Hinge Takeover >>> Tinder, Bumble Pof

Years ago 2009ish I reach out to a mexican chick I would make out with on the bus during 10th grade 97ish. I used to make out with another Mexican chick until she told me she wanted to stop but that her cousin liked me. So I began making out with the cousin. Some reason we stopped, maybe I got tired. I changed schools bumped into her at the mall and she flipped me off. Years later I friend her on facebook and one day she posted a pic and I decided to tak a chance and hit her up. She reply‘s and I get the number and everything was cool until I asked her To meet up. She tells she doesn’t know why she gave me her number, becasue I was the biggest waste of her time. She proceeds to tell me, she really liked me in high school and I played her. I’m confused and she goes into how I would ask her if could hit if I got off at her stop. She would get excited because she saw it as us in a relationship. Told all her friends we were having sex, but I never got off the bus. I tell her, I thought all she wanted to do was make in the back of the bus. She says, this isn’t going to work, have a nice day and hangs up.
That’s unfortunate for you. Hope you can recover from that at least.

In my case, I really had no relationship/friendship with her. We had class together but I know she would always laugh at my jokes in class. I was like 13/14 then and very very hesitant to talk to women then.

There’s a lot of women I went to school I would like a chance with. Can always make up for lost time in my opinion.
Y’all ever smash some yambs then that post nut clarity hit you afterwards? Yeah that happened to me last night. Yambs weren’t bad but it shouldn’t have happened either. Slide in the dms on ig and we had been communicating back and forth for a min. Opportunity came yesterday and she came over and without all the filters/makeup, it was a let down. Plus she tried to spend the night, saying I’ll be her new f-buddy, and when we gonna be kickin it. I kicked her out after that. I had a gig to perform at (play in a band) and wasn’t about to have a first time smash crashing at the crib while I’m gone.

Moral of the story; it’s better to just rub one out instead of wasting your time, energy and maybe money on some yambs that’ll probably just be subpar. :smh:
Yeah...for as much as I use to jack off...I' m anti-masturbation at this point I think.
Bro with the lack of yambs you get, you should have arms like Popeye
I'm in a complicated relationship and actually smashed the chick I'm currently talking to. Admittedly I'm not swimming in ***** but there's that.
And like I said, just got old. Don't think there's any current pornstars with buzz that can get my attention.
Visual representational of the loser behavior.

I cringed hard at most of this especially dude in blue shirt. When mans went into detail about eating box, it made me think of the womenz I wasn’t interested in talking about giving neck. Ish would turn me off because I’m already not interested and now you give me a play by play. If anything somehow happens let it just happen but don’t tell try to paint a picture for me with that.

Will admit I’ve been variant Nav on there and had to just accept things weren’t mutual.
willypete willypete , yeah been there. I think we all have smashed someone who wasn’t up to our standards. I call it “practice”, word to A.I. :lol:

Imagine thinking about "buzz" when watching porn. Women who barely know you exist have your attention. Don't wanna fap or watch porn cool but stupid is stupid.

Obviously weren't successful in grade school but life peaked there and trying to relive it is pathetic even by your standards.

If Snapchat responses from people you have no relationship with mean something...I know pity yambs and phone/text conversations have em over the moon.
Mans came in here talking about he not gonna settle down but wants to pursue a chick in a relationship already, then the next page says “I’m in a complicated relationship”. Dude is all over the place. Getting excited over Snapchat responses from a chick that’s taken is sad. He needs to go wash his face and focus on himself.
Maybe replace buzz with attractiveness lol. Either way, I just don’t have to urge to watch porn anymore. Way past that.

It’s just what I want. Not forcing anything and as stated, plethora of options.

You guys are the trolls honestly. Can’t believe some of y’all. :smh:
That’s unfortunate for you. Hope you can recover from that at least.

In my case, I really had no relationship/friendship with her. We had class together but I know she would always laugh at my jokes in class. I was like 13/14 then and very very hesitant to talk to women then.

There’s a lot of women I went to school I would like a chance with. Can always make up for lost time in my opinion.
Man crazy looking back on high school. Had one chick use to wait for me outside my class my senior year, and we would walk to our next class together. She was a freshman so I wasn't even paying attention to her. Man my head was so high in the clouds the way my junior went I was on the straight and narrow. Hit her up on FB a couple weeks ago when she posted a high school and now pic. She was like you were my high school crush and wanted you to come at me every time. I was like I ain't even know or pay attention to the signs. She live in Ghana now, don't know if I am trying to make that type of trip for some yambs. To much stateside for all that.
These chicks is brazy

If you don't getcho purgy *** on somewhere Beth
Crazy she probably thinks that is her best photo or she know what she doing with the oysters in hand and that smile. Letting you know it all gets swallowed.
From my personal experiences....those types of chubby girls with glasses, dress and hair style are sexual freaks. Super kinky and downright nasty, lol.
Shhh for those that know, they know. Chubby not BBW be coming out closet real fast once they get back in familiar surroundings.

Update: Yambs I fumbled and fell asleep on, back on. Other yambs that my coworker tossed to me is good just need to find time to have her over. She got her 20 something sons living at her place. Can't exactly blow mom's back out with her sons there. Little do they know how much a freak there mom's is. :smh: Mom's sending topless pics, telling me how hot I got her. SMH.
Either way, I’m not you and you’re not me. It’s what I want. I’m not pressed.
Nah. We don't apologize. Makes you more memorable. Crazy as it sounds
She deserves one. I'd punch someone for treating my sister how I treated her.

Otherwise I'm not pressed over HS :lol: Sitting at home daydreaming about teenage girls laughing at my jokes :lol:
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