Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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The ksteezy ksteezy way

lol. Duterte is something else man.
today's explanations on face mask (both locally and nationally) have been a **** show. Everyone is being overly cautious with the recommendation because of the fear of taking these away from out medical personnel.

Use them but dont use them.

so far we've seen news stories about mega churches still holding full mass, Jewish community with 10k people in Brooklyn mourning a rabbis death, and 10k Muslims in Bangladesh praying for their health.

And people ask why I don't mess with religion :smh:
How long did the worst of it last? Glad you recovered.
brownsuga1 brownsuga1

Did you take over the counter medications?
Did you just sleep a lot, and stay hydrated?
Did you have an appetite?

Someone mentioned sore throats awhile back.
Amazon product ASIN B0153LGKO0This helped me a lot two months back. It's basically a salt/oregano/cayenne/honey/acv dry blend that you mix with water.

I think trader Joe's has the 5-10 customer limit in place too. Just prepare to spend the rest of this pandemic 50-60% in lines.

Thanks man. I first got symptoms on March 22nd a few days after my dad and mom had symptoms and developed fevers. I don't live with them but came home to see if they had supplies in the house. This was on March 14th. Right before I left to go back to my apartment, my dad mentioned he had minor body aches. I didn't go back to my apartment because I had a bad feeling and didn't want to infect my roommates. Next day, my dad developed a fever and then 4 days my mom and then me on March 22nd.

The worst I felt was on March 22nd - March 28th. My fever went as high as 102. Horrible body aches, like you get hit by a truck. The night sweats were horrendous. I'd wake up at least 8-9x a night to change my shirt. It was horrible. But luckily, all three of us did not get the severe lung issues. I actually had it the worse out of my parents overall which I am thankful for.

The medications I took were Tylenol Cold and Flu. Really did help with the fever especially over night. Eventually I got over to a doctor when my cough was really bad and I really couldn't take a deep breath without feeling a struggle. The doctor gave me a Z pack to take. I also was given Albuterol (an inhaler)

I slept at night but didn't really sleep during the day. I was trying to take care of my parents at the same time. I had no energy to do anything but I wasn't sleepy during the day. No appetite, I must have lost 10-15 pounds.

Tried to stay hydrated as much as possible. During the night sweats, I would wake up like I've been hiking through the desert. Can't even count the amount of Poland Spring bottles I must have crushed. I was also constipated for five days. Took a laxative on day 6.

Just re-iterating, as bad it might have seemed, there are countless stories of people who had it 10x worse than I had it. My parents and I are very very very lucky.
have you been or are you a smoker ?
also if you don't mind me asking you how old are you and whats the age of your father ?

hope the worst of it is over from you and your family
take care

none of us can tell you what to do but if you want to live i would quit
i'm so sorry to hear your wife lost her grandmother that must be a terrible thing to go through
so unforgivable

my prayers are with you and your family

Thanks man. I am not a smoker, never have been.

I'm in my late 20's, my dad is mid to late 60's and my mom early 60's. Both have pre-existing conditions (diabities and high blood pressure that they control). I was really worried for them but they escaped the worst of it. I don't know how or why but they did.

I am perfectly healthy and actually got worse than they did. My dad's biggest issues were the severe body aches. He literally couldn't move for 2 weeks and my mom had a fever and really really low energy. It attacked all three of us differently.
Brownsuga1, you think you got it on the 14th and didn't have any symptoms until the 22nd? Whew, that is a bit scary of a lag time if that is what you said up there.
crime has not went down where i live

it has gone up alot of robberies calles have come in and random shootings
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Brownsuga1, you think you got it on the 14th and didn't have any symptoms until the 22nd? Whew, that is a bit scary of a lag time if that is what you said up there.

Yeah, it took a while for me to experience symptoms. They say the incubation period is 2-14 days and its pretty accurate. I was first exposed March 14th and felt symptoms March 22nd. I might have felt some small stuff before then but didn't really notice until March 22nd. I was sitting down and got up and immediately felt body pains in my legs. You will instantly know that its not normal aches from working out or sitting down all day
Yeah, it took a while for me to experience symptoms. They say the incubation period is 2-14 days and its pretty accurate. I was first exposed March 14th and felt symptoms March 22nd. I might have felt some small stuff before then but didn't really notice until March 22nd. I was sitting down and got up and immediately felt body pains in my legs. You will instantly know that its not normal aches from working out or sitting down all day

Wow. I'm happy you and the family got through it and can talk about it.
brownsuga1 brownsuga1

1. Were you prescribed hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin?
2. Were you on any steroids?
3. When did your symptoms subside?
4. Did you lose your sense of taste/smell?

1) I was given azithromycin. Just finished it yesterday. Was also given Albuterol (an inhaler)
2) No steroids
3) March 22nd when I first noticed. My fever finally subsided March 29th-ish. My breathing and tightness in chest lasted until yesterday but noticeably was better than in previous days. Right now, I just feel tired. Tried WFH but was not having it today.
4) The story of losing smell and taste came out while I was in peak Corona hell. I want to say I couldn't taste nor did I have an appetite. My dad, even before that story came out in the news, mentioned word for word "I have no taste".

There was one night, I was taking a shower and I tried to smell my body wash and couldn't. Now, I don't if this was a placebo in my head or I was trying to make myself not smell it, I have no idea but I couldn't smell the body wash.
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