Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Yes, this data is much more reliable and believable than that crap out of California. NY data implies the true infection rate is ~5x what we're detecting, not ~50x like the other study claimed.

It's also important to note how overwhelmed NYC has been (slowly improving now), so many people who knew they had it were not tested or avoided getting tested. Not like in other places where someone sneezes and they think they have it. The fraction of positive tests in New York is 7X higher than in California (38% vs 7%). That is a ridiculous difference and indicates there is a lot of undertesting in New York, so I would say if anything NYC's antibody number overestimate the number of missed cases nationally.

Anyway, it puts the death rate in the 0.5-1% range, which is believable.
Wuhan laboratory scientists 'did absolutely crazy things' to alter coronavirus and enabled it to infect humans, Russian microbiologist claims
  • World renowned expert Professor Petr Chumakov made claims about the labs
  • He thinks new regulations will come in to control work with dangerous viruses
  • Putin's spokesman warned against allegations that coronavirus was manmade
Yes, this data is much more reliable and believable than that crap out of California. NY data implies the true infection rate is ~5x what we're detecting, not ~50x like the other study claimed.

It's also important to note how overwhelmed NYC has been (slowly improving now), so many people who knew they had it were not tested or avoided getting tested. Not like in other places where someone sneezes and they think they have it. The fraction of positive tests in New York is 7X higher than in California (38% vs 7%). That is a ridiculous difference and indicates there is a lot of undertesting in New York, so I would say if anything NYC's antibody number overestimate the number of missed cases nationally.

Anyway, it puts the death rate in the 0.5-1% range, which is believable.

I've always thought the actual number of infected was around 10 times the number of positive test results. Death rate is still high at .5-1% and we know that by not overwhelming the hospitals, that's how you keep it from going up to 3-5%.
I don't think there is anyway a city that has so many people coming from China on a daily basis, the place where this outbreak first started and none of them came back to NY without infection. It doesn't seem possible. Not to say that this is their fault either because at the time there was no sense of urgency in controlling this whole thing.

When you also factor in studies that say most of the people with the infection in NYC were travelers from Europe, knowing that Europeans are real big on traveling and you have no idea where they have been prior to that...March can't have been the first sign of the virus in NYC. It just wouldn't make sense, to me at least.
Some little humor to add to this scary pandemic...........this was a screencap of my LOCAL NEWS LAST NIGHT


That's right boys..........BANANA MASKS IN HOUSTON, PEOPLE.

Here in Colorado about half of the deaths have come from these same facilities.

My girl works in this industry but we made the choice to keep her home a month ago. F all that. Gotta be smart over everything.
Just curious, serious questions so you don't have to answer. Does she plan on going back after the pandemic? How does she think she will be received by those who stayed if at all?
Just curious, serious questions so you don't have to answer. Does she plan on going back after the pandemic? How does she think she will be received by those who stayed if at all?

So what happened was she had 1 in-home client that she worked 3 times a week, 12 hr days. Her work took her off that 1 in-home client due to hospitalization and tried putting her in a facility, right in the middle of all this ****. She didn't take it. We were freaked out maybe her client got hospitalized because of Covid-19. So for a couple weeks we thought my girl could have possibly been infected.

My income has always been enough but she enjoyed her job so she kept it over the years. She hasnt officially quit, she just didnt take that in-facility client. Will she go back? Hard to say. Honestly though, to answer your question, not really worried how she'll be viewed. Every body gotta do what they think is right, we got kids so we had to prioritize.
I don't think there is anyway a city that has so many people coming from China on a daily basis, the place where this outbreak first started and none of them came back to NY without infection. It doesn't seem possible. Not to say that this is their fault either because at the time there was no sense of urgency in controlling this whole thing.

When you also factor in studies that say most of the people with the infection in NYC were travelers from Europe, knowing that Europeans are real big on traveling and you have no idea where they have been prior to that...March can't have been the first sign of the virus in NYC. It just wouldn't make sense, to me at least.

I'm from Flushing and I wanted them to cancel the Lunar New Year celebrations here because of the virus. That was back in late January, I think I even mentioned it in this thread back then. All the politicians wanted to go forward with the celebrations but if outbreak films/TV taught me anything, contain as early as possible. The Flushing parade still happened but with a lot less people.

They say Europe but if this virus started in China, it probably came from there.
I'm from Flushing and I wanted them to cancel the Lunar New Year celebrations here because of the virus. That was back in late January, I think I even mentioned it in this thread back then. All the politicians wanted to go forward with the celebrations but if outbreak films/TV taught me anything, contain as early as possible. The Flushing parade still happened but with a lot less people.

They say Europe but if this virus started in China, it probably came from there.

The wave that came to ny in late February and early March is a strain that came from Europe.

People traved to nyc and didn't know or maybe they did know they was sick at the time the china travel ban was in effect

But I posted articles saying that in December and january the virus was in nyc and I'm sure that's the orginal strain that came from china and spread across the world.

At this moment their are 30 different strains of the coronavirus across the globe.

I highly doubt their will be a cure for this disease anytime soon or in the next 2 years.
It just keeps evolving

everyone Especially in New York please stay safe
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your right about that

price of bad societal design, chapter 1104.

The city of dreams in the greatest economy history have ever seen. Keep going on this trajectory where compassion and empathy are absent and this will become the norm rather than a frightening image


really absorb that...the massive homeless population in the shining center of capitalism has no other shelter during a worldwide disease outbreak than the transit system used by most members of the public each day.

that is a DISGRACE. a cluster**** in its realest form.
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