Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

In all seriousness, I think people just get bored and take for granted the partner they have.

It aint easy keeping someone always excited for decades. Most marriages are super boring after about 5 years or so. Thats not even what a marriage is about.

Wait you mean it's not about expensive vacations and dinners? Luxury vehicles and gucci bags?
I have a bad habit of getting bored with women... after about a year.. im bored

thats how i know i havent found the right one..

i actually just proposed a "throuple" situation.. thats the only way I think i can just be content..

pv$sy gets old quick man... i dont see how dudes be wit joints for 20 years... i want to find that one

had a convo wit an established old head the other day and he said dont think about marriage until 40
Wait you mean it's not about expensive vacations and dinners? Luxury vehicles and gucci bags?
Not if the woman feels she is in an abusive relationship, my buddy’s ex girl ended remarried and the guy had money but he was abusive and divorced him. She said she rather struggle than be in that type of relationship
Another potential part of the issue is that I feel a lot of women set the life goal of getting married and/or having kids. I think that leads to them pushing the issue without fully thinking it through and they eventually realize married life isn’t what they expected. It was just some arbitrary goal that they set for themselves.
The chick I mentioned who's getting married to other dude but invited me, no one besides me understands why she's marrying him. Since I dated her, I know just how fixated she is on the idea of being married and she's already past the age she wanted to do it at. He wants to marry her and she's not gonna keep looking since the dream already died a bit. I just hope it doesn't end poorly with her not feeling fulfilled and now it's his problem through no fault of his own.

Dated another chick who all she did was complain about her ex and her sister because her ex never gave her the things her sister has, a ring, children and straight hair. And I'm like, how do you intend to find anyone willing to do more than **** when it's clear you're only looking to settle a one-sided vendetta? Marriage be having women in prisons of their own making :smh:
Thanks everyone for hearing me out and giving me pointers. As I mentioned I’ve been the type of person for the last 15 years all about my family so hard to talk to ppl about my problems

Breaking a family, wrecking a home, and hurting children just because she's bored is a whole other level of sickness.

From what you shared you better run and never look back.

Her priorities are all messed up - but nothing these streets won't fix.

May she get all the "excitement" she's looking for.

In the meantime - Hope you get primary custody of your children Fam.

They don't need to see what comes next.

The grass isn't greener across the street.

The grass is greener where we water it.
Wait you mean it's not about expensive vacations and dinners? Luxury vehicles and gucci bags?

Social media is dangerous pedaling those ideas. Real talk, the chase and honeymoon phases are extremely exciting but a lot of women think it will be like that forever. Some don't realize that once you are in a relationship for a few years, living together, etc. that it is like being in the trenches. Boozy Sunday brunches followed by a nice walk turns into Sunday weekly meal prep and BPRs :lol:
It’s nice to see dudes opening up post break up man and everyone chiming in with helpful advice, always love to see that ****

Something I did a lot in college that was refreshing was take dudes under the wing that lacked confidence, whether it be from a break up, overall insecurity, or they just didn’t fit in.

Bring them out a few times to house parties or bars and watch them adapt over time, now when they update me years later w their recent flourishing and I’m like my man :pimp:

The bond between bros is something females will never have but once somebody break that you gotta ex communicate them
Another potential part of the issue is that I feel a lot of women set the life goal of getting married and/or having kids. I think that leads to them pushing the issue without fully thinking it through and they eventually realize married life isn’t what they expected. It was just some arbitrary goal that they set for themselves.
I’ve been told women want the wedding not the marriage.
I’ve been told women want the wedding not the marriage.

Yep and can't forget the ring too. It's like engagement/marriage is a concept for some them whereas for most dudes it is a product launch because we think everything is a go :lol:

onlyjs onlyjs - I noticed you mentioned it is only a separation and not a final divorce yet. Any hopes or plans of trying to make one last push? You can be honest, this is a safe space (srs).
For those
Yep and can't forget the ring too. It's like engagement/marriage is a concept for some them whereas for most dudes it is a product launch because we think everything is a go :lol:

onlyjs onlyjs - I noticed you mentioned it is only a separation and not a final divorce yet. Any hopes or plans of trying to make one last push? You can be honest, this is a safe space (srs).
No worries not afraid to speak on my situation, I need to air it out. I mention separation because we never got married legally, here in Texas it’s considered common law married since we have been together for so long. As for giving it another push I tried man asked to work things out but she’s like no. So now I suffer but don’t ask to try and fix things. I hate my kids will be in a broken home which I came from, never wanted that for my kids
For those

No worries not afraid to speak on my situation, I need to air it out. I mention separation because we never got married legally, here in Texas it’s considered common law married since we have been together for so long. As for giving it another push I tried man asked to work things out but she’s like no. So now I suffer but don’t ask to try and fix things. I hate my kids will be in a broken home which I came from, never wanted that for my kids

I got you now. Damb bro, I'm sorry to hear all of that and even though I haven't been through this exact situation, I feel really bad about the kids.

The only reason I asked is because I didn't know if you were going to spam the romantic gesture card or something. I wouldn't even criticize you if you were planning to but I was just going to say that from my experience, I would strongly advise against it because not only does it ineffective but it makes you feel worse when it doesn't. When they have made up their mind, they have made up their mind. Which was usually long before they told you|l
It’s nice to see dudes opening up post break up man and everyone chiming in with helpful advice, always love to see that ****

Something I did a lot in college that was refreshing was take dudes under the wing that lacked confidence, whether it be from a break up, overall insecurity, or they just didn’t fit in.

Bring them out a few times to house parties or bars and watch them adapt over time, now when they update me years later w their recent flourishing and I’m like my man :pimp:

The bond between bros is something females will never have but once somebody break that you gotta ex communicate them
Sounds like アミーゴ アミーゴ
I got you now. Damb bro, I'm sorry to hear all of that and even though I haven't been through this exact situation, I feel really bad about the kids.

The only reason I asked is because I didn't know if you were going to spam the romantic gesture card or something. I wouldn't even criticize you if you were planning to but I was just going to say that from my experience, I would strongly advise against it because not only does it ineffective but it makes you feel worse when it doesn't. When they have made up their mind, they have made up their mind. Which was usually long before they told you|l
That’s what my buddy and that woman mentioned, when I woman does a certain movement they have thought about it long and hard and they are done. Which is crazy, when I would see her upset or anything (which is why she was like that, since she was checking out) I would ask what’s wrong to try to make things better trying to solve whatever was on her mind. Not knowing that her problem was me, I just thought since women are very emotional I was trying to be a good hubby you can say and trying to diffuse whatever was bothering her. I told her, I always tried talking to you, literally!!! Not fighting or any tension just trying to help in anyway
And this is how it should be

But most of the time, gonna be dudes that feel the need to dirty Mack or block
How bad does it feel when you turn a friend onto a lay up and he ends up turning into a complete perv and blows it? :lol:

Been feeling for our guys in here going through it right now, but one of the best things about married life is feeling no shame at all setting up a shot/falling on my face for my buddies.

Definitely had my own self-inflicted wounds on my marriage that I’m working through, trying to walk a tight line right now to regain some trust/love that I lost (nothing infidelity related). Been reflecting on how we’ve handled those as a couple with some of the recent posts.
How bad does it feel when you turn a friend onto a lay up and he ends up turning into a complete perv and blows it? :lol:

Been feeling for our guys in here going through it right now, but one of the best things about married life is feeling no shame at all setting up a shot/falling on my face for my buddies.

Definitely had my own self-inflicted wounds on my marriage that I’m working through, trying to walk a tight line right now to regain some trust/love that I lost (nothing infidelity related). Been reflecting on how we’ve handled those as a couple with some of the recent posts.
Sounds like there’s still work to be done but at least she didn’t give up on you! Best of luck
Telling you the truth/making fun of you isn't the same as bashing you.

Talking or dating a chick just because she's receptive generally isn't a good idea. Some are just bored/lonely they'll talk to or go on dates anyone who gives them attention. Since you don't know how to do things casually you're just gonna get your feelings hurt.

I know executive76 executive76 is going bash me regardless, but I must be crazy for lusting/dreaming after girls I went to school with? Both are in relationships(one engaged, one lives in ATL). They’re not the only ones but idk.

I’m positive we went over this discussion before, but seems I can’t help it. I still need to focus on myself, but I always find myself intrigued with their lives(because sadly all I do is work) and if that doesn’t work, at least put myself out there with whoever is receptive.

I don’t plan on going back to dating apps so that’s out of the question.

Sounds like you need therapy. Most people think about or maybe lust but you're moving into Joe Goldberg territory dreaming about them and being intrigued with their lives. ESPECIALLY if you didn't have a real rapport/connection with them back then.

Sounds like there’s still work to be done but at least she didn’t give up on you! Best of luck
Definitely still work to be done, but it’s pretty much all on my side now. Borderline alcoholism is a hell of a situation to be in, but quitting cold turkey for the sake of my relationship with my wife has been an easy decision but tough process to work through.

We’ve gone through the whole Love Language testing thing, but for the longest time she wasn’t giving any words of affirmation (which is my top love language). That was super tough until I finally got through to her that I needed to hear reassurance from her that I was on the right track.

Highly recommend the Love Languages test for any of y’all working on getting into any sort of serious relationships. It can cut off so many arguments or hurt feelings when you understand how your partner feels love (though it doesn’t help when they just ignore your language).
I've been getting more punani in my Chelsea boots than any pair of Yeezys or Travis Scotts too.

Never hanging those up.
Maybe it's me, but Jordan 1s are the undisputed buns getter of all time. It's too easy. Most these girls in mids with a jumpman tongue so when they see the high cut and the swoosh they smile extra big.

"I like your ones... where you get them at?"

I have a bad habit of getting bored with women... after about a year.. im bored

thats how i know i havent found the right one..

i actually just proposed a "throuple" situation.. thats the only way I think i can just be content..

pv$sy gets old quick man... i dont see how dudes be wit joints for 20 years... i want to find that one

had a convo wit an established old head the other day and he said dont think about marriage until 40
This is a wild take, lol.

I think this is the classic line were you gotta look at yourself in the mirror... re-evaluate your life and find what makes you happy.
Telling you the truth/making fun of you isn't the same as bashing you.

Talking or dating a chick just because she's receptive generally isn't a good idea. Some are just bored/lonely they'll talk to or go on dates anyone who gives them attention. Since you don't know how to do things casually you're just gonna get your feelings hurt.

Sounds like you need therapy. Most people think about or maybe lust but you're moving into Joe Goldberg territory dreaming about them and being intrigued with their lives. ESPECIALLY if you didn't have a real rapport/connection with them back then.

I don’t think it’s that bad lol.
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