High school basketball star gets 3 years for kidnap/assault of his ex Did he deserve it?

Every mans downfall has been a dumbasss woman. Since the beginning of time, since eve made adam bite that apple. Messing with these dumb broads,smh. 

Every mans downfall has been a dumbasss woman. Since the beginning of time, since eve made adam bite that apple. Messing with these dumb broads,smh. 


How is it the girl's fault the guy kidnapped, assaulted her and harassed a witness? Like the girl told him to kidnap her. NT mentality sometimes is off the charts.
This dude is a fool...you have all that at stake and you go out and do this?? :smh: You were on the brink of a FREE education, and the possibility of playing professional sports, I really have no sympathy whatsoever for people like this,other than its another kid throwing their future away for committing inexcusable crimes
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How is it the girl's fault the guy kidnapped, assaulted her and harassed a witness? Like the girl told him to kidnap her. NT mentality sometimes is off the charts.

I don't think that's the intent of his comment.

He's saying dudes repeatedly have some sort of downfall or mishap...over domestic issues w/ women. Not that the women "force" men to do these things.
ive seen dudes recruited by faaaar lesser school literally get any girl they wanted in high school..

dude was a top 100 prospect nationally, i know dude coulda prolly got yambs at any high school in that county...why not just find another even badder broad???

one of the few perks of being an elite high school athlete is young high school groupies...and my dude aint taking advantage of this...smh
I don't think that's the intent of his comment.
He's saying dudes repeatedly have some sort of downfall or mishap...over domestic issues w/ women. Not that the women "force" men to do these things.
Thank you.

Women play a influential role in the downfall of every man. It's not her fault. She's just the female factor in the actions he chose to make.
Yeahhh definitely deserved. Sucks for the kid, but he should of thought about the consequences.
I dont condone those actions but I have to bring up Floyd May gettin a 90 day sentence for domestic battery. Doesn't seem that fair to me.
Some of you dudes act as though you've never been in love and had your heart broken. Coming from someone who has, it's terrible. You can't eat, sleep, or function to your full capacity. You're literally sick with despair. That being said, I don't condone what he did whatsoever, but I do feel like his lawyer should've went with a temporary insanity defense. I'm sure at that point in time he wasn't in his right mind because of the current state of his emotions and, unfortunately for him, lashed out in the worst possible way.
Dudes lawyer didnt even look him in the eye when the hammer came down.

He should've been smarter though. Any time a chick gets in my face I always think about the consequences of my actions if I lose my cool for 1 split second. That quick jab could land you in jail and its never worth it.
Damn that's messed up. Dude had scholarship offers from schools like Michigan, Xavier and Wisconsin.. 
 TRIPPIN'!! I would've been chillin, lettin these colleges court me and treat me like royalty, and have a round robin with the yambz being thrown my way.. 
Dude if you pull a broad by the arm IT"S ASSAULT.smh

If you and a female are riding in a car and she ask's to get dropped off at a friends house and you refuse and decide to drop her off home across town, IT's KIDNAPPING. Smh

It can be the slightest of mishaps that leads your asss in jail.smh.

and 90% of the time the accuser lie's their *** off and try to make themselves the most innocent victim.
I mean, it takes a certain kind of individual to kidnap another person. So while we may see him feeling remorseful in court etc. Something isnt quite right there in his head. You may get mad at people, ok but has anyone here ever thought about assaulting followed by kidnapping said person? I dont think so
why does it matter if it's a male or female? I'm tired of women being untouchable in such situations, if a girl kidnapped a dude then the guy would be clowned for life.
regardless he deserved it but it doesn't matter that it was a female. get that straight.

Further more, was the girl white?

Unless she was fat trailer trash, with a 3 year sentence??? Of course she wasn't white :lol:

Another dude throwing his life away other dumb decisions :smh: Can't have sympathy for somebody who actually commits the crimes

But...i would like to know the full details since I'm only going by the yahoo story. Like, was it actually assault and kidnapping, or was it the scenario IAMLegend2345 described, cause if that is the case, then damn :smh:
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so the girl forced him to kidnap her? Some NTers are ******g brain dead. And thinking he shouldn't go to jail just because he may have ended up a college star is the type of ******** that lets them think they can get away with this stuff. And he got the minimum sentence he should've been thanking his lawyer in that video.
"Judge Pamela Barker said of the video: “Lane is literally cowering in a corner and she is trying to push him away from her. And ultimately, then, he, hits her in the head several times as she is cowered in that corner. That’s what the court witnessed on those videotapes, and that does not incorporate, as far as I understand, is all that took place because this was within the confines of the apartment complex."

I guess you forgot this in the OP. I hope this guy rots in jail he nothing but a big *****.
smh at the cat that made the martin comparison..i hate you for making me laugh in a serious situation

but dude lucky he didnt get more..I wonder who is chick is..on another note why my dude look mad pasty on fox 8 now and when did they get that spanish chick

damn ive been absent from Cleveland for a minute..but then again only old people watch fox 8..19 action news were its at

Nevermind..damn Ive never seen her before she cool..she looks like she has no dambs about what she did and she she shouldnt
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