Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Long time reader first timer here, going through a separation after being 15 years with this woman. Sucks man really bad I wish she would’ve left a lot sooner now I’m 37 😡 😞

The first few months will be really tough man. Find as many hobbies as you can to stay busy and keep your mind off her.

Doesn’t have to be with people either. The next few years could be the best of your life and will definitely be the real eye opener to how women move out here.
:emoji_point_up: What dontsteponmyshoes dontsteponmyshoes said. Even yambs know this. My ex and I went on 6 or 7 dates over two months before she was previously engaged. I don't know how most would react but I didn't ask too many questions at the time. I was shook but everyone around me was ho-hum about it when I told them so I guess it's not a big deal to most?

I was much younger at the time FWIW and as I got/get older, I have found many others with similar situations so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Definitely don't lament or harp on it with them, though.
Those young relationships are tough because you never really got to grow and know yourselves outside the relationship. Last one i heard like that she ended it after he threw her a birthday party, went with a coworker. Took him about a year, a really tough year of trying to get back but he got over it and moved on. Coworker ended up dropping her and she proceeded to try and make dudes life hell for not wanting her back.
Long time reader first timer here, going through a separation after being 15 years with this woman. Sucks man really bad I wish she would’ve left a lot sooner now I’m 37 😡 😞
Keep your head up bro. One thing you shouldn't do is jump into another relationship right now. Trust me, stay single, work on yourself, spend that extra time with your kids (if you have) or chill with your boys. Keep yourself busy and with a clear mind.

My ex broke up with me after 4 years (caught her anyways), and it was a rough months after. I try dating but my mind was not in the right place. Absolute wish I focused on me more and not trying to holla at women. Dumb move on my part. That was 2 years ago and things are MUCH better now. But man, that year after a break up was TOUGH.
Long time reader first timer here, going through a separation after being 15 years with this woman. Sucks man really bad I wish she would’ve left a lot sooner now I’m 37 😡 😞

Welcome to the club. I'm 38 and just finalized my divorce recently (besides paying this bish out).

Its a weird world out there, as you will likely come to find out or likely already know if you are on any type of social media.
Welcome to the club. I'm 38 and just finalized my divorce recently (besides paying this bish out).

Its a weird world out there, as you will likely come to find out or likely already know if you are on any type of social media.

Checking back in - what’s been going on fam?
Rookie mistake!

Why would he send her money and not just pay for the Uber to his house? :lol:

I asked myself the same exact thing :lol: The ONLY reason I could think of is that he thought she may have found it creepy giving him her address. However, if she is going to share her yambs with you then sharing her address shouldn't be a problem. Conversely, if she doesn't give you the addy for the Uber then she's probably fronting.

I also realized son would have had to pay for Uber home so that's $100 in rides + any other expenses for entertainment just to smash :lol:
storm2006 storm2006 whats the cost of yambs? To some, priceless!

I was giving dude a hard time but it is a perfect example of how sometimes even if you're doing something simple like having her slide thru there IS an associated cost. I have come to terms with the fact that you have to pay to play so I'm not even mad at ole boy. Even if he went to her spot it's costing him the same $100 :lol:
Keep your head up bro. One thing you shouldn't do is jump into another relationship right now. Trust me, stay single, work on yourself, spend that extra time with your kids (if you have) or chill with your boys. Keep yourself busy and with a clear mind.

My ex broke up with me after 4 years (caught her anyways), and it was a rough months after. I try dating but my mind was not in the right place. Absolute wish I focused on me more and not trying to holla at women. Dumb move on my part. That was 2 years ago and things are MUCH better now. But man, that year after a break up was TOUGH.
I feel lost, I really don’t know what to do but like you guys say just keep busy is the best therapy

I was giving dude a hard time but it is a perfect example of how sometimes even if you're doing something simple like having her slide thru there IS an associated cost. I have come to terms with the fact that you have to pay to play so I'm not even mad at ole boy. Even if he went to her spot it's costing him the same $100 :lol:

My boy once got got on the Lyft sitaution

Bought a girl a Lyft so she could go get something from her crib - she ended up changing the Lyft another 90 miles away 😂😂😂
My boy once got got on the Lyft sitaution

Bought a girl a Lyft so she could go get something from her crib - she ended up changing the Lyft another 90 miles away 😂😂😂

:wow: :wow: :wow: WHAT?!?!? First off, where the hell could she have been going 90 miles away :lol: Second, I guess I'm misinformed but I thought you could only change the destination in the app? That's at least what drivers have told me to do in the past if I need to change locations or add a stop. Could be a recent change to prevent stuff like this.

Funniest part of that is that I am assuming she was supposed to come back but went somewhere 90 miles away :lol:
Despite the feels once you get back out there you can mention this is your first time back out there after getting out but dont dwell on it or bring it up to potential prospects more than necessary. Especially if youre out there just putting up jumpers again to get your form back. Keep your heart 3 stacks keep your heart...
Thanks for the advice
In this evil world we live in, I'm gonna assume the lyft driver caught-on and cracked her back 90 miles away.
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