Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

fam you using the word loosely. IF she post op.  And  if she soft like a girl , talk /sound like a girl/walk like a girl yea I would cop dome or smash if I could

Some of you guys are insecure with you selfs.  I mean truthfully thats a girl now which is what I'm attracted to regardless of his gender before.  We arent attracted to women because of their gender most are attracted to women because of their looks and women qualities.

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Im sure a few of yaw have been tricked before and didnt even know it

Nah brah, that jerry springer life does not occur with logical minds.

Nah Mr. Cee

I think there are some similarities with online dating and in person, at least in the initial approach. We're looking for that one chick that'll say yes or be open to talking to you.
Tell me if this is weird or am I tripping over something petty. I was chatting with this girl in pof. We shared about 5 messages back and forth, somewhere in the mix I tell her to add me on fb. Later in the convo she asks if I eat sushi, clearly dropping a hint. Same day I get a friend request from her. I continue to reply to the msg on pof and I'm not able to send it and an alert informs me that she blocked me. I'm puzzled so I ask her about it on fb. She says something like "since I added you on fb, I ceased the line of communication in pof since we can message on here. The method of communication shifted, that's all. She's a lawyer so clearly she's smart, but that's weird to me. Blocking me, really :lol:

Got another lil cool chick that's supposed to make me a breakfast smoothie.
Superb drives one of those converted luxury cars. An aventador that was originally a mercury cougar. Probably has a manual ******.
Who the hell cares. Get her number. Txt for 2 days. Talk on phone for 1. Smash on 4th day.
I've heard it all. Son is sitting there judging, calling us insecure because we have no interest in smashing trannies. It's a new world out here b, Internet porn got **** ****** up.
Gotta see birth certificates, baby pictures (decorations better be pink), childhood photos, pads/tampon boxes in the bathroom.
Haha, some of these girls be hella lame tho. Saw one who spends hella time on there only to find out that she doesn't want to be in relationships at this time loob
Can you guys make a separate thread for the ****** talk though?

Anyway, one thing I've noticed from this online dating thing, chicks wants a dude to send 10000 selfies, ish gets exhausting..I'm not a picture taking person by any means, but you have to have some random shots in your phone that makes it looks like you just took it to send to them when they ask. And another thing is they are mad eager and willing to send the noodz now a days, I have a folder in my phone just for the noodz lol.
Now I don't agree with Superb smashing something "post-Op" knowingly....but this dude said it aint a woman unless she has ovaries :rofl:

How the hell you gonna find that out!!!!!!?????
Now I don't agree with Superb smashing something "post-Op" knowingly....but this dude said it aint a woman unless she has ovaries :rofl:

How the hell you gonna find that out!!!!!!?????

This dude is gonna require reports of pelvic ultrasounds for any broad he smashes
Smashing a ****** post-op is one thing.

Telling a bunch of a dudes on an online forum that you'd smash is another :lol:

Haha, some of these girls be hella lame tho. Saw one who spends hella time on there only to find out that she doesn't want to be in relationships at this time loob
Because she is working. Why be on a dating website when you don't want to be in a relationship? :lol:
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Can you guys make a separate thread for the ****** talk though?

Anyway, one thing I've noticed from this online dating thing, chicks wants a dude to send 10000 selfies, ish gets exhausting..I'm not a picture taking person by any means, but you have to have some random shots in your phone that makes it looks like you just took it to send to them when they ask. And another thing is they are mad eager and willing to send the noodz now a days, I have a folder in my phone just for the noodz lol.

Definitely :lol: and you have to have them at various times of the day. Can have her ask for a pic at 1pm and you send her something you took outside at 10pm
I think there are some similarities with online dating and in person, at least in the initial approach. We're looking for that one chick that'll say yes or be open to talking to you.

Yes and no.

Online dating is like trying to talk to a girl in a room filled with 1000 dudes who are also trying to talk to her.

Offline dating is talking to a girl when it's just you talking to her.
I dont see the problem. only thing seperates man from women is genitals  for most part. She had surgery and now he/she have a cooch, she looks very pretty now and is basically a women now

I hate to say this but I would 100% smash. No Lie or atleast get doom

dont see an issue with ppl thinking like this. a ****** aint my cup of tea though. if thats what ppl are into let them rock.
you broke up with her? dawg, seemed like you was ready to put a ring on it doe

lol meh, long story , I was gonna make a thread, but don't want my business out like that especially since I know so many lurkers
good decision on not makin a thread about it lmao, i already know what happened doe

but this is good doe, you can smash all them chicas who mirin now

You got shredded and left the chick who was with you when you were bigger, coldblooded fam :lol:
I think there are some similarities with online dating and in person, at least in the initial approach. We're looking for that one chick that'll say yes or be open to talking to you.

Yes and no.

Online dating is like trying to talk to a girl in a room filled with 1000 dudes who are also trying to talk to her.

Offline dating is talking to a girl when it's just you talking to her.

What about the dudes who talked to her before n after you approach?
I went there way back when, all self respect is left on the outskirts of ypsi. Them **** don't give a **** up there
its hella hos at UofM doe, i wnt to a business camp my sofmore summer yr in hs at UofM, i was lame back then, but me and my cousin snuck to some actual students dorms, bops was GOIN, but look doe, they was bad too, i aint smash doe, i was on somthin else

but you right about EMU, my homies all got burned by a EMU ho when they got rekless out there
its hella hos at UofM doe, i wnt to a business camp my sofmore summer yr in hs at UofM, i was lame back then, but me and my cousin snuck to some actual students dorms, bops was GOIN, but look doe, they was bad too, i aint smash doe, i was on somthin else

but you right about EMU, my homies all got burned by a EMU ho when they got rekless out there
Eastern and Western. All the dumbass fine broads that couldn't get into scUM or State.
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