask around others.

4) Regarding #monkeypox transmission via cutaneous (skin) route… there is a recent story about a man in Spain who possibly contracted #MPXV via a handshake and 15 minutes using a scooter ’s handlebars (& no sexual exposure).

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