Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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It is funny to some extent seeing the demographics of the protests. Most of these people look like they work at Walmart or are stay at home wives/sons. Pretty sure those jobs/lifestyles weren’t really impacted by all of this.

What? Their play dates are significantly impacted!
This is everyday. Almost every car on the 4 train was like that this morning. Even a dude smoking. My commute currently gives me more anxiety than being at work does, and I work in a hospital :smh:

i know people need the subway to go to work like yourself especially if your an essential worker but i think keeping the subways open now do more harm than good

the MTA helped the spread of the virus to begin with now the homeless have taken it over the subways and it's even worse
it's like the airlines kept european travel going in february did
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i know people need the subway to go to work like yourself especially if your an essential worker but i think keeping the subways open now do more harm than good

the MTA helped the spread of the virus to begin with now the homeless have taken it over and its even worse
like the airlines kept europen travel going in february did
I agree with you 100%. On top of the homeless situation, there’s no police presence, there are commuters that are not wearing masks, and the MTA is also not properly equipping their employees. I have a couple friends who work for them, one being a cleaner that contracted the virus and is now struggling to recover because she’s an asthmatic. They haven’t given them proper masks or shields and they want recovered workers back as soon as possible.
This is everyday. Almost every car on the 4 train was like that this morning. Even a dude smoking. My commute currently gives me more anxiety than being at work does, and I work in a hospital :smh:
The city of dreams in the greatest economy history have ever seen. Keep going on this trajectory where compassion and empathy are absent and this will become the norm rather than a frightening image
Virus Silently Spread in N.Y.C. Months Ago, New Model Says: Live Updates
Researchers at Northeastern University say there were already thousands of cases in New York City by the time the first positive case was recorded March 1.

Michael R. Bloomberg put up more than $10 million to launch an effort to test and trace the coronavirus across New York

Thousands of hidden cases in N.Y.C. preceded the first positive test in March, a new model found.
By the time New York City confirmed its first case of the coronavirus on March 1, thousands of infections were already silently spreading through the city, according to a model of the disease’s spread by researchers at Northeastern University.
Even in early February — while the world focused on China — the virus was not only likely to be spreading in multiple American cities, but also seeding infection elsewhere in the United States, the researchers found.
In mid-February, a month before New York City schools were closed, the city had more than 600 people with unidentified infections. San Francisco had another 600, and Seattle, Chicago and Boston already had more than 100 people, the findings estimate.
Disease researchers at other institutions said the findings of the Northeastern team were broadly in line with their own analyses.

By late February, as the world’s attention shifted to a dire outbreak in Italy, the 14 known American cases were a tiny fraction of the thousands of undetected infections that the researchers estimated were spreading from person to person across this country.
And more cases may have been arriving in the United States by the day.
By March 1, as New York confirmed its first case, more than 10,000 people in the state may have already been infected.

state and local governments failed us all in nyc and around the country
Swear to god, I had it, before it was cool.

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