Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Random story time:

Went to a convenient store to pick up some essentials. Some old dude with his damn handkerchief sniffing up a storm and wiping his nose. Indian lady behind the counter was like "do you have a cold? Please stay away". The dude started telling her to worry about her own damn country. I couldn't take it and told him "this is her damn country".

This mofo responds with "no it ain't she's brown". Blood still boiling, hate seeing this type of **** man. Elderly lady working her *** off so we have essentials and this entitled prick thinks she should be grateful to be serving him. ****
Another day for a person of color in AmeriKKKa smh.
Not unless they paid over retail. The main reasons I stocked up on groceries and essential supplies:
1) At some point (it already is in some places) it will not be safe to go to the stores, even if they are still open.
2) In case there is some type of COMPLETE lockdown where people are not allowed to leave their homes.

My stock is currently either frozen or bagged (non-perishable, shelf stable) and not being touched until one of those situation arises. In the meantime, I'm still going to the store once a week and picking up what we need for the week ahead. If there's anything I can't find because it's out of stock, I'll borrow it from my bagged/frozen stock and try to replenish what I took. I estimated that we have enough food and essential supplies to last at least 1 month on complete lockdown.
True. Hope we don’t go on complete lockdown. How many rolls of tp do you have?
I haven't seen it. Can you post it?
damn that's cold (did they tag him too?!?). I couldn't rep with a laughing emoji even though lowkey wanted to
According to Harvard, the virus stays airborne for 3 hours..am I reading this right

According to Harvard, the virus stays airborne for 3 hours..am I reading this right

I read that nebulizer use, like what's done in this study, can make the virus aairborne.

This is why outside of hospital settings it's believed that we won't encounter corona in the air as often.
This is the 1st real glimpse of spring we've had so far. It's nice out. Been walking my dog like a fiend. I can tell it's gonna be tough to stay in when summer comes around.
For my healthcare peeps facing shortage of vents, perhaps some physician at your facility already had this in mind or maybe your facility already knows about this, but is always a good thing to spread info...if your hospital is struggling to meet the demand of intubated patients, there is always this option as a last temporary resort, we are preparing to use this method, but hopefully won’t have to..

Pretty genius
Yikes. Italy is sitting at a 10% death rate right now.
They hit a daily case and daily death peak 3-4 days ago. Today’s numbers look very similar (but lower). 3-4 more days of continued stalling of growth and Italy may have officially seen the worst of it. Any time a day is lower than your all time high, it’s to be celebrated. I don’t see that enough in the media.
Yikes. Italy is sitting at a 10% death rate right now.
They hit a daily case and daily death peak 3-4 days ago. Today’s numbers look very similar (but lower). 3-4 more days of continued stalling of growth and Italy may have officially seen the worst of it. Any time a day is lower than your all time high, it’s to be celebrated. I don’t see that enough in the media.

the media only brings up a country if it's because it's seeing an increase in cases/deaths. Once the curve flattens in that country you never hear about them. China was on the news every hour then they got it somewhat contained a few weeks later and you rarely hear about them now. Nobody was watching the news or reading online articles before this so they're gonna milk this fear agenda til the last drop
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