Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I haven’t seen any actual evidence to support the ‘fear’ but I honestly don’t think you could get most people to care enough to do anything to protect themselves unless the IFR was similar to Ebola.

Facial disfigurement is probably the only thing that could possibly make these people care.
Facial disfigurement is probably the only thing that could possibly make these people care.

ED :nerd:

TDB fishing for clicks again. I made an account to read the actual article, just says new subvariants are taking over and no evidence of severe disease BUT IF they are able to evade immunizations and IF they cause worse disease...pray for us.

third paragraph:
It could be like 2020 or 2021, all over again. The big difference is that we now have easy access to safe and effective vaccines. And the vaccines still work, even against the new subvariants.

last paragraphs:
But one thing is clear. For all their transmissibility and fusogenicity, the new subvariants haven’t significantly escaped the immune effects of the leading vaccines. And the latest “bivalent” boosters, formulated specifically for BA.4 and BA.5, should maintain the vaccines’ effectiveness as long as the dominant subvariants are closely related to Omicron.

Get vaccinated and stay current on your boosters. It’s impossible to stress this too much. Yes, BQ.1 and its cousins exhibit some alarming qualities that could bend the arc of the pandemic back toward widespread death and disruption.

But only if you’re unvaccinated or way behind on your boosters.

:stoneface: I hope I can delete this free account
none from my understanding. you need to be triple vaxxed or recent negative test. it’s recommended you upload all of your info into an app that’ll get you through immigration quickly.
Yeah I was working at a place doing take out. It was stupid busy. The food quality def wasn’t as good though because it sat in a box.
we rarely eat out now cause it’s so expensive, plus my son eats adult-sized portions now. went to the mall and got a chuckle at the price of this ramen set.
Yeah it’s expensive but it’s one of those things for me that’s a non negotiable.

I go out and eat a lot by myself and it’s like the only time I get to chill. Nobody is stopping me from blowing money on bbq if I want to sit down and eat. :lol:

If I worked normal hours and was around more I’d be cooking at home 75% of the time.
Couple of observations from this week.

I watched 2 games of rugby at the weekend - 70,000 in the stadium here without a mask in sight. Similar in Tokyo where even outdoors when they showed the crowd they were practically all wearing good quality masks - and the ones who weren’t seemed to be actively eating/drinking. Obviously they were both outside but that’s clearly not a zero risk.

I’m in London today for a quarterly meeting. I’m wearing my fit-tested respirator. My anti-vax anti-mask cousin was on the same flight and walked right past me but didn’t recognise me. I saw one other guy with a mask on.

On the subway even the Asians aren’t wearing masks now - I saw one other mask in about 30 minutes.

This winter is going to be interesting.
This thread is dying :ohwell:
Got the bivalent booster for the whole fam yesterday. Today, they all blame me for the misery. :lol: So far I only feel body aches.

It seems very variable - I was a bit tired for
a couple of hours but one of my colleagues spent 2 days in bed.
Just be safe this fall/winter. I had to send 2-3 people home in the past two weeks for coming into the office with sniffles and a cough. Scolded them for even thinking that work was more important than their work and they were shocked I wanted them home to recover.

These older cats swear they need to work 24/7 regardless of their physical/mental health.
Just be safe this fall/winter. I had to send 2-3 people home in the past two weeks for coming into the office with sniffles and a cough. Scolded them for even thinking that work was more important than their work and they were shocked I wanted them home to recover.

These older cats swear they need to work 24/7 regardless of their physical/mental health.
I’ve reiterated it to my staff so many times now that I don’t know what else to say. The salary folks with unlimited PTO are the worst, TBH. I thought COVID would have made people more willing to stay home when they’re sick or at least put a mask on, but people went “back to normal” real quick.
Havent been to a concert in nearly 3 years now. I want to see Talib Kweli/Madlib in a couple weeks but not sure how safe it is, especially right after thanksgiving.

Me too. I wanted to see Pet Shop Boys on their recent tour but that’s way outside my comfort zone at the moment - but they just announced that they are playing my city’s new year concert - it’s in an outdoor auditorium which is perfect so I got tickets for me and my wife.
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