Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

That's not a punishment, just consequences of your actions and feeling out compatibility. Just hopefully it won't lead her to lie about it in the future.
I figure it’s one of those hard truth conversations that people generally try not to have.

Would I have cared if a chick had 5 times the number of bodies I had, if this was 2017 then yeah I would since I only had 3. But now, I could care less. Everyone has a past, some freakier than others and I don’t feel as though people should put too much into the whole body count thing especially as they get older.
I can't speak for all (or most) men, but body count matters to me. I'm gonna feel some type of way if the women I've been dating for some time reveals that she's slept with over 30-50 men. I'd like to know straight up what kind of person i'm dealing with rather than finding out later. However frivolous it may seem, that's a deal breaker for me.
In the social media era, everything you say can be considered misogynistic :smh:

That sub is a cess pool. Almost always in favor of women, regardless of the circumstances. I was reading a huge thread recently where a dude and his woman were getting handsy on the couch, then she stopped and said something like "you know what would be sexy? If you cleaned the house." He said he felt it was too "transactional" for her to request that as a condition of having sex, and was getting absolutely blasted in the comments. Women were replying about how much work / mental stress it is to clean and cook, posting links and blogs written by women, etc.

I'm all for a shared household chores compromise, and not downplaying how "easy" cooking and cleaning are by any means, but aren't there 2 sides to every story? If women want to share the cleaning / cooking - are they also going to share the responsibilities that men are just assumed to take on because they are men? Mowing the lawn, changing the oil, fixing **** around the house, maintaining the finances, etc. Again, I am in no way saying "women are 100% responsible for cooking and cleaning" but there is more to maintaining a household than those 2 chores.

I might be biased though, because of my situation. I did 100% of the outside household ****, 100% of the finances, at least 50% of the cleaning, and towards the end was cooking for myself while she was laying on the couch on instagram.
I might be biased though, because of my situation. I did 100% of the outside household ****, 100% of the finances, at least 50% of the cleaning, and towards the end was cooking for myself while she was laying on the couch on instagram.
That sounds like my situation only it was with my sister asking for a whole lot from her siblings. The result was the same with her laying on the couch on Instagram. My bro and I pulled back on all the help we were giving her so now she’s making her 13 year old son do those chores for her. Last I was told by him, she’s still on the couch during the day and sneaking out the house at night. Best I could tell him was “you’ll be 18 soon. Just focus on school” 🤷‍♂️
I might be biased though, because of my situation. I did 100% of the outside household ****, 100% of the finances, at least 50% of the cleaning, and towards the end was cooking for myself while she was laying on the couch on instagram.
Similar situation. And I grew up where men just do financials and outside work. It’s a trip how roles/norms have changed
Oh. In the context of the question asked above it was a response to, I assumed it was some sort of stripper, porn star,, escort, or other sex worker. I was raking my mind to make something up with those letters.
Oh. In the context of the question asked above it was a response to, I assumed it was some sort of stripper, porn star,, escort, or other sex worker. I was raking my mind to make something up with those letters.
This guy lol..

Funny cause lately I’ve been spying pron with doctor patient storylines. I’m like doesn’t the hospital bed have wheels on em
I can't speak for all (or most) men, but body count matters to me. I'm gonna feel some type of way if the women I've been dating for some time reveals that she's slept with over 30-50 men. I'd like to know straight up what kind of person i'm dealing with rather than finding out later. However frivolous it may seem, that's a deal breaker for me.
A female is never gonna tell you her real body count :lol:

Every girl I ever asked how many they had sex with... the answer is always 4 or 5.

In the social media era, everything you say can be considered misogynistic :smh:

Eh he posed the question himself it's not like she called him that. This situation is completely his fault. I'd never ask questions that specific but those are the type of conversations you have early on not 3 months in.

She was compatible for 3 months then he got in his feelings when he found out the yambs were a GR and she wasn't special

15 is on the high end at 21 but he's 24 not 18. The numbers aren't on his side if he wants a chick with 2 bodies or less. Less than 7 is probably a stretch depending on location
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when he found out the yambs were a GR and she wasn't special
And if we're keeping it real....there's a high probability if he had 20 bodies and she said 15-20 he'd still feel some type of way at the very least.

Context matters with counts anyway. Catching 3 during group activities is much different than catching 3 separately
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