Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Cheers all!

My governor initially says she wants to do a shelter in place for 14 days to get hospitals ready. Some 4 weeks later, we have flattened the curve. But that is not enough anymore. They mention needing vaccines or everyone tested. I don’t want to bring up party affiliations but you get the idea. Some are doing decent but she wants to extend the goal posts

we’re in this until March 2021 at the same closures.

So many different agendas at play now. Even in a pandemic, it's a sad fight.

Meanwhile, big box places are packed and deemed non essentials are closed. It's all political at this point.
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So for people wondering about at grocery stores and why some people don’t have a mask on, at my job in California, we can ask that you wear one but we cannot enforce it.A situation happened at another store an employee said last week to a customer you need to wear a mask or else you can’t shop here. the customer pulled a knife on him and said ain’t no one telling me what I can and can’t do. Store managers can refuse to serve you but highly unlikely knowing the way some of my previous managers are. Corporate sent an email don’t enforce wearing a mask because they don’t want employees getting hurt....also probably not sued :lol:

please wear a mask though for the workers’ sake, customers, and yourself.

¨...mf we can both die in 2020 then!¨

can you possibly fathom being that unstable, having that little regard for outcomes???

scary to think about mental effects this crisis may have...global PTSD in the social media age is a crazy concept.
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I just can’t do it guys. Wearing a mask is not feasible in any amount of moderate heat. I’m a bigger heavier breather and my body overheats easily. Just a 10 minute grocery store stroll and I’m sweating under there. How are y’all handling this? Do I fake it and use a cheap bandana with no protection? It’s not the protection I worry about but the stores that have rules. These things suck.
Kudos to the healthcare workers keeping their cool for 12 hr shifts. I overheat within minutes. I need my fresh air.

I'm not using any medical grade mask either.

I have a couple washable ones made of fabric that someone sewed together for me, I wear these when I'm going on walks or stores where I know there won't be many people. It comes with a metal piece for the nose bridge as well.

Also have some disposable ones my parents sent me from Taiwan since their government distributes them.

I have one N95 respirator left over from the CA fires that I wear to grocery stores, but I'm pretty sure its end of life now.

The masks, other than the N95 ones, aren't really to protect yourself, but to protect other people. But if everyone wears them, it's a good thing.

Be safe.
The fact that covid positive 25-40 year old males are increased risk for stroke is frightening.

Honestly, I think I'd rather die than survive a stroke. Most people just aren't the same post stroke.
Funny story, since I was sick in the first weeks of January, I've have a slight tinkeling in my left foot and temple. I haven't really paid it much attention, it was more of an annoyance. But last week it was a little worse and it went from tinkeling to a concern, so I going to get it checked on Tuesday.
Funny story, since I was sick in the first weeks of January, I've have a slight tinkeling in my left foot and temple. I haven't really paid it much attention, it was more of an annoyance. But last week it was a little worse and it went from tinkeling to a concern, so I going to get it checked on Tuesday.
Im hoping for the best news.. Keep us updated..
Where you guys getting your masks from? The ones on amazon seem way too expensive and most aren’t eligible for prime. Ordered bandanas instead.
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