Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Only 10 at my job and I have my own separate office and I'm about to force a layoff TBH.

Severe asthma and COPD places you in the high risk group. If I were you I would open up the dialogue with your boss and hope he's receptive which he/she should be unless he's a complete POS, given your circumstances.

We have about 250 people a day still coming into the office. A lot of people got the option to work from home, but I'm new so they said it's not an option. Basically my options are to come to work or quit.
I don't think it'll take 2 years to deal with the virus

Way before that, a great deal of us will acquire immunity in either of two ways:

Someone cooks up a successful vaccine


Most of us gets covid

One way or the other. Whichever happens first. The first way would end up with the lower death toll of course.
We have about 250 people a day still coming into the office. A lot of people got the option to work from home, but I'm new so they said it's not an option. Basically my options are to come to work or quit.

I don't know where you're located, but that's about 240 more than I'd be comfortable with :lol:
I don't know where you're located, but that's about 240 more than I'd be comfortable with :lol:

I'm in Oregon and while we do have a lock down in place I work at the headquarters of a financial institution so we are deemed essential. Unfortunately I was not essential enough to be able to work from home.
The only place I wanna go to is Trader Joe's but that place is tiny as hell and it's gonna be hard to do the social distancing in there.:stoneface: :stoneface:
Trade Joes has done a great job with how they handle these times. Both places around me only let a certain amount in at once, and they have someone standing there who will spray sanitizer on your hands before you go in.

They are trying at least.
I'm in Oregon and while we do have a lock down in place I work at the headquarters of a financial institution so we are deemed essential. Unfortunately I was not essential enough to be able to work from home.

Sorry to hear man. It's terrible timing unfortunately. Kids supposed to be graduating, folks getting new jobs, etc. Sucks.

There's gonna be a lot of blood on peoples hands when this is all said and done. All in the name of a green piece of paper. Sad.
I don't think it'll take 2 years to deal with the virus

Way before that, a great deal of us will acquire immunity in either of two ways:

Someone cooks up a successful vaccine


Most of us gets covid

One way or the other. Whichever happens first. The first way would end up with the lower death toll of course.

Research models show that based on COVID-19 transmission characteristics, it would take 2/3 of the entire worldwide population getting infected with the virus for there to be true "herd immunity" that would stop it naturally. My fear is that until one of those 2 options that you mentioned happens, the cycle of [infection->lockdown->re-open->repeat] will continue to occur. We are such a global society that if there's a case anywhere, there's a case everywhere...
The ksteezy ksteezy way

I think the "herd immunity" happens before the vaccine

Let's be honest... if you received notice that a clinical trial COVID-19 vaccine from a reputable pharmaceutical company was available today, how many of you would line up to get it not knowing the potential side effects?
I actually tested positive. Got sick about 12 days ago. Got it through my dad who was sick first.

Not a fun experience to say the least. Had the high fever, cough, night sweats, body aches, some wheeziness in my lungs. My parents and I are very fortunate we did not get the severe lung issues where we needed to go the hospital.

Heed the advice, stay home. It's for sure not just a typical winter bug. Happy to answer any questions if anyone has and hope you all stay safe and healthy.

have you been or are you a smoker ?
also if you don't mind me asking you how old are you and whats the age of your father ?

hope the worst of it is over from you and your family
take care

I'm so stressed right now with the decision to quit my job or not. I just started last week and it's a great job, but I have severe asthma and copd and there are hundreds of people in the office each day. I'm afraid with this many people in one place a mask is just not enough. My wife just found out this morning she lost her grandma last night.

none of us can tell you what to do but if you want to live i would quit
i'm so sorry to hear your wife lost her grandmother that must be a terrible thing to go through
so unforgivable

my prayers are with you and your family
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Let's be honest... if you received notice that a clinical trial COVID-19 vaccine from a reputable pharmaceutical company was available today, how many of you would line up to get it not knowing the potential side effects?

I’d take the risk. I’ve taken plenty of risks in my life before just with broads I met in nightclubs back in the day before settling down, I can take the risk for a vaccine. :lol:
So Amo wasn't a exaggerated depiction of that crooked country?

nope. place was already bad and getting worse with that murderer in charge. hes a wannabe trump-lite except a lot of the population are either uneducated, ignorant or dumb as hell to see through his BS so he has a strong cult behind him.

the whole place is a ****show. you got congresspeople and their entire families getting tested ASAP ahead of actual sick people, congressmen going into a damn hospital with his pregnant wife AFTER BEING TESTED FOR SUSPICION. 22 hospital staff had to go on quarantine because of that idiot.

edit: common folk struggling to get supplies, people trying to go out and buy food without getting murdered in the streets, doctors trying to get to work getting ticketed for violating containment, hospital workers cant get to work because these idiots shut down public transportation without thinking first, etc.
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nope. place was already bad and getting worse with that murderer in charge. hes a wannabe trump-lite except a lot of the population are either uneducated, ignorant or dumb as hell to see through his BS so he has a strong cult behind him.
A shame, that country has potential and is uniquely flawed from the shows presentation at least.
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