Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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garnishments should be ignored for now. At least it should

Do we know anything about mortgages, rent, loans, credit card bills? Is that business as usual?
Other than the quote from Pelosi stating their new plan was to postpone car and mortgage payments. I haven't found any new details about that yet.
Damn no one is safe from getting meme'd 😭
I still stand on what I said pertaining to Draya & the coronavirus btw. Just a thought. I may be asymptotic too, u never know.
I don't expect the stimulus to do **** for average Americans, but I just want it to pass to help the stock market, so at least companies have more confidence and stop laying people off.

Me and my girl about to put a down payment for an apartment and this **** has really made me nervous.
Random story time:

Went to a convenient store to pick up some essentials. Some old dude with his damn handkerchief sniffing up a storm and wiping his nose. Indian lady behind the counter was like "do you have a cold? Please stay away". The dude started telling her to worry about her own damn country. I couldn't take it and told him "this is her damn country".

This mofo responds with "no it ain't she's brown". Blood still boiling, hate seeing this type of **** man. Elderly lady working her *** off so we have essentials and this entitled prick thinks she should be grateful to be serving him. ****
Random story time:

Went to a convenient store to pick up some essentials. Some old dude with his damn handkerchief sniffing up a storm and wiping his nose. Indian lady behind the counter was like "do you have a cold? Please stay away". The dude started telling her to worry about her own damn country. I couldn't take it and told him "this is her damn country".

This mofo responds with "no it ain't she's brown". Blood still boiling, hate seeing this type of **** man. Elderly lady working her *** off so we have essentials and this entitled prick thinks she should be grateful to be serving him. ****

Old and ignorant boomer. Better off without them.
All I see is a giant rubber sponge collecting whatever ****'s on the street and dragging it into a food market man...

I have to check my phobias and use of hand sanitizer, if I don't, I'm going to end up setting my **** on fire.
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You're right that it's not on private individuals. Just like it's not on the man with the mop to clean up the puddle. But when you have such vast resources and seemingly so much concern for the issue, why are you pointing fingers and waiting for others to show initiative on something you could've almost singlehandedly helped to resolve?
He’s pointing fingers to highlight the unpreparedness of our government and countries around the world. If they would’ve listened, perhaps we wouldn’t be in this situation.
Random story time:

Went to a convenient store to pick up some essentials. Some old dude with his damn handkerchief sniffing up a storm and wiping his nose. Indian lady behind the counter was like "do you have a cold? Please stay away". The dude started telling her to worry about her own damn country. I couldn't take it and told him "this is her damn country".

This mofo responds with "no it ain't she's brown". Blood still boiling, hate seeing this type of **** man. Elderly lady working her *** off so we have essentials and this entitled prick thinks she should be grateful to be serving him. ****

and you said......

off topic, but he claims Russia and China a are spreading misinformation with regard to this virus to harm us.

I think if Russia and China both recover physically and economically before usi (even if it's thru fudged #s) they could have a great advantage on us... and yes, they have been working together for years.

Nt is insanely annoying on my phone, sorry for the formatting errors.
It's funny how they punish you if you filed early in 2019 and got a raise. Oh you got a raise or had a good year and made $102,000 last year. No dough for you.

Good to hear companies in the fashion and sex toy industry pitching and doing their part but If a small sex toy manufacturing company can pump out 100k masks, these big corps should have had this country covered already wit ppe

It's not that simple from an economic point of view. There are many examples of companies that became bankrupt because they switched their production to items with extreme demand only to be left hanging with excess inventory once demand collapsed.
This is why a coordinated response is necessary. The US government could guarantee that they will buy x amount of ppe over a certain period, redistribute them to the areas in need, and many manufacturers would be all in. However, that would require Trump to not be a bish and play favorites towards red states in times of crisis.
Most stores have reuped on tp. Idiots how purchased eight packages of tp gotta feel stupid.

Not unless they paid over retail. The main reasons I stocked up on groceries and essential supplies:
1) At some point (it already is in some places) it will not be safe to go to the stores, even if they are still open.
2) In case there is some type of COMPLETE lockdown where people are not allowed to leave their homes.

My stock is currently either frozen or bagged (non-perishable, shelf stable) and not being touched until one of those situation arises. In the meantime, I'm still going to the store once a week and picking up what we need for the week ahead. If there's anything I can't find because it's out of stock, I'll borrow it from my bagged/frozen stock and try to replenish what I took. I estimated that we have enough food and essential supplies to last at least 1 month on complete lockdown.
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