Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

The evolution of this discussion :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I 100% understand want you mean by the principalities, though Based Jesus Based Jesus . I thought about them a lot with my ex but ended up leaving a lot of money on the table with because I know myself and between the state of affairs when things ended and me not liking to lose, that negotiations would have turned hostile within the first few emotionless, professional, passive aggressive communications then all hell would have broken loose :lol:
My first BM has some of my Nike system of dress shorts, I think the UConns. Remember when that was a thing when it first started? Also I saw she got my gold Nike battlegrounds cut off. I wonder what other hotness of mine random broads out there got.
One of the silly things I used to live by is this Heat quote, so i've never been mad at anything left. Older now it's a bit selfish and unrealistic, but it had it's perks.


I just recently saw this movie for the first time and this quote hit me, mayne. I see the upside but you are right; it is definitely selfish.

Valentine’s Day is lit
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