Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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All jokes aside I’m not sure where to get toilet paper
I have prob a week left for my house (4 people) but I know in the last couple of day’s we been to like 5 stores and it’s dry szn
All jokes aside I’m not sure where to get toilet paper
I have prob a week left for my house (4 people) but I know in the last couple of day’s we been to like 5 stores and it’s dry szn
Just go to places like discount grocery stores or mom and pop stores. We have a bunch in a place called FoodsCo here in San Francisco. I also had to buy hand sanitizer from Pier 39 gift shops since Safeway, CVS, and Walgreens sold out. If I didn't find any around here, I would've went to a less populated area to buy them(for me, it would have been Marin County).
Have you tried gas stations? My friend found some generic brands at some gas stations.
Not yet but that might work, we’ve been to a Costco, Walmart, target and Publix so far. I’m not tripping yet but if I don’t get some in the next few days that’ll be no good
All jokes aside I’m not sure where to get toilet paper
I have prob a week left for my house (4 people) but I know in the last couple of day’s we been to like 5 stores and it’s dry szn

I grabbed some from amazon. $19 for 30 rolls and was at my door the next day
just got an email from HR
CA and WA will be providing state disability insurance , paid leave and even Unemployment benefits for those impacted by covid-19

Awesome, I hope more states follow suit....don't expect southern states to do the same though.
just got an email from HR
CA and WA will be providing state disability insurance , paid leave and even Unemployment benefits for those impacted by covid-19

LAUSD shut down startting monday
The amount of paid leaves being reported is promising. We'll see what our company does.

Already got word that working from home for our call center (I work at the warehouse with fewer people) is going to be a worst case scenario. Worst case scenario doesnt seem too far out the scope though.
Japan still stubbornly insisting summer Olympics will go on as scheduled.

Who is buying that ?

Celltrion vows superfast test kit, cure on COVID-19 within months

South Korea’s top biosimilar developer Celltrion has double down on efforts to develop a super-fast test kit on identifying COVID-19 and a cure for which a clinical trial could be initiated in six months’ time.

Celltrion Chairman Seo Jung-jin said in a YouTube live stream on Thursday the company has a goal of commercializing the kit within three months in cooperation with a local partner and the daily supply could reach up to 100,000 units.

“We are focusing on screening antibodies that meet the sensitivity and accuracy level required for diagnostic kits by using blood samples from COVID-19 survivors,” said Seo, adding he expects to see a prototype in April, clinical evaluation in May and commercial supply after June.

To test COVID-19 infection, a method called quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) is widely used but it takes a few hours to obtain results although its accuracy is very high. In contrast, a rapid diagnostic kit works fast but its accuracy is low.

Celltrion is planning to combine the advantages of both methods, showing accurate results within 15 to 20 minutes, Seo said.

Regarding the development of a COVID-19 cure, Seo said the company continues researching the efficacy of CT-P38, its investigational antibody to treat the Middle East respiratory syndrome, as well as CT-P27, its multi-antibody drug for influenza tested in a phase 2b study. At the same time, a multi-antibody against virus mutations is being studied based on the analysis of the novel coronavirus.

The clinical trial for the cure will be possible after six months, Seo said, adding the company’s plan is to demonstrate safety in a phase 1 study and both safety and efficacy and side effects in up to 1,000 patients in a phase 3 trial.

Seo said the commercial development of a COVID-19 treatment would cost at least 300 billion won ($245 million).

Celltrion will also provide a total of masks to 500,000 citizens in need in Incheon, Gyeonggi Province, and Cheongju, Chungbuk Province, the two cities where Celltrion facilities are located, Seo said.
Not yet but that might work, we’ve been to a Costco, Walmart, target and Publix so far. I’m not tripping yet but if I don’t get some in the next few days that’ll be no good

Target and grocery store were empty yesterday, but the Family Dollar store in the rural area where I work had plenty, so I grabbed an extra 12=48 pack. Why they gotta make buying TP so difficult with all the different damn size rolls tho?!
shoutout to NT fam for keeping all of us updated. NT has pretty much been my main source of up-to-date news.

my girls parents are supposed to fly (LAX) to europe to visit France/Portugal tonight. Im literally trying to convince them otherwise and im getting a lot of ammo from your guys' posts.

much love.
If you live near an Asian supermarket they will usually carry household items like toilet paper and paper towels
It’s gonna be expensive tho
Such a conspiracy theory.
Step on that. Cut it with Poland Springs.

While you’re joking, I **** you not - dudes in NYC sell bootleg Poland Spring.It’s 100% NYC tap water in reused bottles with a printed out label. I am not doubting the cats in the streets in the know will start pushing fugazi hand sanitizer.

Reading this for later.

In the case of Singapore it could be the weather? Idk too much of how the weather is in hk or taiwan

After thinking about it, Taiwan is a hot country too, it's right next to the Philippines
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