Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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The number of infected should spike a lot higher once more testing is rolled out. Our numbers are based on the amount of people that can get tested not the number of people that actual have this.
My area lists total number of tested. Metro area of a million plus has had 2000 tests conducted. Something like two dozen positives. All the rest negatives.
We need more transparency on testing too. How many took it and weren’t positive? One could still get it but it shows it hasn’t quite spread. At some point we just have to test everyone, no if’s ands or but’s.
make sure you play social distance defense though
so, it´s safe to say ¨Black Mirror¨ is finito as a series in 2020, right?

The Health Ministry announced Wednesday it has begun using mass surveillance tools to retrace the movements of coronavirus carriers and has already informed 400 people in contact with them that they must enter quarantine.

The tracking aims to alert and order into quarantine people who, in the previous two weeks, were within two meters for 10 minutes or more of someone who turns out to have the virus. Self-quarantine for the virus lasts 14 days; thus, if the proximity incident was, say, 10 days earlier, those ordered into isolation would be required to stay there for four days.


i have been following the top map since january 26th

if you guys what to know the numbers on the virus across the world i would follow these 2 maps regularly

the top map works better on a PC then a phone or tablet
So dumb question...there is more then one “human coronavirus” strain? Because how do/did they know our cleaning products would work against it? If it came from animals
there are 7. I read it may work on covid19.
the disinfectants advertise human coronavirus because it can kill the virus or strains that causes covid19 to derive from that or something like that.

i have been following the top map since january 26th

if you guys what to know the numbers on the virus across the world i would follow these 2 maps regularly

the top map works better on a PC then a phone or tablet
I'm bookmarking that map. Works good on my phone on wide angle. Puts all those numbers in great perspective. Looks like N.Y, L.A, and Seattle taking the hardest hits. Chicago still looks ok for now (knock on wood).

Especially helpful if you have friends or family anywhere in the world. You can visually see what it's looking like instead of just reading cold numbers.
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