Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

TL;DR lesson:
Hinge seems better. And not just for long-term, but for hookups. The Hinge app does a better job digitizing the feel of IRL dating" experience. Which imo also makes it easier to turn digital conversations into irl meetings. And hinge has cool features like letting you state your intention of just looking for hookups upfront, or ignoring answering the question entirely. But it's still the internet, so nothing is perfect here. And any unmoderated social media apps (all tech companies) will be prone to bots, scammers et al to make the ambiguity more confusing.

^Okay, so whether or not Hinge is for "Long-terms only" is a grey area. Meaning you get to define the rules :smile:

My friend said "Hinge the company pitches it as a long term thing in their marketing. But on the app, you can do whatever you want." Which is true, I put on my profile whatever I want. First I had IIRC "Not looking for anything serious" , then changed it to "Not sure yet". And then I just hid it (so "what I'm looking for is not visible on my profile).

But yeah , also, these apps can delete your messages whenever - which I just learned , so I'm not 100% certain if it was Hinge or Bumble, but earlier I was on Hinge (i THINK) and thE BY FAR THE HOTTEST match of the day told me straight up she's down to hookup if I'm down to pay. She then said I could ping her on Snapchat (which I don't have) and she left her handle or whatever. But I didn't click on the snapchat link and now when I look back in my messages it's not there any more - I think she unmatched me?

I'm pretty sure she was a bot - which was my opening line by the way - and really funny if she is not a bot and really smart if she was one - but yeah she looked like Sarah Vandella - so I was tempted to learn more I said "How much do you charge? And can I make request like 'Wear that choker necklace you have on in that one pic'?" So then she probably unmatched me for saying that? WHICH, THEN IS CONFUSING because if she was a ***** then why would she unmatch with someone who's willing to pay her. Whcih then means, she was probs a bot. But I'd know more if I would have clicked on her damn snapchat (dayum)
Probably not trying to leave a trail to avoid jail for sex work
I have never had a dating profile.

I spent the last 3 days doing 1 different activity per day, in different clothes, in different places. And I took 5 minutes at each activity to have someone take a picture of me. (I didn't have any pics of myself bc I don't have social media).

About 6 hours ago I bought premium Hinge and Premium Bumble. I put those new pics of me up on the profile. And I bought a "elevate your profile" 24 hour booster on Hinge.

I have been live on both apps for the last 6 hours. But I've been ON Hinge for 5 of those hours. It's way better and it's not even close. And given I bought the "profile elevator" thing but it's not even about that. It's how much fun you can have in the app. Hinge is a much more delightful experience. These people really know what they're doing. I can leave videos and voice messages on my profile. There's so much more you can do on Hinge it makes it way more fun to use.

I got 24 gals on Hinge who liked one of my photos or something on my profile. I was nervous to talk to any but I started talking to 3. 2 responded. One was boring. And the other one is a bad Brazilian chick who I'm meeting tomorrow.

I haven't looked at my bumble stats yet and I want to try a "booster" on bumble and see if that makes it better but really the app sucks on Bumble and Hinge is the clear winner
My man came through with a plan, not F around. Unlike the other troll that was in here fumbling easy plays. Look forward to hearing your results.


Maybe it'll be beneficial in some way. Like 2-4 chapters in.
TL;DR lesson:
Hinge seems better. And not just for long-term, but for hookups. The Hinge app does a better job digitizing the feel of IRL dating" experience. Which imo also makes it easier to turn digital conversations into irl meetings. And hinge has cool features like letting you state your intention of just looking for hookups upfront, or ignoring answering the question entirely. But it's still the internet, so nothing is perfect here. And any unmoderated social media apps (all tech companies) will be prone to bots, scammers et al to make the ambiguity more confusing.

^Okay, so whether or not Hinge is for "Long-terms only" is a grey area. Meaning you get to define the rules :smile:

My friend said "Hinge the company pitches it as a long term thing in their marketing. But on the app, you can do whatever you want." Which is true, I put on my profile whatever I want. First I had IIRC "Not looking for anything serious" , then changed it to "Not sure yet". And then I just hid it (so "what I'm looking for is not visible on my profile).

But yeah , also, these apps can delete your messages whenever - which I just learned , so I'm not 100% certain if it was Hinge or Bumble, but earlier I was on Hinge (i THINK) and thE BY FAR THE HOTTEST match of the day told me straight up she's down to hookup if I'm down to pay. She then said I could ping her on Snapchat (which I don't have) and she left her handle or whatever. But I didn't click on the snapchat link and now when I look back in my messages it's not there any more - I think she unmatched me?

I'm pretty sure she was a bot - which was my opening line by the way - and really funny if she is not a bot and really smart if she was one - but yeah she looked like Sarah Vandella - so I was tempted to learn more I said "How much do you charge? And can I make request like 'Wear that choker necklace you have on in that one pic'?" So then she probably unmatched me for saying that? WHICH, THEN IS CONFUSING because if she was a ***** then why would she unmatch with someone who's willing to pay her. Whcih then means, she was probs a bot. But I'd know more if I would have clicked on her damn snapchat (dayum)

She's a hooker. Why are you worried about why she unmatched you? Maybe another guy reported her profile. There's plenty more on these apps
Fam, the author is named cheryl. I'm assuming it's a woman.

Do the opposite of what women tell you.

Hunters don't ask deer how to hunt
I don't think I've read anything yet that's purely relationship/marriage based yet but surely it's to come.
And not targeting you, but I know it's a common motif as far as stuff like this... but wouldn't that come off as sexist?
First date in like five years, gaiz (just got out of being engaged! - celebrate that, if it ever happens to you!!) Didn't smash, had fun making out, and best part: learned a lot.

We met at a restaurant.

I used the TAY-principle of ordering drinks and appetizers. This is smart, because you save money, and nobody fills up.

Then we went for a walk around Lake Merritt.

We decided it'd be nice to grab coffee.

After walking to two closed coffee shops in a row (it was President's Day), there was a long silence. It was odd because I knew what exactly what she was going to say. next She said "I have coffee at my place."

Didn't smash. Don't care. Yes got hard when we were kissing (yes that hasn't happened to me since like high school, but not watching pr0n for 4 months has helped access more natural vitality). Yes could've WIO. That probably would've made a cooler story for NT. But I might like her. And for the ones I like, anticipation and longing before crossing the goal line makes the feeling of being in the endzone better. And it makes me wanna score more touchdowns with them.

So we went to an arcade after that and competed in shooting hoops, ski ball, mario kart, and that.

Lessons learned:
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ "****, Marry, Kill" is still a great way to flirt. And an under the radar way to gauge chemistry. Because they reveal things like how naughty they like to see themselves, or what they're into.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ For all you seasoned vets - you probably already know this and do this. Personally, this is new to me as something I actually do (though I've "known" it forever). Esther Perel (hottest ticket in the world rn for psychology) says women get turned on by knowing that they are the source of you being turned on. It's not like that for guys. Connecting the dots to first date and pursuing behavior: that "egocentric" aspect of what turns women on is why they like compliments. So, compliments, yes, they're "old-fashioned" or you might feel corny but she won't be turned on without them.
⭐ ⭐ Meeting women on their territory comes with the added benefit of them feeling safer. (I live in SF. She lives in Oakland. Once there was a clear connection on both sides (in the "DMs" on Hinge), I said "Hey there's a really cool place by the lake in Oakland. Let's meet there tomorrow." Looking back on this decision now, it seems scalable. )
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Competition makes it easy to get physical. This can be as planned as "I win, I get a kiss" or it can be celebratory like when you're at a sports game and someone scores and you celebrate with the person next to you.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Women who were born somewhere else is a spring board for inspiration. You can be the teacher and they be the student: ask them to teach you a word or phrase, then you practice right then and there in front of them. Make it playful. You can play a game "You speak Portugese, and I'll speak English and I'll try to guess what you're saying." If you're bold enough to take some guesses and luck into being close-to-right that's about as intimate as it gets. And if you play that "guess what I';m saying game" the ambiguity of the whole thing makes it really hot. Other in-roads for interesting conversations: you can do a little bit of research (politics in brazil) or go out a limb with the stuff you already know (I told her "Basically only Brazilians I know are soccer players 🤷 "). And then ask thoughtful questions about their home country. She said "guys ask me all the time stupid questions about brazil. Like they want geography questions. I'm like 'LOok it Up on a ****ing Map!' Ask me the juicy stuff not the stuff anyone can google."I asked her stuff like "How come Brazilians have so many names? Americans usually only have one first, one middle, one last. Ya'll soccer players got like ten names. Also, one of them is named Hulk. How common is that name?" And "How come Brazil puts their favorite president in jail? What the heck is goin on in Brazil" in a playful tone of voice.

Questions for NT:
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 For you guys that have rosters of women, how do you do it? Do they know about each other? How do you handle the "what you're looking for" conversation; do you straightup tell them "I'm not looking for anything serious" or do you conceal and hope for the best?
🤔 🤔 Am I a simp if I prefer talking to one woman at a time?
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 What is your non-physical threshold to smash? Rationale, how weird is it to prefer to a) long/anticipate before smashing, and b) actually like someone's company before smashing? In my history, the sex and relationship is almost always better this way. But I wanna know what NT thinks.

https://emojipedia.org/thinking-face/#:~:text=Emoji Meaning,don't know about that.

First date in like five years, gaiz (just got out of being engaged! - celebrate that, if it ever happens to you!!) Didn't smash, had fun making out, and best part: learned a lot.

We met at a restaurant.

I used the TAY-principle of ordering drinks and appetizers. This is smart, because you save money, and nobody fills up.

Then we went for a walk around Lake Merritt.

We decided it'd be nice to grab coffee.

After walking to two closed coffee shops in a row (it was President's Day), there was a long silence. It was odd because I knew what exactly what she was going to say. next She said "I have coffee at my place."

Didn't smash. Don't care. Yes got hard when we were kissing (yes that hasn't happened to me since like high school, but not watching pr0n for 4 months has helped access more natural vitality). Yes could've WIO. That probably would've made a cooler story for NT. But I might like her. And for the ones I like, anticipation and longing before crossing the goal line makes the feeling of being in the endzone better. And it makes me wanna score more touchdowns with them.

So we went to an arcade after that and competed in shooting hoops, ski ball, mario kart, and that.

Lessons learned:
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ "****, Marry, Kill" is still a great way to flirt. And an under the radar way to gauge chemistry. Because they reveal things like how naughty they like to see themselves, or what they're into.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ For all you seasoned vets - you probably already know this and do this. Personally, this is new to me as something I actually do (though I've "known" it forever). Esther Perel (hottest ticket in the world rn for psychology) says women get turned on by knowing that they are the source of you being turned on. It's not like that for guys. Connecting the dots to first date and pursuing behavior: that "egocentric" aspect of what turns women on is why they like compliments. So, compliments, yes, they're "old-fashioned" or you might feel corny but she won't be turned on without them.
⭐ ⭐ Meeting women on their territory comes with the added benefit of them feeling safer. (I live in SF. She lives in Oakland. Once there was a clear connection on both sides (in the "DMs" on Hinge), I said "Hey there's a really cool place by the lake in Oakland. Let's meet there tomorrow." Looking back on this decision now, it seems scalable. )
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Competition makes it easy to get physical. This can be as planned as "I win, I get a kiss" or it can be celebratory like when you're at a sports game and someone scores and you celebrate with the person next to you.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Women who were born somewhere else is a spring board for inspiration. You can be the teacher and they be the student: ask them to teach you a word or phrase, then you practice right then and there in front of them. Make it playful. You can play a game "You speak Portugese, and I'll speak English and I'll try to guess what you're saying." If you're bold enough to take some guesses and luck into being close-to-right that's about as intimate as it gets. And if you play that "guess what I';m saying game" the ambiguity of the whole thing makes it really hot. Other in-roads for interesting conversations: you can do a little bit of research (politics in brazil) or go out a limb with the stuff you already know (I told her "Basically only Brazilians I know are soccer players 🤷 "). And then ask thoughtful questions about their home country. She said "guys ask me all the time stupid questions about brazil. Like they want geography questions. I'm like 'LOok it Up on a ****ing Map!' Ask me the juicy stuff not the stuff anyone can google."I asked her stuff like "How come Brazilians have so many names? Americans usually only have one first, one middle, one last. Ya'll soccer players got like ten names. Also, one of them is named Hulk. How common is that name?" And "How come Brazil puts their favorite president in jail? What the heck is goin on in Brazil" in a playful tone of voice.

Questions for NT:
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 For you guys that have rosters of women, how do you do it? Do they know about each other? How do you handle the "what you're looking for" conversation; do you straightup tell them "I'm not looking for anything serious" or do you conceal and hope for the best?
🤔 🤔 Am I a simp if I prefer talking to one woman at a time?
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 What is your non-physical threshold to smash? Rationale, how weird is it to prefer to a) long/anticipate before smashing, and b) actually like someone's company before smashing? In my history, the sex and relationship is almost always better this way. But I wanna know what NT thinks.

https://emojipedia.org/thinking-face/#:~:text=Emoji Meaning,don't know about that.

1. Straight up tell them the truth. No reason to lie. If it ends, it ends.

2. Nah that doesn't make you a simp for talking to one woman. Not everyone can handle a roster :lol:

Being 5 years out of the game and scoring a date and making out in such a short time is impressive.
I've never WIO to any woman before

Usually I wait till they grind up on it or rub their hands in that region then I know it's GO :lol:
🤔 🤔 Am I a simp if I prefer talking to one woman at a time?
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 What is your non-physical threshold to smash? Rationale, how weird is it to prefer to a) long/anticipate before smashing, and b) actually like someone's company before smashing? In my history, the sex and relationship is almost always better this way. But I wanna know what NT thinks.

https://emojipedia.org/thinking-face/#:~:text=Emoji Meaning,don't know about that.

You aren't a simp if you don't want multiple women and are looking for something serious. Juggling women is a lot of work at times.
First date in like five years, gaiz (just got out of being engaged! - celebrate that, if it ever happens to you!!) Didn't smash, had fun making out, and best part: learned a lot.

We met at a restaurant.

I used the TAY-principle of ordering drinks and appetizers. This is smart, because you save money, and nobody fills up.

Then we went for a walk around Lake Merritt.

We decided it'd be nice to grab coffee.

After walking to two closed coffee shops in a row (it was President's Day), there was a long silence. It was odd because I knew what exactly what she was going to say. next She said "I have coffee at my place."

Didn't smash. Don't care. Yes got hard when we were kissing (yes that hasn't happened to me since like high school, but not watching pr0n for 4 months has helped access more natural vitality). Yes could've WIO. That probably would've made a cooler story for NT. But I might like her. And for the ones I like, anticipation and longing before crossing the goal line makes the feeling of being in the endzone better. And it makes me wanna score more touchdowns with them.

So we went to an arcade after that and competed in shooting hoops, ski ball, mario kart, and that.

Lessons learned:
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ "****, Marry, Kill" is still a great way to flirt. And an under the radar way to gauge chemistry. Because they reveal things like how naughty they like to see themselves, or what they're into.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ For all you seasoned vets - you probably already know this and do this. Personally, this is new to me as something I actually do (though I've "known" it forever). Esther Perel (hottest ticket in the world rn for psychology) says women get turned on by knowing that they are the source of you being turned on. It's not like that for guys. Connecting the dots to first date and pursuing behavior: that "egocentric" aspect of what turns women on is why they like compliments. So, compliments, yes, they're "old-fashioned" or you might feel corny but she won't be turned on without them.
⭐ ⭐ Meeting women on their territory comes with the added benefit of them feeling safer. (I live in SF. She lives in Oakland. Once there was a clear connection on both sides (in the "DMs" on Hinge), I said "Hey there's a really cool place by the lake in Oakland. Let's meet there tomorrow." Looking back on this decision now, it seems scalable. )
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Competition makes it easy to get physical. This can be as planned as "I win, I get a kiss" or it can be celebratory like when you're at a sports game and someone scores and you celebrate with the person next to you.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Women who were born somewhere else is a spring board for inspiration. You can be the teacher and they be the student: ask them to teach you a word or phrase, then you practice right then and there in front of them. Make it playful. You can play a game "You speak Portugese, and I'll speak English and I'll try to guess what you're saying." If you're bold enough to take some guesses and luck into being close-to-right that's about as intimate as it gets. And if you play that "guess what I';m saying game" the ambiguity of the whole thing makes it really hot. Other in-roads for interesting conversations: you can do a little bit of research (politics in brazil) or go out a limb with the stuff you already know (I told her "Basically only Brazilians I know are soccer players 🤷 "). And then ask thoughtful questions about their home country. She said "guys ask me all the time stupid questions about brazil. Like they want geography questions. I'm like 'LOok it Up on a ****ing Map!' Ask me the juicy stuff not the stuff anyone can google."I asked her stuff like "How come Brazilians have so many names? Americans usually only have one first, one middle, one last. Ya'll soccer players got like ten names. Also, one of them is named Hulk. How common is that name?" And "How come Brazil puts their favorite president in jail? What the heck is goin on in Brazil" in a playful tone of voice.

Questions for NT:
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 For you guys that have rosters of women, how do you do it? Do they know about each other? How do you handle the "what you're looking for" conversation; do you straightup tell them "I'm not looking for anything serious" or do you conceal and hope for the best?
🤔 🤔 Am I a simp if I prefer talking to one woman at a time?
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 What is your non-physical threshold to smash? Rationale, how weird is it to prefer to a) long/anticipate before smashing, and b) actually like someone's company before smashing? In my history, the sex and relationship is almost always better this way. But I wanna know what NT thinks.

https://emojipedia.org/thinking-face/#:~:text=Emoji Meaning,don't know about that.

My man.. you on point with the english second language wimminz. Especially in the bay. So many cultural knowledge especially if you speak to em in broken English.
As for roster talk, I usually did 2-3. Can’t do 4+. I’d get a stroke tryna handle for 4 personas.
First date in like five years, gaiz (just got out of being engaged! - celebrate that, if it ever happens to you!!) Didn't smash, had fun making out, and best part: learned a lot.

We met at a restaurant.

I used the TAY-principle of ordering drinks and appetizers. This is smart, because you save money, and nobody fills up.

Then we went for a walk around Lake Merritt.

We decided it'd be nice to grab coffee.

After walking to two closed coffee shops in a row (it was President's Day), there was a long silence. It was odd because I knew what exactly what she was going to say. next She said "I have coffee at my place."

Didn't smash. Don't care. Yes got hard when we were kissing (yes that hasn't happened to me since like high school, but not watching pr0n for 4 months has helped access more natural vitality). Yes could've WIO. That probably would've made a cooler story for NT. But I might like her. And for the ones I like, anticipation and longing before crossing the goal line makes the feeling of being in the endzone better. And it makes me wanna score more touchdowns with them.

So we went to an arcade after that and competed in shooting hoops, ski ball, mario kart, and that.

Lessons learned:
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ "****, Marry, Kill" is still a great way to flirt. And an under the radar way to gauge chemistry. Because they reveal things like how naughty they like to see themselves, or what they're into.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ For all you seasoned vets - you probably already know this and do this. Personally, this is new to me as something I actually do (though I've "known" it forever). Esther Perel (hottest ticket in the world rn for psychology) says women get turned on by knowing that they are the source of you being turned on. It's not like that for guys. Connecting the dots to first date and pursuing behavior: that "egocentric" aspect of what turns women on is why they like compliments. So, compliments, yes, they're "old-fashioned" or you might feel corny but she won't be turned on without them.
⭐ ⭐ Meeting women on their territory comes with the added benefit of them feeling safer. (I live in SF. She lives in Oakland. Once there was a clear connection on both sides (in the "DMs" on Hinge), I said "Hey there's a really cool place by the lake in Oakland. Let's meet there tomorrow." Looking back on this decision now, it seems scalable. )
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Competition makes it easy to get physical. This can be as planned as "I win, I get a kiss" or it can be celebratory like when you're at a sports game and someone scores and you celebrate with the person next to you.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Women who were born somewhere else is a spring board for inspiration. You can be the teacher and they be the student: ask them to teach you a word or phrase, then you practice right then and there in front of them. Make it playful. You can play a game "You speak Portugese, and I'll speak English and I'll try to guess what you're saying." If you're bold enough to take some guesses and luck into being close-to-right that's about as intimate as it gets. And if you play that "guess what I';m saying game" the ambiguity of the whole thing makes it really hot. Other in-roads for interesting conversations: you can do a little bit of research (politics in brazil) or go out a limb with the stuff you already know (I told her "Basically only Brazilians I know are soccer players 🤷 "). And then ask thoughtful questions about their home country. She said "guys ask me all the time stupid questions about brazil. Like they want geography questions. I'm like 'LOok it Up on a ****ing Map!' Ask me the juicy stuff not the stuff anyone can google."I asked her stuff like "How come Brazilians have so many names? Americans usually only have one first, one middle, one last. Ya'll soccer players got like ten names. Also, one of them is named Hulk. How common is that name?" And "How come Brazil puts their favorite president in jail? What the heck is goin on in Brazil" in a playful tone of voice.

Questions for NT:
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 For you guys that have rosters of women, how do you do it? Do they know about each other? How do you handle the "what you're looking for" conversation; do you straightup tell them "I'm not looking for anything serious" or do you conceal and hope for the best?
🤔 🤔 Am I a simp if I prefer talking to one woman at a time?
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 What is your non-physical threshold to smash? Rationale, how weird is it to prefer to a) long/anticipate before smashing, and b) actually like someone's company before smashing? In my history, the sex and relationship is almost always better this way. But I wanna know what NT thinks.

https://emojipedia.org/thinking-face/#:~:text=Emoji Meaning,don't know about that.

You fresh out of the 5 year engagement, take your time beloved. Don't be falling in like right now. Be savage for a little bit.
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