Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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NJ is opening up all parks tomorrow
the entire tri state area shouldn’t even be opening up until june at least. nyc shouldn’t even open up until the fall.
it looks like they are trying to get things back to normal but in slow phases...but i wont go out until theres no restrictions who knows how long that will take lol...i want to be able to go to the movies, shop at the mall, eat at restaurants or get a drink at the bar... i have a feeling with the summer coming up soon things will start to open up... but nothing will be the same... like you have to wear a mask always, 6 feet distance between people and probably half the capacity allowed at places...but i dont know how that would be possible at certain places like sporting events, bus, subways and airports...i had a feeling this would happen... as soon as georgia opened up last week some states were going to follow and do the same... obviously a lot of stuff is still restrictive...

i think the government doesnt want to give away free money anymore... but with all the taxes we pay we should be entitled to an extent... this is more about money so the economy can pick up again versus saving lives... kinda disappointing but this is unprecedented where everything is closed except essential businesses... the government wants to put that to an end...
I don't need a haircut but I def look wild right now.

this is how I'm looking currently

Wow. Just learned my sister contracted covid like ten days ago. She's fine though

Maybe we should keep in touch more often :lol:


What I've heard of some people not making enough antibodies is true. Her antibody levels are low. She doesn't meet the requirements to donate her plasma.


So I guess I've completely missed the memo but apparently rapid testing is open to all healthcare workers - even if they're asymptomatic. I'm probably going to test myself even though I'm completely fine.
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huntington beach looking like a lakers championship parade
I'm no infectious disease expert, but should you stand so close, when you're hollering and chanting?

Sure hope Death hydrates.
The beach protesting is the most infantile, childish ish I’ve ever seen. You all look like bratty kids that are throwing tantrums because you acted up and now can’t go outside and play with your friends. Grow the f**k up.
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Just got the results back from my antibody test I took earlier. I tested positive.

Playing Mask Off by Future is about to hit real different now 🤣😂
I have a feeling mostly everyone in ny that takes an antibody test is show they had it. If you took the subway anytime after November you were most likely exposed and have had it in your system.

Amazon will spend $4 billion or more on coronavirus response, potentially wiping out Q2 profitz

this argument must start with a concession that Jeff Bezos is a savvy businessman, but we can skip that, right?

-seems obvious to me that this is the kind of thing companies in pretty much every industry ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DO if they want to consistently do business within the next, 2-5 years...big changes, all on your dime.

-they are going to dump some ( most) of those profitz into automating their facilities. others will follow suit.

-somebody´s gonna have to get to work busting up Amazon in the near future, there´s a real path to WholeFoods, DisneyMarvelLucasFilmSportandEntertainment, Comcast and McDonalds owning entire cities.
Your post reminded me of this doc I saw the other day. I honestly think this pandemic is going to speed up the automated workforce initiative and UBI will be rolled out for those who are left out in the cold without any no skill labor jobs left.

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