Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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There are also articles that cite sources saying the vaccine is a lot more dangerous than what we’ve been told. They cite doctors and researchers as well. I just feel like there are such extreme tacks on both sides that the truth has to be somewhere in the middle.

And again, coming from a page that is clearly promoting Doom scrolling…. And that’s exactly what it’s doing, doesn’t make me want to dig into the link you posted.

People say all kinds of things. If you have links to peer reviewed publications then provide them. I'm not talking about editorials from antivaxers or doctors and researchers looking to make a quick buck selling their supplements and garbage. There is someone at the bottom of every class, even in medical school. If you aren't the type who likes to read scientific studies and data, then my post was not for you.
There are also articles that cite sources saying the vaccine is a lot more dangerous than what we’ve been told. They cite doctors and researchers as well. I just feel like there are such extreme tacks on both sides that the truth has to be somewhere in the middle.

And again, coming from a page that is clearly promoting Doom scrolling…. And that’s exactly what it’s doing, doesn’t make me want to dig into the link you posted.
So the question becomes how do you, as a reader, determine what evidence is more convincing out of the two sides?
So the question becomes how do you, as a reader, determine what evidence is more convincing out of the two sides?

As I said, the truth is someone in the middle.

March of 2020, I was consuming these articles in this thread, probably also being posted by Blake, and I was terrified to leave my house. I called in to work for a whole week and wasted a week of PTO due to being scared. Three years later, and it really feels like there are some that want the doom and gloom to continue. Hell there was a post a page back about someone who had a patient die NOT from Covid, and there’s a poster who is asking “are you sure he didn’t have Covid? Are you sure it wasn’t Covid?” Reading it, it felt like the poster badly wanted to hear that the patient died from Covid, and not something else. There ARE other sicknesses out there.

So after nearly 3 years of constant doom and gloom , can you blame me for being skeptical? On one end I got people telling me I’m gonna die because I’m vaccinated and on the other end of the spectrum (mostly on NT) I’ve got people posting stuff constantly about all the long term damage Covid does, even to vaccinated individuals.

Everyone I know who has had Covid , even those who got it in the winter of 2020 two years ago, etc, have not reported long term effects, they seem healthy as ever, I’ve had Covid, I feel healthier than I’ve ever been. I know ONE person who died from Covid, he was in his 60’s, didn’t get vaccinated, and waited too long to seek medical attention.

And let me ask, are we supposed to live scared/in isolation for the rest of our lives? When I got Covid, I didn’t catch it from one of the 50 plus times I’ve gone to the gym, I didn’t catch it from one of the maskless times at a concert I went to, but I’m pretty certain it got brought home from my daughters 9 month check up, where everyone besides my daughter was masked. Last year when I talked about my job going maskless, I was shamed endlessly in this thread though.
So the question becomes how do you, as a reader, determine what evidence is more convincing out of the two sides?

Gotta dig into the sources. Whatever you read check things like what journal/website it’s in, who the authors are, who/what the authors cite, the institutions they’re from, the mandated disclosures they include. Ex if the principal investigator is a researcher at Harvard Med vs a team funded by the Heritage Foundation. After that it’s up to you if you wanna trust/believe them. I’m gonna put more faith into something I read in JAMA over a link to thecovidtruth.org. But then there’s gonna be folks who think JAMA articles are lib BS, that’s their prerogative if they don’t wanna be saved.

There is someone at the bottom of every class, even in medical school.

“You know what they call the person who graduated bottom of their medical school class? Doctor.” :pimp: :lol:
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Yeah i'm like really? At the end of 2022?

And what exactly are we doing?

Most of us are living our lives like normal .

Back in June when I posted about being hesitant to get my daughter vaccinated, and shared that her doctor said that most parents haven’t gotten it for their child, and that even during the peak of Covid in 2020 at the children’s hospital there weren’t that many bad cases of kids with Covid (and look at that, hospitals are more full with RSV than they ever with with Covid, over here anyway) and the same folks that you can’t go against their narrative ever, said that the doctor should be stripped of his license. My daughter got Covid early July and was sick for 3-4 days, and has been completely healthy ever since.

But because the doctor didn’t immediately push the vaccine on us, he should be stripped of his license right?

You can’t even question the opinion of a few of NT’s resident gatekeepers in here at all without getting bullied.
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It is pathetic that a grown man that claims he just wants to live his life is complaining about being bullied in a message board.

Dropping the usual "both sides" and "people having narratives" struggle framing

You don't want free discussion. You want your point of view validated.

No one owes you that.

Live your life how you please, don't expect people in here cosign your choices.

It is about to be the end of 2022. If discourse in here bothers you that much. Then leave this thread and the opinions in it behind.

Spare us this victim act.
In an attempt to show some empathy I get where cragmatic cragmatic is coming from.

People mentally have to compartmentalize things. And I think there is a gap in "knowing the information" and then "how to act on said information". Some people mentally need to make the leap (logical or illogical) that they are done living in fear because them living in fear legit means not leaving the house and not socializing. Not everyone can digest the information and make calculated risks on a day to day basis in regards to COVID. Because people "tried" to wear a mask or socially distance and they still got COVID so ya know....what's the point then? And that is the logic of a lot of people. I am not saying it is right but it is very prevalent.

right now for me personally, having caught covid once and having some strange things happen to me (hurt to breath deeply bad chest pains). I am not trying to get it again and play games with my heart (que the backstreet boys song). I am masked at work and if I am in crowded indoor venues (grocery store, and gym mostly). that is my current risk tolerance.

Also the data that is coming out about how bad reinfection can be over time has given me enough pause to stay masked.
I really don't want any parts of this but I can't help myself.

The response above mine and a few others here are how conversations go. And other responses to the poster are why convos are impossible to have. Because people, more often than not, tend to talk down to folks not in agreement with them. And that leaves absolutely no room for understanding...only defensiveness.
It is pathetic that a grown man that claims he just wants to live his life is complaining about being bullied in a message board.

Dropping the usual "both sides" and "people having narratives" struggle framing

You don't want free discussion. You want your point of view validated.

No one owes you that.

Live your life how you please, don't expect people in here cosign your choices.

It is about to be the end of 2022. If discourse in here bothers you that much. Then leave this thread and the opinions in it behind.

Spare us this victim act.

Coming from the poster who doesn’t allow any kind of free discussion at all and tells other people how they feel.

Oh ok, got it 👍🏻

You gonna call me a “fragile white guy” again? Sounds like you’re being a tad bit racist to me.
Imagine an adult feeling "bullied" by questions and opposing viewpoints on an internet message board. That's kinda how a conversation works if people have forgotten. Those types will be the first to say things are soft nowadays too.

Rusty literally attacks ANyONE that doesn’t agree with him 100 percent. He’s been doing it for years lol.

He acts as the gatekeeper of several threads. But got it 😭
Rusty literally attacks ANyONE that doesn’t agree with him 100 percent. He’s been doing it for years lol.

He acts as the gatekeeper of several threads. But got it 😭

Problem is people who want to argue with him, most of the time don’t do their research and bring in legit sources that can be vetted. I’m similar to Rusty, I will automatically dismiss you if you have nothing offer.
Coming from the poster who doesn’t allow any kind of free discussion at all and tells other people how they feel.

Oh ok, got it 👍🏻

You gonna call me a “fragile white guy” again? Sounds like you’re being a tad bit racist to me.
Rusty literally attacks ANyONE that doesn’t agree with him 100 percent. He’s been doing it for years lol.

He acts as the gatekeeper of several threads. But got it 😭
You sound like Elon Musk

An entitled dude that demands their opinion be coddled, no matter how low information or problematic

If you think I am breaking the rules. Report me

Racist is not allowed on NT. So if calling you a fragile white guy is racist. Let Meth and the mods know so the can handle it.

Otherwise, I am not required to make NT a safe space for you.
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Problem is people who want to argue with him, most of the time don’t do their research and bring in legit sources that can be vetted. I’m similar to Rusty, I will automatically dismiss you if you have nothing offer.

The core of the issue to him is really that I am not sufficiency nice to him.

That is really it.

He doesn't want people disagreeing with him. And if you do, you better be nice about it.
As I said, the truth is someone in the middle.

March of 2020, I was consuming these articles in this thread, probably also being posted by Blake, and I was terrified to leave my house. I called in to work for a whole week and wasted a week of PTO due to being scared. Three years later, and it really feels like there are some that want the doom and gloom to continue. Hell there was a post a page back about someone who had a patient die NOT from Covid, and there’s a poster who is asking “are you sure he didn’t have Covid? Are you sure it wasn’t Covid?” Reading it, it felt like the poster badly wanted to hear that the patient died from Covid, and not something else. There ARE other sicknesses out there.

So after nearly 3 years of constant doom and gloom , can you blame me for being skeptical? On one end I got people telling me I’m gonna die because I’m vaccinated and on the other end of the spectrum (mostly on NT) I’ve got people posting stuff constantly about all the long term damage Covid does, even to vaccinated individuals.

Everyone I know who has had Covid , even those who got it in the winter of 2020 two years ago, etc, have not reported long term effects, they seem healthy as ever, I’ve had Covid, I feel healthier than I’ve ever been. I know ONE person who died from Covid, he was in his 60’s, didn’t get vaccinated, and waited too long to seek medical attention.

And let me ask, are we supposed to live scared/in isolation for the rest of our lives? When I got Covid, I didn’t catch it from one of the 50 plus times I’ve gone to the gym, I didn’t catch it from one of the maskless times at a concert I went to, but I’m pretty certain it got brought home from my daughters 9 month check up, where everyone besides my daughter was masked. Last year when I talked about my job going maskless, I was shamed endlessly in this thread though.
Respectfully, there's a lot of nonsense in this post.

I know about the post you're talking about because I wrote that post. I didn't get that impression at all. A couple of questions were asked, I answered them, and everyone moved on. Never felt like anyone wanted to say the person died from COVID. That's YOUR perception.

Your second paragraph is making it seem like both sides have valid arguments, when that's not the case. The data is clear: the COVID vaccines are OVERWHELMINGLY safe, and the incidence of any of the side effects that people fear monger over (blood clots, myocarditis, etc.) are FAR more likely to occur from an actual COVID infection than from the vaccine. This is why I asked you the initial question of how you determine what to listen to and what to disregard. You seem to be injecting a sense of fake fairness where both sides should be given equal credence when that's really not the case. You wouldn't give as much time of day to a flat-earther as you would an astrophysicist, so why are you doing something comparable here? You'll always have a few fringe "experts" that go against the consensus, but the scientific consensus is the consensus for a reason. The truth isn't always "in the middle," and to think it is is just intellectually lazy.

Your third paragraph is entirely anecdotal and is virtually worthless in terms of being considered evidence of anything. I worked ICU all throughout the pandemic in NY--what I saw was completely different than what you've been exposed to. I was the one loading bodies into freezer trucks. I was the one helping ration out ventilators when there was a shortage. I was the one helping admit patients from NYC because their hospitals couldn't handle the amount of critically ill COVID patients they were getting. Additionally, I saw all of that stuff that happens in that space between "da sniffles" and death. I can't tell you how many people I saw get tracheostomies and feeding tubes. These people had to re-learn how to walk, talk, breathe, and eat. They survived, sure, but their lives will never be the same ever again.

Lastly, the answer to your final question is a resounding "no." Additionally, who is advocating for "living in isolation for the rest of our lives"? It seems like the vast, vast majority of people have gone back to life as usual. Hell, I go out all the time and I'll be going to a concert in NYC this Saturday. I just acknowledge that COVID is still a thing and that respiratory viruses are pretty prevalent right now, so I'll be taking a few extra precautions to keep myself and the people around me safe. To ask a question like "are we supposed to live scared/in isolation for the rest of our lives?" is, to be blunt, a total ******** framing that no one seems to be pushing other than reactionaries looking to hyperbolize anyone that advocates for any semblance of caution.
My daughter got Covid early July and was sick for 3-4 days, and has been completely healthy ever since.
The crucial part you are missing about covid is that its impact is cumulative. The more you get it, the worse it damages your body. That was one of the main points that doomer account tried to convey.

Exposure to it is similar to radioactive material.

It is too early to say with certitude that the people who caught it will be perfectly healthy afterward. Studies about the long-term impact of covid are starting to come out, and they're not looking good.

We'll have to wait 5-10 years from now to have a clearer picture of the actual damage of the disease, so while I understand you skepticism, I'll say that the odds are in favor of people advocating caution.
And let me ask, are we supposed to live scared/in isolation for the rest of our lives? When I got Covid, I didn’t catch it from one of the 50 plus times I’ve gone to the gym, I didn’t catch it from one of the maskless times at a concert I went to, but I’m pretty certain it got brought home from my daughters 9 month check up, where everyone besides my daughter was masked. Last year when I talked about my job going maskless, I was shamed endlessly in this thread though.
So you're saying the only time you've gotten covid was from sending your daughter to the doctor maskless?
So the question becomes how do you, as a reader, determine what evidence is more convincing out of the two sides?
Academics already had this figured out for a while. Have you ever written a research paper in middle or high school that requires you to cite your sources? This is no different.

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