High school basketball star gets 3 years for kidnap/assault of his ex Did he deserve it?

The girl is black. She's in the video posted on the news link in the court room crying when he got sentenced.
Dude if you pull a broad by the arm IT"S ASSAULT.smh

If you and a female are riding in a car and she ask's to get dropped off at a friends house and you refuse and decide to drop her off home across town, IT's KIDNAPPING. Smh

It can be the slightest of mishaps that leads your asss in jail.smh.

and 90% of the time the accuser lie's their *** off and try to make themselves the most innocent victim.

Maybe I'm ignorant but can you point to ANY cases where this has actually happened? Like one? Neither of those things you mentioned qualify as assault or kidnapping under the legal definitions as far as I know....and why even bring this up, he repeatedly hit her in the head while she was defenseless in a damn corner. He got what he deserved, that's cowardice and stupidity at its finest
Can't embed on my phone, Dude at court:

Welp, When keeping it real goes wrong. :lol: :smh:

tried not to laugh, but couldn't help it. he must thought he was arrested for trespassing. kidnapping is a very serious offense and with assault added on im going to say three years is light if we're being unbias.

hope ish works out for him though
:rofl: at his reaction to his sentence..... be a man........ o wait, you abuse females. keep that jump shot right and your butt hole tight :smokin
His twitter acct.


You can clearly see he's a boy in a man's body. Son seems airheaded as ****

Interesting that alot of friends (even Trey Burke of Michigan) have a lot to say about his case and just as I suspected...that "kidnapping" term isn't as black/white as everyone would be led to believe.

I remember one of my former teammates picked up a "kidnapping" charge by picking his daughter up from her grandparents house to stay w/ him for the weekend which was an arranged occurrence...though not legally as they did not share joint custody and he wasn't on child support. He and the kid's mom weren't together but were still messing around and she found out he actually did have a new chick. To stick it to him...she called the police while her daughter was staying with the father and told them that he took her w/o consent.

Kidnapping charge.
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I don't think that's the intent of his comment.
He's saying dudes repeatedly have some sort of downfall or mishap...over domestic issues w/ women. Not that the women "force" men to do these things.
that might have been what he meant, but the way he worded it "dumbass woman" or "dumb broad" seems like he was placing the blame on her

It should have been every dumb dudes downfall is a woman.  We don't know anything about the chick in this case....
Am I bugging...or have I saw this guy's pic posted on NT before?

I do NOT forget faces (nor do I believe all brothers look the same).

He's either an NT'er or bares a striking resemblance to someone on here.
seems like a regular teenager to me
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Dude was trying to clown some people on his twitter, I wonder what they're think of him now. :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"Lmao is this a girl or boy? We will never know"

"lmao this girl got a CD player"

Sorry for the Ninjahood sized pics. :wow:
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i really wanna know...wanna make my own judgement...

sad tho...



1 wrong decision can ruin a life on the straight and narrow.

Families make a lot of sacrifices to help support star HS athletes, so I know they're going through it too.

What he did called for some time, though.

When you're young and dumb with a God complex, stuff happens.

Hopefully the girl recovers from the incident and he can still salvage his future.
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